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有理同伦论  英文

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  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(法)菲利克斯著
  • 出 版 社:北京:世界图书北京出版公司
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787510058349
  • 页数:540 页
《有理同伦论 英文》目录

Ⅰ Homotopy Theory,Resolutions for Fibrations,and P-local Spaces 1

0 Topological spaces 1

1 CW complexes,homotopy groups and cofibrations 4

(a)CW complexes 4

(b)Homotopy groups 10

(c)Weak homotopy type 12

(d)Cofibrations and NDR pairs 15

(e)Adjunction spaces 18

(f)Cones,suspensions,joins and smashes 20

2 Fibrations and topological monoids 23

(a)Fibrations 24

(b)Topological monoids and G-fibrations 28

(c)The homotopy fibre and the holonomy action 30

(d)Fibre bundles and principal bundles 32

(e)Associated bundles,classifying spaces,the Borel construction and the holonomy fibration 36

3 Graded(differential)algebra 40

(a)Graded modules and complexes 40

(b)Graded algebras 43

(c)Differential graded algebras 46

(d)Graded coalgebras 47

(e)When k is a field 48

4 Singular chains,homology and Eilenberg-MacLane spaces 51

(a)Basic definitions,(normalized)singular chains 52

(b)Topological products,tensor products and the dgc,C(X;k) 53

(c)Pairs,excision,homotopy and the Hurewicz homomorphism 56

(d)Weak homotopy equivalences 58

(e)Cellular homology and the Hurewicz theorem 59

(f)Eilenberg-MacLane spaces 62

5 The cochain algebra C(X;k) 65

6 (R,d)-modules and semifree resolutions 68

(a)Semifree models 68

(b)Quasi-isomorphism theorems 72

7 Semifree cochain models of a fibration 77

8 Semifree chain models of a G-fibration 88

(a)The chain algebra of a topological monoid 88

(b)Semifree chain models 89

(c)The quasi-isomorphism theorem 92

(d)The Whitehead-Serre theorem 94

9 P-local and rational spaces 102

(a)P-local spaces 102

(b)Localization 107

(c)Rational homotopy type 110

Ⅱ Sullivan Models 115

10 Commutative cochain algebras for spaces and simplicial sets 115

(a)Simplicial sets and simplicial cochain algebras 116

(b)The construction of A(K) 118

(c)The simplicial commutative cochain algebra APL,and APL(X) 121

(d)The simplicial cochain algebra CPL,and the main theorem 124

(e)Integration and the de Rham theorem 128

11 Smooth Differential Forms 131

(a)Smooth manifolds 131

(b)Smooth differential forms 132

(c)Smooth singular simplices 133

(b)(d)The weak equivalence ADR(M)?APL(M;R) 134

12 Sullivan models 138

(a)Sullivan algebras and models:constructions and examples 140

(b)Homotopy in Sullivan algebras 148

(c)Quasi-isomorphisms,Sullivan representatives,uniqueness of mini-mal models and formal spaces 152

