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  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:马兆祺译
  • 出 版 社:龙门联合书局
  • 出版年份:1951
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:139 页

目次 1

整个骨骼(Skeleton as a whole) 1

第一节 头及颈部 2


头颅及下颔骨,从外侧看(Skull and Mandible,Lateral View) 2

头颅及下颔骨的矢状切面(Skull and Mandible,Sagittal Section) 3

颅底,内面(Skull Base,Inner View) 4

颅底,硬脑膜动脉,静脉窦及其他组织(Cranial Floor,Dura Arteries,Venous Sinuses andOther Structures) 5

头,颈部的浅层神经和肌肉(Head and Neck,Superficial Nerves and Muscles) 6

头部肌肉(Muscles of the Head) 7

头部解剖(Dissections of the Head) 8

头及颈部之动脉(Arteries of the Head and Neck) 11

颔内动脉的脑膜中动脉及其他分枝(Arteries,Middle Meningeal and Other Branches from Internal Maxillary) 12

脑部之血液供给,从外侧看(Brain,Blood Supply,Lateral View) 13

脑底及动脉神经(Brain,Base with Arteries and Nerves) 14

脑上面之静脉(Brain,Veins of Superior Surface) 15

脑室及头颈静脉引流的外侧观(Brain,Lateral Projection of Ventricles,Venous Drainage of Head and Neck) 16

脑室及静脉窦的前面观及侧面观(Brain,Anterior and Posterior Projections of Ventricles and Sinuses) 17

大脑皮质的官能区(Brain,Functional Areas of Cerebral Cortex) 18

眼,泪器之局部解剖学(Eye,Topography of Lacrimal Apparatus) 19

眼,眼窠解剖(Eye,Dissection of Orbit) 20

眼之水平切面(Eye,Horizontal Section) 21

耳,外耳道及鼓室(Ear,External Auditory Canal and Tympanic Cavity) 22

鼻软骨(Nasal Cartilages) 23

鼻腔(Nasal Cavity) 24

鼻窦,涎腺及泪腺(Nasal Sinuses,Salivary and Lacrimal Glands) 25

口腔,咽及喉(Oral Cavity,Pharynx and Larynx) 26

颈部之浅层及深层解剖(Neck,Superficial and Deep Dissections) 27

颈部,喉及咽的深层血管(Neck,Deep Blood Vessels with Larynx and Pharynx) 30

头及颈部之正中矢状切面(Head and Neck,Median Sagittal Section) 31

颈部之外科三角及切面(Neck,Surgical Triangles,Sections) 32

外科解剖(Surgical Approach):小脑切口及颈上部解剖(Cerebellar Incisions,Dissection of Upper Neck) 34

第二节 躯干-胸廓,腹及盆部 35


脊柱(Vertebral Column) 35

躯干肌肉(Muscles of the Trunk) 36

胸前壁及腹壁之血管(Blood Vessels of Anterior Thoracic and Abdominal Wall) 39

从表面认定躯干内脏腑(Projection of Viscera of the Trunk) 41

淋巴引流之图式(Scheme of Lymphatic Drainage) 44

自主神经系统(Autonomic Nervous System) 45

系统及交感神经,丛及节(Systemic and Sympathetic Nerves,Plexuses and Ganglia) 46

脊髓及其膜在不同高度的切面(Sec tions Through the Spinal Cord and Meninges at Different Levels) 48

躯干之正中矢状切面(Median Sagittal Section of the Trunk) 49

从表面认定心,肺及横膈膜(Projection of Heart,Lungs and Diaphragm) 50

心脏之血管(Vessels of the Heart) 51

纵膈障(Mediastinum) 52

肺门(Hila of the Lungs) 53

枝气管树和肺叶(Bronchial Tree and Lobes of Lungs) 54

胸廓解剖(Dissections of Thorax) 55

纵膈障之切面(Sections through Mediastinum) 57

胃,脾及十二指肠之血液供给(Blood Supply of Stomach,Spleen and Duodenum) 58

腹右上象限之血管(Blood Vessels in Right Upper Quadrant) 59

胃网膜动脉及结肠中动脉之关系。肝十二指肠韧带(Relation of Gastroepiploic and Middle Colic Arteries.Hepatoduodenal Ligament) 60

