- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:唐魁玉编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787560332413
- 页数:170 页
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出与研究的目的 1
1.1.1 研究背景与问题的提出 1
1.1.2 研究的目的和意义 2
1.2 国内外研究综述 4
1.2.1 关于企业组织的和谐管理研究 5
1.2.2 关于虚拟企业的性质及其对和谐管理依赖的研究 10
1.2.3 关于虚拟企业伙伴间的关系及其管理研究 12
1.2.4 关于虚拟企业合作关系的动态演化及协同模型的研究 13
1.2.5 传统企业与虚拟企业管理维度的研究 15
1.2.6 国内外研究状况的总体评述 17
1.3 研究内容与研究方法 18
1.3.1 研究内容 18
1.3.2 研究方法 19
1.3.3 技术路线 20
第2章 虚拟企业和谐互动的理论建构 22
2.1 虚拟企业和谐互动的界定 22
2.1.1 虚拟企业的和谐及其相互作用 22
2.1.2 网络社会互动中的虚拟企业 24
2.1.3 虚拟企业和谐互动的概念 26
2.2 虚拟企业和谐互动的特征分析 26
2.2.1 虚拟企业和谐互动的复杂性 26
2.2.2 虚拟企业和谐互动的系统性 27
2.2.3 虚拟企业和谐互动的开放性 28
2.2.4 虚拟企业和谐互动的敏捷性 29
2.2.5 虚拟企业和谐互动的协同性 29
2.2.6 虚拟企业和谐互动的涌现性 30
2.3 虚拟企业和谐互动理论建构的可能性与分析框架 31
2.3.1 虚拟企业和谐互动理论建构的可能性 31
2.3.2 虚拟企业和谐互动理论建构的分析框架 33
2.4 虚拟企业和谐管理的分类与理念的确立 35
2.4.1 虚拟企业和谐管理及其本质 35
2.4.2 虚拟企业和谐管理的两种类型 37
2.4.3 虚拟企业和谐管理理念的确立及其意义 39
2.5 本章小结 40
第3章 虚拟企业和谐互动的动态匹配协调管理模型 40
3.1 虚拟企业和谐互动二元协调管理模式建立的必要性与可能性 41
3.1.1 虚拟企业二元整合管理建模的必要性 41
3.1.2 虚拟企业二元整合管理建模的可能性 43
3.2 基于和谐互动的虚拟企业的二元管理模型 44
3.2.1 虚拟企业组织系统的交互作用 44
3.2.2 虚拟企业模式的演进过程 46
3.2.3 虚拟企业的二元和谐管理机制 50
3.2.4 虚拟企业二元管理的动态匹配协调模型 55
3.3 虚拟企业二元管理的动态匹配协调博弈分析 57
3.3.1 虚拟行动:一个虚拟企业的二人博弈个案 57
3.3.2 虚拟企业二元管理的动态匹配博弈分析 60
3.3.3 虚拟企业二元管理的协调博弈分析 62
3.4 本章小结 64
第4章 虚拟企业和谐互动的过程控制机理 65
4.1 虚拟企业演变过程中的和谐互动 65
4.1.1 虚拟企业的复杂演化机制 65
4.1.2 虚拟企业的和谐互动及其演化博弈论基础 66
4.1.3 非合作博弈论在虚拟企业和谐互动中的应用 69
4.2 虚拟企业运行中的混沌过程与控制方法选择 71
4.2.1 虚拟企业运行过程中表现出来的混沌特征 71
4.2.2 虚拟企业混沌过程的控制及其方法选择 74
4.3 虚拟企业和谐互动的企业家认知、理性选择与管理沟通 85
4.3.1 虚拟企业和谐互动的企业家认知 85
4.3.2 虚拟企业和谐互动的理性选择 86
4.3.3 虚拟企业的和谐互动与管理沟通 87
4.4 营造虚拟企业和谐互动管理情境的意义 88
4.5 本章小结 90
第5章 虚拟企业和谐互动的伦理规制机理 91
5.1 虚拟企业的社会伦理及其对利益相关者的影响 91
5.1.1 虚拟企业的社会伦理 91
5.1.2 虚拟企业伦理对利益相关者的影响 98
5.2 虚拟企业和谐互动的伦理规范及其对利益相关者的调适 103
5.2.1 虚拟企业和谐互动的伦理探讨维度 103
5.2.2 虚拟企业和谐互动伦理规范的确立 104
5.2.3 虚拟企业和谐互动的伦理规范对利益相关者的调适 107
5.3 虚拟企业和谐互动的伦理制度安排与社会回应 108
5.3.1 虚拟企业和谐互动的伦理制度安排 108
5.3.2 虚拟企业和谐互动伦理建设的社会回应 109
5.4 本章小结 110
第6章 虚拟企业和谐互动的绩效评价方法 111
6.1 虚拟企业的和谐主题及其对管理有效性的影响 111
6.1.1 虚拟企业的和谐互动主题 111
6.1.2 虚拟企业的管理有效性 114
6.1.3 和谐互动对虚拟企业管理有效性的影响 118
6.2 虚拟企业和谐管理绩效的评估方法 122
6.2.1 虚拟经营环境下绩效评价的特点及创新路径 122
6.2.2 虚拟企业组织效益均衡的博弈分析及管理学评价视角 123
6.2.3 虚拟企业和谐管理绩效评价指标体系的构建 126
6.3 虚拟企业和谐管理绩效评价方法的综合应用 131
6.3.1 模糊综合评估法 131
6.3.2 管理有效性的二次相对效益法 133
6.4 虚拟企业和谐管理绩效评估的价值 135
6.5 本章小结 137
第7章 虚拟企业二元和谐管理的案例与策略分析 138
7.1 案例分析:以杉杉和七匹狼集团的虚拟经营为中心 138
7.1.1 杉杉集团的虚拟经营管理的经验与教训 138
7.1.2 七匹狼集团的虚拟经营管理决策剖析 145
7.2 虚拟企业二元和谐管理过程中的优化策略 152
7.2.1 基于和谐互动的虚拟企业过程管理的优化策略 152
7.2.2 基于和谐互动的虚拟企业秩序管理的优化策略 153
7.2.3 基于和谐互动的虚拟企业绩效管理的优化策略 154
7.2.4 基于和谐互动的虚拟企业协调管理的优化策略 154
7.3 本章小结 156
结论 157
参考文献 159
后记 169
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Question Proposed and Research Significance 1
1.1.1 The Research Background and Question Proposed 1
1.1.2 The Purpose and Significance of Research 2
1.2 The Domestic and Foreign Research State 4
1.2.1 The Research of Harmonious Management of Enterprise Organization 5
1.2.2 The Research of Nature of Virtual Enterprise and Its Dependence on the Harmonious Management 10
1.2.3 The Research of Partner Relations and Its Management of Virtual Enterprise 12
1.2.4 The Research of Dynamic Evolutionary Model of Cooperative Relations of Virtual Enterprise 13
1.2.5 The Research of Management Dimensions of Traditional Enterprise and Virtual Enterprise 15
1.2.6 The Overall Assessment of Literature 17
1.3 The Research Contents and Research Methods 18
1.3.1 The Main Contents of Research 18
1.3.2 The Research Methods 19
1.3.3 The Arrangements of Chapters 20
Chapter 2 The Theory Establlishment of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 20
2.1 The Definition of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 22
2.1.1 The Harmony of Virtual Enterprise and Its Interaction 22
