生物化学 美国医师执照考试 第3版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:威儿科克斯著
- 出 版 社:北京医科大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7565904820
- 页数:109 页
1 Acid—Base Relationships 1
Ⅰ.Acidic dissociation 1
Ⅱ.Measures of acidity 1
Ⅲ.Buffers 2
Ⅳ.Acid-base balance 3
Ⅴ.Acid-base disorders 3
Ⅵ.Clinical relevance:diabetic ketoacidosis 4
2 Amino Acids and Proteins 5
Ⅰ.Functions of proteins 5
Ⅱ.Proteins as polypeptides 5
Ⅲ.Protein structure 6
Ⅳ.Protein solubility and R-groups 9
Ⅴ.Protein denaturation 9
Ⅵ.Clinical relevance 9
3 Enzymes 11
Ⅰ.Energy relationships 11
Ⅱ.Free-energy change 11
Ⅲ.Enzymes as biological catalysts 12
Ⅳ.Michaelis-Menten equation 13
Ⅴ.Lineweaver-Burk equation 14
Ⅵ.Enzyme regulation 15
Ⅶ.Clinical relevance:methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning 18
4 Citric Acid Cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation 19
Ⅰ.Cellular energy and adenosine triphosphate 19
Ⅱ.Citric acid cycle 19
Ⅲ.Products of the citric acid cycle(one revolution) 20
Ⅳ.Synthetic function of the citric acid cycle 20
Ⅴ.Regulation of the citric acid cycle 21
Ⅵ.Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation 21
Ⅶ.Chemiosmotic hypothesis 21
Ⅷ.Clinical relevance 23
5 Carbohydrate Metabolism 24
Ⅰ.Carbohydrate digestion and absorption 24
Ⅱ.Glycogen metabolism 24
Ⅲ.Glycolysis 25
Ⅳ.Gluconeogenesis 27
Ⅴ.Regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis 29
Ⅵ.Pentose phosphate pathway 29
Ⅶ.Sucrose and lactose metabolism 31
Ⅷ.Clinical relevance 31
6 Lipid Metabolism 33
Ⅰ.Lipid function 33
Ⅱ.Lipid digestion 33
Ⅲ.Lipoprotein transport and metabolism 34
Ⅳ.Oxidation of fatty acids 36
Ⅴ.Fatty acid synthesis 37
Ⅵ.Glycerolipid synthesis 40
Ⅶ.Sphingolipid synthesis 42
Ⅷ.Cholesterol synthesis 42
Ⅸ.Clinical relevance 43
7 Amino Acid Metabolism 45
Ⅰ.Functions of amino acids 45
Ⅱ.Removal of amino acid nitrogen 45
Ⅲ.Urea cycle and detoxification of NH? 45
Ⅳ.Carbon skeletons of amino acids 47
Ⅴ.Clinical relevance:inherited(inborn)errors of amino acid metabolism 49
8 Nucleotide Metabolism 52
Ⅰ.Nucleotide structure 52
Ⅱ.Nucleotide function 52
Ⅲ.Purine nucleotide synthesis 52
Ⅳ.Pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis 55
Ⅴ.Deoxyribonucleotide synthesis 56
Ⅵ.Nucleotide degradation 59
Ⅶ.Clinical relevance 60
9 Nutrition 62
Ⅰ.Energy needs 62
Ⅱ.Macronutrients 62
Ⅲ.Micronutrients:the fat-soluble vitamins 65
Ⅳ.Micronutrients:the water-soluble vitamins 68
Ⅴ.Minerals 71
10 Gene Expression 74
Ⅰ.Genetic information 74
Ⅱ.DNA and RNA:nucleic acid structure 74
Ⅲ.DNA synthesis(replication) 76
Ⅳ.Transcription 79
Ⅴ.Translation(protein synthesis) 82
Ⅵ.Mutations 85
11 Biochemical Technology 87
Ⅰ.Protein purification 87
Ⅱ.Protein analysis 87
Ⅲ.DNA analysis 88
Ⅳ.Cloning of recombinant DNA and protein 91
Ⅴ.Clinical relevance 94
12 Hormones 95
Ⅰ.Overview 95
Ⅱ.Classification of hormones 95
Ⅲ.Mechanisms of hormone action 96
Ⅳ.Hormones that regulate fuel metabolism 97
Ⅴ.Hormones that regulate salt and water balance 98
Ⅵ.Hormones that regulate calcium and phosphate metabolism 99
Ⅶ.Hormones that regulate body size and metabolism 99
Ⅷ.Hormones that regulate the male reproductive system 100
Ⅸ.Hormones that regulate the female reproductive system 100
Ⅹ.Clinical relevance: diabetes mellitus 101
Index 102
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