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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李春华编
  • 出 版 社:深圳:海天出版社
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:7805428972
  • 页数:195 页

第一章 冠词 1

1.a/an在名词前的用法 1

2.a/an在形容词最高级前的使用 1

3.a/an与quite,rather等词连用的位置 1

4.a/an与how,so,as,too等词连用的位置 2

5.a/an与trousers等具有一双,一对的词的连用 2

6.a/an错用于不可数名词前 2

7.a library for children和the library for children 2

8.是hit her in her face还是hit her in the face? 3

9.冠词在棋类、球类及交通工具等词前的使用 3

10.next和the next 4

11.冠词在节假日、季节前的使用 5

12.a red and white flower与a red flower and a white flower 5

13.He is in prison与He is in the prison 5

14.在哪些情况下形容词最高级前不用the 6

第二章 名词 8

15.名词单数变复数的读音规则 8

16.以-f结尾的名词变成复数时,是-ves还是-fs? 9

17.a police还是a policeman? 10

18.an English还是an Englishman? 10

19.information及不可数名词 12

20.much trouble还是many trouble及表示“量”的词和短语 12

21.one of the student还是one of the students? 13

22.以-er,-or,-ar结尾表示“人”的名词 13

23.family is还是family are? 13

24.a friend of John还是a friend of John's? 14

25.John's and Mary's books与John and Mary's books 15

26.ten minute's walk还是ten minute's walk? 15

27.dining table还是dining's table? 15

28.为什么要用the roof of the house,而不能说the house's roof? 16

29.that kind of和kinds of 18

30.news,politics与shorts,glasses等词的区别 18

31.road与street 19

32.cloth,cloths,clothes与clothing 19

33.couple,pair,a couple of和a pair of 20

34.food,foods和foodstuff 21

35.fruit和fruits 22

36.game,sport和match 23

37.holiday,leave和vacation 24

38.home,house和family 25

39.sound,noise与voice 26

40.men,a man和gentleman 27

41.manner和manners 28

42.nation,state和country 29

第三章 代词 31

43.I和me 31

44.it和they指代前面名词时常见错误 31

45.it和they只能指代前面出现过的名词 31

46.its/their等指代时的用法 31

47.I don't know what did he say中的错误 32

48.who is he?和what is he? 32

49.anyone of us与any one of us? 33

50.a little与a few 33

51.all和both在句中的位置 33

52.both…and 33

53.all和whole 34

54.each other与one another 35

55.this,that,these和those 35

56.反身代词不能作主语 36

57.反身代词人称顺序的选用 37

58.each与every 37

59.such的位置 38

60.other,another,the other,the others和others 38

61.no one of与none of 39

62.one,it和that 40

63.I want that book of mine 42

64.both和both of 43

第四章 形容词和副词 44

65.ill和sick 44

66.形容词与合成不定代词连用的位置 44

67.以a-开头的形容词的功能 44

68.the members present和the present members 45

69.elder及只能作定语的形容词 45

70.形容词短语作定语的位置 46

71.all,half和both等作定语的位置 46

72.else和other的位置 47

73.such的位置 48

74.six-year-old和open-minded等合成形容词 48

75.几个形容词同时作定语的位置 49

76.first two chapters or two first chapters? 50

77.为什么用He is the stronger of the two? 50

78.形容词最高级常见错误及其它表达方式 50

79.in和of在最高级中的应用 51

80.几个状语同时修饰动词时的位置 51

81.The roads in Beijing are wider than Guangzhou.中的错误 52

82.为什么He is very clever than Tom.是错句? 52

83.Please return the book back to the library tomorrow.中的错误 52

84.He speaks very perfect English.中的错误 53

85.only a little和only little 53

86.She put the vase和She lived句中的错误 53

87.turn off it还是turn it off 54

88.nearby和near by 54

89.late,lately和latterly 54

90.father与further 55

91.high和tall 56

92.high与highly 56

93.aloud与loudly 57

94.also,as well和too 58

95.already,still和yet 58

96.fairly与rather 59

97.almost与nearly 60

98.too和either 60

99.fast和fastly 60

100.He very likes English.中的错误 61

101.already,often等词在句中的位置 61

102.enough的位置 62

103.How long,how soon和how often 62

104.hard与hardly 63

105.gold与golden等词 64

106.friendly等词错用为副词 64

107.historic和history 65

108.sport car还是sports car? 65

109.to be worth doing,worth of,和worthy 66

110.exciting与excited 66

111.只能用人作主语的形容词 67

112.It is certain for him to succeed.是病句 67

第五章 动词 68

113.动词概论 68

114.when I was a child,I knew the earth was round.中的错误 68

115.一般现在时在其它时态中的应用 63

116.I was ringing the bell six times.中的错误 70

117.I think it is raining tonight.是错句 71

118.瞬间性动词在完成时中与for短语连用的错误 71