2.1.2 The Virtual Enterprise in the Network Social Interaction 24
2.1.3 The Concept of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 26
2.2 The Characteristics Analysis of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 26
2.2.1 The Complexity of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 26
2.2.2 The Systematicness of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 27
2.2.3 The Opening of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 28
2.2.4 The Agility of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 29
2.2.5 The Cooperativity of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 29
2.2.6 The Emergence of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 30
2.3 The Possibility and Structure of Theroy Establishment of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 31
2.3.1 The Possibility of Theroy Establlishment of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 31
2.3.2 The Structure Selection of Theroy Estqblishment of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 33
2.4 The Classification and Establishment of Idea of Harmonious Management for Virtual Enterprise 35
2.4.1 The Harmonious Management for Virtual Enterprise and Its Nature 35
2.4.2 The Two Types of Harmonious Management for Virtual Enterprise 37
2.4.3 The Establishment of Idea of Harmonious Management for Virtual Enterprise and Its Significance 39
2.5 Summary of This Chapter 40
Chapter 3 The Integration dynamic matching Management Model of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 40
3.1 The Necessity and Possibility of Dualistic Integration Management Model Establishment of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 41
3.1.1 The Necessity for the Establishing Model of Dualistic Integration Management of Virtual Enterprise 41
3.1.2 The Possibility for the Establishing Model of Dualistic Integration Management of Virtual Enterprise 43
3.2 The Dualistic Management Model Based on Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 44
3.2.1 The Interaction of Organization System of Virtual Enterprise 44
3.2.2 The Evolutionary Process of Virtual Enterprise Model 46
3.2.3 The Dualistic Harmonious Management Mechanism for Virtual Enterprise 50
3.2.4 The Dynamic Matching and Coordination Model of Dualistic Management for Virtual Enterprise 55
3.3 The Dynamic Matching and Coordination Game Analysis of Dualistic Management for Virtual Enterprise 57
3.3.1 The Virtual Action:A Two-person Game Case of Virtual Enterprise 57
3.3.2 The Dynamic Matching Game Analysis of Dualistic Management for Virtual Enterprise 60
3.3.3 The Coordination Game Analysis of Dualistic Management for Virtual Enterprise 62
3.4 Summary of This Chapter 64
Chapter 4 The Process Control Melchanism of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise4.1 The Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise in the Process of Evolution 65
4.1.1 The Complex Evolutionary Mechanism of Virtual Enterprise 65
4.1.2 The Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise and Its Evolutionary Basis of Game Theory 66
4.1.3 The Application of Non-cooperative Game Theory in the Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 69
4.2 The Chaos Process and Control Method Selection in the Operation of Virtual Enterprise 71
4.2.1 The Chaotic Characteristics Expressed in the Operation of Virtual Enterprise 71
4.2.2 The Chaotic Process Control of Virtual Enterprise andIts Method Selection 74
4.3 The Entrepreneurs Cognition,Rational Selection and Management Communication of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 85
4.3.1 The Entrepreneurs Cognition of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 85
4.3.2 The Rational Selection of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 86