(d)Computational examples 156

(e)Differential forms and geometric examples 160

13 Adjunction spaces,homotopy groups and Whitehead products 165

(a)Morphisms and quasi-isomorphisms 166

(b)Adjunction spaces 168

(c)Homotopy groups 171

(d)Cell attachments 173

(e)Whitehead product and the quadratic part of the differential 175

14 Relative Sullivan algebras 181

(a)The semifree property,existence of models and homotopy 182

(b)Minimal Sullivan models 186

15 Fibrations,homotopy groups and Lie group actions 195

(a)Models of fibrations 195

(b)Loops on spheres,Eilenberg-MacLane spaces and spherical fibrations 200

(c)Pullbacks and maps of fibrations 203

(d)Homotopy groups 208

(e)The long exact homotopy sequence 213

(f)Principal bundles,homogeneous spaces and Lie group actions 216

16 The loop space homology algebra 223

(a)The loop space homology algebra 224

(b)The minimal Sullivan model of the path space fibration 226

(c)The rational product decomposition of ΩX 228

(d)The primitive subspace of H(ΩX;k) 230

(e)Whitehead products,commutators and the algebra structure of H(ΩX;k) 232

17 Spatial realization 237

(a)The Milnor realization of a simplicial set 238

(b)Products and fibre bundles 243

(c)The Sullivan realization of a commutative cochain algebra 247

(d)The spatial realization of a Sullivan algebra 249

(e)Morphisms and continuous maps 255

(f)Integration,chain complexes and products 256

Ⅲ Graded Differential Algebra(continued) 260

18 Spectral sequences 260

(a)Bigraded modules and spectral sequences 260

(b)Filtered differential modules 261

(c)Convergence 263

(d)Tensor products and extra structure 265

19 The bar and cobar constructions 268

20 Projective resolutions of graded modules 273

(a)Projective resolutions 273

(b)Graded Ext and Tor 275

(c)Projective dimension 278

(d)Semifree resolutions 278

Ⅳ Lie Models 283

21 Graded(differential)Lie algebras and Hopf algebras 283

(a)Universal enveloping algebras 285

(b)Graded Hopf algebras 288

(c)Free graded Lie algebras 289

(d)The homotopy Lie algebra of a topological space 292

(e)The homotopy Lie algebra of a minimal Sullivan algebra 294

(f)Differential graded Lie algebras and differential graded Hopf algebras 296

22 The Quillen functors C and L 299

(a)Graded coalgebras 299

(b)The construction of C(L)and of C(L;M) 301

(c)The properties of C(L;UL) 302

(d)The quasi-isomorphism C(L)? BUL 305

(e)The construction L(C,d) 306

(f)Free Lie models 309

23 The commutative cochain algebra,C(L,dL) 313

(a)The constructions C(L,dL),and L(A,d) 313

(b)The homotopy Lie algebra and the Milnor-Moore spectral sequence 317

(c)Cohomology with coefficients 319

24 Lie models for topological spaces and CW complexes 322

(a)Free Lie models of topological spaces 324

(b)Homotopy and homology in a Lie model 325

c)Suspensions and wedges of spheres 326

(d)Lie models for adjunction spaces 328

(e)CW complexes and chain Lie algebras 331

(f)Examples 331

(g)Lie model for a homotopy fibre 334

25 Chain Lie algebras and topological groups 337

(a)The topological group,|ΓL| 337

(b)The principal fibre bundle, 338

(c)|ΓL| as a model for the topological monoid,ΩX 340

(d)Morphisms of chain Lie algebras and the holonomy action 341

26 The dg Hopf algebra C(ΩX) 343

(a)Dga homotopy 344

(b)The dg Hopf algebra C(ΩX)and the statement of the theorem 346

(c)The chain algebra quasi-isomorphism θ:(ULV,d) 347

(d)The proof of Theorem 26.5 349

Ⅴ Rational Lusternik Schnirelmann Category 351

27 Lusternik-Schnirelmann category 351

(a)LS category of spaces and maps 352

(b)Ganea's fibre-cofibre construction 355

(c)Ganea spaces and LS category 357

(d)Cone-length and LS category:Ganea's theorem 359

(e)Cone-length and LS category:Cornea's theorem 361

(f)Cup-length,c(X;k)and Toomer's invariant,e(X;k) 366

28 Rational LS category and rational cone-length 370

(a)Rational LS category 371

(b)Rational cone-length 372

(c)The mapping theorem 375

(d)Gottlieb groups 377

29 LS category of Sullivan algebras 381

(a)The rational cone-length of spaces and the product length of models 382

(b)The LS category of a Sullivan algebra 384

(c)The mapping theorem for Sullivan algebras 389

(d)Gottlieb elements 392

(e)Hess'theorem 393

(f)The model of(?V,d)→(?V/?>mV,d) 396

(g)The Milnor-Moore spectral sequence and Ginsburg's theorem 399

(h)The invariants mcat and e for(?V,d)-modules 401

30 Rational LS category of products and fibrations 406

(a)Rational LS category of products 406

(b)Rational LS category of fibrations 408

(c)The mapping theorem for a fibre inclusion 411

31 The homotopy Lie algebra and the holonomy representation 415

(a)The holonomy representation for a Sullivan model 418

(b)Local nilpotence and local conilpotence 420

(c)Jessup's theorem 424

(d)Proof of Jessup's theorem 425

(e)Examples 430

(f)Iterated Lie brackets 432

Ⅵ The Rational Dichotomy:Elliptic and Hyperbolic Spaces and Other Applications 434

32 Elliptic spaces 434

(a)Pure Sullivan algebras 435

(b)Characterization of elliptic Sullivan algebras 438

(c)Exponents and formal dimension 441

(d)Euler-Poincaré characteristic 444

(e)Rationally elliptic topological spaces 447

(f)Decomposability of the loop spaces of rationally elliptic spaces 449

33 Growth of Rational Homotopy Groups 452

(a)Exponential growth of rational homotopy groups 453

(b)Spaces whose rational homology is finite dimensional 455

(c)Loop space homology 458

34 The Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence 464

(a)Hom,Ext,tensor and Tor for UL-modules 465

(b)The Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence 467

(c)Coefficients in UL 469

35 Grade and depth for fibres and loop spaces 474

(a)Complexes of finite length 475

(b)ΩY-spaces and C(ΩY)-modules 476

(c)The Milnor resolution of k 478

(d)The grade theorem for a homotopy fibre 481

(e)The depth of H(ΩX) 486

(f)The depth of UL 486

(g)The depth theorem for Sullivan algebras 487

36 Lie algebras of finite depth 492

(a)Depth and grade 493

(b)Solvable Lie algebras and the radical 495

(c)Noetherian enveloping algebras 496

(d)Locally nilpotent elements 497

(e)Examples 497

37 Cell Attachments 501

(a)The homology of the homotopy fibre,X ×Y PY 502

(b)Whitehead products and G-fibrations 502

(c)Inert element 503

(d)The homotopy Lie algebra of a spherical 2-cone 505

(e)Presentations of graded Lie algebras 507

(f)The L?fwall-Roos example 509

38 Poincaré Duality 511

(b)Properties of Poincaré duality 511

(b)Elliptic spaces 512

(c)LS category 513

(d)Inert elements 513

39 Seventeen Open Problems 516

References 521

Index 531