119.to be going to与shall,will表示将来的区别 73

120.谈及已故人时用is还是was? 74

121.He has been here just now.中的错误 74

122.永远没有You have gone to Shanghai.的说法 75

123.last和the last 75

124.before,after后过去完成时和过去时的应用 76

125.take place等词,短语错用于被动语态 77

126.They are had a nice house.之中的错误 78

127.It is not allowed to smoke here.是病句 78

128.we surprised to see him at the party中的错误 79

129.Don't be worried about me中的错误 79

130.These machines are made by China.中的错误 79

131.Are you all prepared?及The dictionary sells well.等句用法说明 80

132.The baby is taken good care.中的错误 81

133.Haven't you yet finished your homework?一句回答时的常见错误 81

134.not和no 82

135.I think he is not right.中的错误 82

136.It doesn't seldom rain here.中的错误 82

137.until和not…until 82

138.have to的反意疑问句 83

139.Please draw a picture to me还是for me? 84

140.I havn't a lot of time to do it.之中的错误 84

141.几对既可接不定式又可接动名词的动词的用法 85

142.She is a very good person to work.错在哪里? 89

143.see,hear,notice等词后跟不定式和分词的区别 90

144.make,let等词后跟不定式的用法 90

145.know等词后不能跟不定式 92

146.we have difficulty to study English.中的错误 92

147.spend一词的用法 92

148.It is…of/for 93

149.can和be able to 93

150.mustn't和can't 95

151.must与have to 95

152.can,may,could和might 96

153.need 98

154.ought to与should 99

155.the old和the past作名词时,数的区别 99

156.为什么Bread and butter后用is? 100

157.George,as well as Jane,后用is? 101

158.the number of和a number of 101

159.There be句型的谓语动词单、复数的用法 102

160.either of后面加什么? 102

161.part of的用法 102

162.all of…but的用法 103

163.please repeat it again 103

164.sometime,some time和sometimes 103

165.lie与lay 104

166.win和beat 105

167.hope和wish 105

168.rob与steal 107

169.no more与no longer 107

170.hurt和wound 108

171.call on与call at 109

172.get to,arrive at和reach 109

173.go on with something和go on (with) doing something 109

174.have a word with somebody和have words with somebody 110

175.join和join in 110

176.knock at与knock into 110

177.keep up with和catch up with 110

178.laugh at和laugh over 111

179.set out和set up 111

180.to be used to与used to 111

181.to be late for school与to come late to school 112

182.to be strict in something与to be strict with somebody 112

183.turn into与turn in 112

184.look at,see,watch与read 113

185.speak,say,talk和tell 113

186.make,create和do 115

187.know与learn 120

188.give与present 122

189.dress,to be dreesed,put on,have on和wear 122

190.come,become和go 123

191.buy,pay和pay for 125

192.borrow与lend 126

193.bring与take 127

第六章 连词 129

194.and和or 129

195.though和but,because和so不能连用 129

196.not only…but also 130

197.like与as 130

198.during误用为连词 131

199.because,since,as和for 131

200.when,while和as 133

201.so that,so…that和such…that 134

第七章 介词 136

202.above,over,on,below,under表示方位 136

203.in,at,by,besides,near表示方位 138

204.across,through和along 140

205.before,in front of和in the front of 141

206.around,against,beyond和about 142

207.in,on与to表示方位 143

208.between的用法 144

209.in和after表示时间 145

210.last,next,one,every等词组成的短语表示时间时,前面无介词 145

211.for与to 146

212.about和on 147

213.of和to 147

214.by,with与in 148

215.since与for 149

216.in与on 150

217.besides,except,except for和but 150

218.shout at与shout to 152

219.off,out of和from 152

220.on the farm与in the field 154

221.I heard the news from the radio.中的错误 154

222.in the tree和on the tree 154

223.at the top of与on top of 155

224.during与in 155

225.in和into 156

226.at the end of,by the end of,与in the end 157

227.in no time和at no time 158

228.on earth与on the earth 158

229.in time与on time 158

230.instead和instead of与because和because of 159

231.现代英语中till和untill的区别 159

附录 161

一、词汇 161

1.同音异形异义词(1—6册) 161

2.反义词 163

3.近义词 165

4.合成词 166

5.派生词 167

6.一些常见的词根及词素 171

二、常用短语 172

1.介词短语 172

2.表示量的短语 175

3.常用副词短语 176

4.动词短语 176

三、语音 185

四、其它附表 188

1.连词 188

2.冠词 191

3.被动语态用法表 193

4.附录:名词、动词、形容词和副词词尾变化规则 195