4.3.3 The Management Communication and Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 87
4.4 The Significance of Building the Harmonious Interaction Management Situation of Virtual Enterprise 88
4.5 Summary of This Chapter 90
Chapter 5 The Ethic Order of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 90
5.1 The Social Ethics of Virtual Enterprise and Its Effects to the Relevant Interests 91
5.1.1 The Social Ethics of Virtual Enterprise 91
5.1.2 The Effects of Ethics of Virtual Enterprise to the Relevant Interests 98
5.2 The Ethic Norm of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise and Its Adjustment to the Relevant Interests 103
5.2.1 The Ethic Discussion Dimension of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 103
5.2.2 The Establishment of Ethic Norm of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 104
5.2.3 The Adjustment of Ethic Norm of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise to the Relevant Interests 107
5.3 The Ethic Institutional Arrangements and Social Response of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 108
5.3.1 The Ethic Institutional Arrangements of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 108
5.3.2 The Social Response of Ethic Establishment of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 109
5.4 Summary of This Chapter 110
Chapter 6 The Performance Assessment of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 110
6.1 The Harmonious Subject of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise and Its Impact to the Management Efficiency 111
6.1.1 The Subject of Harmonious Interaction for Virtual Enterprise 111
6.1.2 The Management Efficiency of Virtual Enterprise 114
6.1.3 The Impact of Harmonious Interaction to the Management Efficiency of Virtual Enterprise 118
6.2 The Assessment Method of Harmonious Management Performance for Virtual Enterprise 122
6.2.1 The Characteristics of Performance Assessment under the Virtual Operating Environment and Innovative Routine 122
6.2.2 The Game Analysis of Benefit Equilibrium of Virtual Enterprise Organization and Assessment Perspective of Management 123
6.2.3 The Assessment Index System Establishment of Harmonious Management Performance for Virtual Enterprise 126
6.3 The Comprehensive Applieation of Harmonious Management Performance Assessment Method for Virtual Enterprise 131
6.3.1 The Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment Method 131
6.3.2 The Binary Relative Benefit Method of Management Efficiency 133
6.4 The Significance of Harmonious Management Performance Assessment for Virtual Enterprise 135
6.5 Summary of This Chapter 137
Chapter 7 The Case and Strategy Analysis of Dualistic Harmonious Management for Virtual Enterprise7.1 The Case Analysis:Regarding the Virtual Operation of Shanshan Group and Sepwolves Group as the Center 138
7.1.1 The Experience and Lesson of Virtual Operation Management of Shanshan Group 138
7.1.2 The Decision Analysis of Virtual Operation Management of Sepwolves Group 145
7.2 The Optimization Strategy in the Process of Dualistic Harmonious Management for Virtual Enterprise 152
7.2.1 The Optimization Strategy of Process Management of Virtual Enterprise Based on Harmonious Interaction 152
7.2.2 The Optimization Strategy of Order Management of Virtual Enterprise Based on Harmonious Interaction 153
7.2.3 The Optimization Strategy of Performance Management of Virtual Enterprise Based on Harmonious Interaction 154
7.2.4 The Optimization Strategy of Harmony Management of Virtual Enterprise Based on Harmonious Interaction 154
7.3 Summary of This Chapter 156
Conclusion 157
Reference 159
Postscript 169
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