低压电器的研究与开发 陈德桂科技论文选集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈德桂著
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787560557380
- 页数:554 页
第一部分 发展综述 1
近期低压电器研发工作的若干动态 1
当前国内外低压塑壳断路器发展的动向 11
节能减排推动低压断路器向小尺寸、高性能方向发展 17
智能电网促进了低压电器新品种的发展与新技术的应用 22
讨论和分析近期低压电器的若干新技术 29
控制与保护开关电器的进展 36
低压电器最新技术发展动态 40
交流接触器技术发展动态 46
虚拟样机成为开发新型低压电器的关键技术 52
面向21世纪的低压电器新技术 57
第二部分 低压开关电弧与开断特性 64
Numerical Simulation of Arc Motion during Interruption Process of Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers 64
低压灭弧系统中产气材料的作用及其选择 70
Analysis and Improvement of Linkage Transfer Position for the Operating Mechanism of MCCB 75
Effect of Different Vent Configurations on the Interruption Performance of Arc Chamber* 81
两种静导电回路对塑壳断路器开断性能的影响分析 86
Experiment and Simulation Research on the Influence of Different Main Contact System on the Interruption Performance of Control and Protective Switch 93
Research on Contact Force Pairing of MCCB with Double Repulsive Contact Structure 101
利用电弧动态数学模型的低压断路器开断过程仿真分析 108
Ferromagnetic Material Effects on Air Arc Behavior 115
Effect of Back-Volume of Arc-Quenching Chamber on Arc Behavior 122
E1ectrode Evaporation Effects on Air Arc Behavior 129
Simulation of Pressure Rise in Arc Chamber of MCCB during its Interruption Process 134
A comparison of the effects of different mixture plasma properties on arc motion 139
Analysis of the Interruption Process of Molded Case Circuit Breakers 146
Study of the Effect of Gassing Material on Arc Behavior in Low Voltage Circuit Breaker 154
Study of the Influence of Arc Ignition Position on Arc Motion in Low-Voltage Circuit Breaker 160
Experimental Investigation on the Arc Motion with Different Configurations of Quenching Chamber in AC Contactor 167
弧柱压降对塑壳断路器限流性能的作用 172
Experimental Investigation on Arc Motion of MCCB with Different Configurations of Arc Chamber Using Optical Fiber Measurement System 176
Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Several Factors on the Arc Motion of a Model Quenching Chamber with Gas-Driven Arc 182
气吹灭弧与压力脱扣技术促进了低压断路器分断性能提高 188
3D Dynamic MHD Arc Mathematical Model of Low Voltage Circuit Breakers 192
低压断路器的器壁侵蚀与自动气吹灭弧新技术 197
Effect of Magnetic Field of Arc Chamber and Operating Mechanism on Current Limiting Characteristics of Low-voltage Circuit Breakers 201
低压断路器开断特性的仿真研究 208
新型灭弧系统对背后击穿现象的抑制作用 213
低压限流断路器背后击穿现象的数值模拟研究 217
低压断路器中电弧运动磁流体动力学模型的仿真研究 222
低压断路器灭弧室中磁驱电弧的数学模型 226
低压断路器电弧背后击穿现象的研究 232
栅片灭弧室电场的计算及其对灭弧性能的影响 236
双断点断路器的电弧数学模型及开断过程仿真 241
Investigation of Back Commutation Phenomena for Narrow Slot Arc Quenching in Current Limiting Circuit Breaker 247
低压限流断路器开断过程重击穿现象及防止措施 255
电弧运动通道对低压限流断路器开断过程重击穿现象的影响 259
The Effect of Self-consistent Magnetic Field on Contact Wear and Interrupting Characteristics of the Small-capacity Contactors 266
第三部分 仿真与数字化设计 273
不同进线结构与尺寸的MCCB电动斥力与电弧磁吹力的分析 274
微型断路器开断过程的数学建模与仿真分析 281
三气隙永磁接触器工作原理和静特性分析 287
双断点与单断点万能式断路器电动稳定性的分析与对比 291
基于磁场和等效磁路的磁通变换器特性仿真和优化设计 294
Thermal Analysis of AC Contactor Using Thermal Network Finite Difference Analysis Method 301
Analysis and Optimization for the Operating Mechanism of Air Circuit Breaker 307
A New Method to Evaluate the Short-Time Withstand Current for Air Circuit Breaker 313
Dynamic Simulation of Operating Mechanism for Molded Case Circuit Breaker 320
塑壳断路器不同结构触头灭弧系统吹弧磁场的分析 326
旋转双断点塑壳断路器机构的动态仿真与优化 330
交流接触器触头弹跳的仿真及影响因素 334
Analysis and Research on Electro-Dynamic Repulsion Force Acting on the Paralleled Conductors inAir Circuit Breaker 341
交流接触器温度场仿真及影响因素的分析 347
计及主回路和电磁系统发热的交流接触器数值热分析 354
一种分析多连杆永磁操动机构动态特性的方法 360
塑壳断路器滑扣现象的仿真分析 366
塑壳断路器操作机构分断速度的影响因素 372
舰用框架断路器抗冲击动力学建模与仿真 376
Investigation on the Dynamic Characteristics of a Magnetic Release in Molded Case Circuit Breaker 380
交流接触器E型电磁铁分磁环的仿真设计 385
开关柜耐受最大冲击载荷的冲击动力学研究 389
3-D Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Electrodynamic Repulsion Force in Molded Case Circuit Breakers 396
Numerical Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Behavior of AC Contactors Concerning with the Bounce of Contacts 403
计及物理参数随温度变化时螺管电磁铁温度场和瞬态热路的仿真分析 408
电力电子装置施工设计软件系统的面向对象建模 413
Analysis of Magnetic Coupled to Mechanical Motion in Solenoidal Electromagnet Excited Voltage Source 419
起重电磁铁的计算机辅助优化设计 422
第四部分 现代测试技术 431
压力测量及其在低压断路器灭弧室优化设计中应用 432
Experimental Study of the Influence of Gassing Material on Blow Open Force and Arc Motion 436
低压电器中气动斥力的实验研究 440
开关柜内部故障电弧的在线检测和保护装置 446
Measurement of the Dielectric Recovery Strength and Reignition of AC Contactors 451
A Novel Optical Fiber Measurement System of Arc Motion in Molded Case Circuit Breakers 457
采用自聚焦透镜的开关电弧运动形态光纤测试系统 464
低压断路器中电弧运动形态的观察 470
多纵缝灭弧室介质恢复强度的测试与分析 473
电弧运动图象的光电数字式测试系统 477
中大容量接触器触头斥力的试验研究 481
第五部分 智能电器 487
Thermal Simulation of a Contactor with Feedback Controlled Magnet System 488
Simulation and Analysis for a Permanent Contactor with and without Current-Feedback System 495
Analysis and Optimization for a Contactor with Feedback Controlled Magnet System 500
低压电器智能化的新技术 507
具有屏蔽机壳的电子设备系统级电磁敏感性分析方法 513
Dynamic Characteristic Analysis and 0ptimization for the Energy-Saving and Bounce-Reducing Double-Coil Contactor 518
磁通变换器的优化设计 525
交流接触器的同步控制 528
真空断路器关合速度与预击穿对同步关合的影响研究 533
基于小波变换的配电网电压暂降的干扰源辨识 538
智能电器与电力质量监控 545
交流接触器通断过程的智能操作 548
可通信低压开关电器 551
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