结肠及直肠之血液供给(Blood Supply of Colonand Rectum) 61

泌尿系统及精索之局部解剖学(Topography of Urinary System and Spermatic Cord) 62

对赫尼亚有关的睾丸(Testes as Related to Hernia) 63

与腹股沟及股赫尼亚有关的解剖(Anatomy Related to Inguinal and Femoral Hernias) 64

盆器官之矢状切面(Sagittal Section of Pelvic Organs) 66

男性盆部之横切(TransverseSection of Male Pelvis) 67

盆筋膜(Pelvic Fascias) 68

腰椎切面(Sections through Lumbar Vertebrae) 69

外科解剖(Surgical Approaches): 70

前面上胸段交感神经截除术(Anterior Upper Thoracic Sympathectomy) 70

后面上胸段交感神经截除术(Posterior Upper Thoracic Sympathectomy) 71

上胸段交感神经遮断法(Upper Thoracic Sympathetic Block) 72

心包切开术(Pericardotomy) 73

胸廓切开术(Thoracotomy) 75

胸腹部交感神经截除术(Thoracico-abdominal Sympathectomy) 79

不破坏神经和血液供给的腹部切开(Abdominal Incisions Conserving Nerve and Blood Supply) 81

腹膜后腰段交感神经截除术(Retroperitoneal Lumbar Sympatheetomy) 82

腰段交感神经遮断法(Lumbar Sympathetic Block) 83

骨(Bones) 84

第三节 上肢 84


肩关节之韧带(Ligaments of Shoulder Joint) 87

浅层肌肉(Muscles,Superficial) 88

浅层静脉及神经(Veins and Nerves,Superficial) 90

由表面认定动脉(Arteries,Projection) 91

脊神经的分布区(Nerves,Spinal,Areas of Distribution) 92

腋及颈部之解剖(Dissection,Axilla and Neck) 93

肩及上臂之解剖(Dissections,Shoulder and Arm) 94

上臂下份及前臂之解剖(Dissections,Lower Arm and Forearm) 96

腕及手部的解剖(Dissections,Wrist and Hand) 98

腕及手部之腱鞘(Tendon Sheaths of Wrist and Hand) 99

切面及动脉和神经从表面认定(Sections,Projection of Arteries and Nerves) 100

外科解剖(Surgical Approaches): 102

肩关节(Shoulder Joint) 102

肱骨干(Humeral Shaft) 104

肘关节(Elbow Joint) 105

前臂上份之血管神经(Upper Forearm,Blood Vessels and Nerves) 106

桡骨(Radius) 107

尺骨(Ulna) 108

关节切开术,腕及肘部之排液(Arthrotomy,Drainage,Wrist and Elbow) 109


骨(Bones) 110

第四节 下肢 110

膝关节之韧带(Ligaments of Knee Joint) 115

踝及足部之韧带(Ligaments of Ankle and Foot) 116

浅层肌肉(Muscles,Superficial) 117

髋及股部之副动脉(Arteries,Collateral,Hip and Thigh) 118

脊神经之分布区(Nerves,Spinal,Areas of Distribution) 119

髋部臀境解剖(Dissectionof Gluteal Reglon of Hip) 120

小腿之解剖(Dissections of Leg) 121

踝及足部之解剖,矢状切面(Dissections of Ankle and Foot,Sagittal Section) 123

膝关节滑囊的矢状切面(Bursae,Sagittal Section of Knee Joint) 125

切面及动脉和神经从表面认定(Sections,Projection of Arteries and Nerves) 126

外科解剖(Surgical Approaches): 128

髋部之臀血管及神经(Hip,Gluteal Vessels and Nerves) 128

髋关节(Hip,Joint) 129

股部之正型割口(Thigh,Typical Incisions) 130

股骨(Femur) 131

腓神经及股骨踝的横切面(Peroneal Nerve,TransverseSection Through Femoral Condyles) 133

膝关节(Knee Joint) 134

胫骨(Tibia) 135

小腿之血管神经(Blood Vessels and Nervesof Leg) 136

关节切开术:踝,膝及髋部之排液(Arthrotomy,Drainage:Ankle,Knee and Hip) 138

跖窝之排液(Plantar Spaees,Drainage) 139

位置适当的躯干内脏腑(Viscera of the Trunk in Situ) 4243
