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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:薛荷仙,Jackie编著
  • 出 版 社:广州:广东高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7536125593
  • 页数:203 页
标签:编著 营销

对话一 一起去购物,好吗? 1

Dialogue 1 Let's Go Shopping,Shall We? 1

Dialogue 2 Do You Sell Sports Watches? 4

对话二 这儿有运动表吗? 4

Dialogue 3 Is This Pen Appropriate as Christmas Gift? 7

对话三 这种钢笔适合作圣诞礼物吗? 7

Dialogue 4 They Are Sold by the Gram Not by the Pound 11

对话四 它们是按克而不是按磅出售 11

Dialogue 5 The Blouse Is a Little Narrow in the Shoulders 15

对话五 这件外套的肩有点窄 15

Dialogue 6 I Prefer Chinese Apples 18

对话六 我还是想买中国苹果 18

Dialogue 7 I'm Beginning to Like Chinese Food 22

对话七 我越来越喜欢吃中餐 22

对话八 新产品没有折扣 26

Dialogue 8 There Is No Discount for New Products 26

Dialogue 9 The Store Will Shut in Less Than Five Minutes 30

对话九 离本店关门时间还不到5分钟 30

Dialogue 10 What Brand and Type of Locks Do You Want? 33

对话十 请问您想要什么牌子和型号的锁? 33

Dialogue 11 The Shirts Are the Latest Fashion This Summer 37

对话十一 这是今年夏季最流行的衬衫 37

Dialogue 12 I Love Chinese Qipao 41

对话十二 我喜欢旗袍 41

Dialogue 13 This Would Be the Best Souvenir from China 45

对话十三 这是中国之行的最好纪念品 45

Dialogue 14 We Keep a Wide Variety of Vases 49

对话十四 这儿有各种各样的花瓶 49

对话十五 您喜欢这些仿兵马俑工艺品吗? 53

Dialogue 15 How Do You Like These Clay Figures of Warriors and Horses? 53

Dialogue 16 Let's Go to the“Jade Street” 56

对话十六 一起到“翡翠街”去逛一逛 56

Dialogue 17 Sorry,We Sell Shoes with Shoelaces,and We Don't Sell Shoelaces Alone 60

对话十七 抱歉,我们的鞋带都是和鞋配套卖的,不单独卖鞋带 60

Dialogue 18 Please Get Me Two Boxes of Fruit Moon Cakes 64

对话十八 买两盒水果月饼 64

Dialogue 19 Leisure Shoes or Sports Shoes? 68

对话十九 您想买休闲鞋还是运动鞋? 68

Dialogue 20 There's a Beautiful Story about the Wild Jujube Paste 71

对话二十 关于这野酸枣糕有一段美丽的传说 71

Dialogue 21 Show Me Some Jingdezhen Tableware 75

对话二十一 让我看一看这儿的景德镇餐具 75

对话二十二 这种药膏对治疗蚊虫叮咬有疗效 78

Dialogue 22 It Is Effective to Treat Mosquito Bites with This Cream 78

Dialogue 23 Can I Have a Look at the Electric Heating Jar? 82

对话二十三 请让我看看那一个电热水瓶好吗? 82

Dialogue 24 I'm a Little Worried about the Strength 86

对话二十四 我担心这种伞是否结实、耐用 86

Dialogue 25 A Sandalwood Fan 90

对话二十五 檀香扇 90

Dialogue 26 How about a 10-Speed Bicycle? 93

对话二十六 买一辆十速的自行车如何? 93

Dialogue 27 Can the Microwave Oven Make Barbecue? 96

对话二十七 这种微波炉可以用来烧烤吗? 96

Dialogue 28 Where Does the Best Ginseng Grow? 99

对话二十八 最好的人参产自哪儿? 99

Dialogue 29 Do You Have Tapes with the Books? 102

对话二十九 这套书配有磁带吗? 102

对话三十 我不计较是不是名牌 105

Dialogue 30 I Don't Care about the Brand 105

Dialogue 31 Let's Try Some Cantonese Sweet Snacks 108

对话三十一 尝一尝广东甜品 108

Dialogue 32 I'd Like to Buy a Chinese Brand Camera 112

对话三十二 我想买一部中国的品牌相机 112

Dialogue 33 Can It Transmit and Receive Fax? 115

对话三十三 这种手机能发送和接收传真吗? 115

Dialogue 34 It's Made of Nylon,Light and Durable 119

对话三十四 质地是尼龙,又轻又耐用 119

Dialogue 35 The Discman Has a Digital Shock-Proof System 122

对话三十五 这种CD机具有数码防震系统 122

Dialogue 36 Does It Play MP3,Too? 125

对话三十六 它可以播放MP3吗? 125

对话三十七 你的买卖做成啦 128

Dialogue 37 You Got the Business 128

Dialogue 38 Its After-Sale Service Is Satisfactory 131

对话三十八 售后服务令人满意 131

Dialogue 39 Much Ice Cream Doesn't Like Me 134

对话三十九 吃多了冰淇淋我的胃不舒服 134

Dialogue 40 Lewis Is Looking around the Air-Conditioner Section 137

对话四十 刘易斯在选购空调 137

Dialogue 41 Rare or Medium Steak? 140

对话四十一 要嫩一点的还是老一点的牛排? 140

Dialogue 42 Sorry,We Are Sold out of the Tickets for Tonight's Show 143

对话四十二 对不起,今晚的电影票卖完啦 143

Dialogue 43 A Wonderful Gift for My Dad 145

对话四十三 爸爸一定会喜欢这个礼物 145

Dialogue 44 Your Leather Coat Really Needs Polishing 148

对话四十四 您的皮衣的确需要擦油保养 148

对话四十五 这款式经典时尚 152

Dialogue 45 The Style Is Classic and Fashionable 152

Dialogue 46 How about Martell X.O.? 155

对话四十六 喝点特醇马爹利好吗? 155

Dialogue 47 The Cloisonné Are Really Exquisite 158

对话四十七 景泰蓝工艺品典雅华贵 158

Dialogue 48 How Much Is Its Capacity? 161

对话四十八 这种榨汁机的容量是多少? 161

Dialogue 49 The Discount Will Be 10% Off 164

对话四十九 那就打九折吧 164

Dialogue 50 Chinese Stamps Will Be the Best Gifts 168

对话五十 中国邮票是最好的礼物 168

Dialogue 51 Can I Exchange Dollars for RMB? 171

对话五十一 我能把美元兑换成人民币吗? 171

Dialogue 52 It's a Good Buy 174

对话五十二 真便宜 174

对话五十三 抱歉,我们只收现金和支票 177

Dialogue 53 Sorry,We Only Take Cash and Check 177

Dialogue 54 I Don't Know Exactly the Chinese Sizes of Shoes 180

对话五十四 我还不懂得中国鞋子的尺码 180

Dialogue 55 What Not Try Contact Lenses? 183

对话五十五 为什么不试一试隐形眼镜? 183

Dialogue 56 Its Tone Is Nice and Clear 187

对话五十六 音质好极了 187

Dialogue 57 At a Pet Market 191

对话五十七 在宠物市场 191

Dialogue 58 Telephoning for Beef and Ham 194

对话五十八 电话购牛肉、火腿 194

Dialogue 59 Mr.Mawson Hates Doing His Marketing 197

对话五十九 莫森先生讨厌到市场买菜 197

Dialogue 60 Can It Utter“Mummy”When You Pat It on the Back? 201

对话六十 拍它的背时它会叫“妈咪”吗? 201
