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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张树林编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:新世界出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787510443985
  • 页数:245 页

Chapter 1 General Knowledge about Partner Massage 3

What are the benefits of partner massage? 3

When Is not a good time? 5

What to prepare? 6

What are the common manipulations? 8

What precautions need to be taken? 15

Chapter 2 Become your Partner's Therapist:Massage between Partners to Relieve Common Pains and Discomforts 21

Cold 21

Cold Induced Fever 26

Cold Induced Stuffy Nose 29

Eyestrain 34

Toothache 39

Chronic Pharyngitis 42

Headache 47

Carsickness 53

Insomnia 57

Hiccup 63

Nausea and Vomiting 67

Constipation 73

Chronic Diarrhea 80

Abdominal Distention 83

Hypertension 89

Stiff Neck 98

Scapulohumeral Periarthritis 102

Cervical Spondylosis 108

Lumbago and Backache 117

Ankle Sprain 123

Lumbar Muscle Degeneration 127

Cerebral Stroke Sequelae 130

Chronic Prostatitis 136

Dysmenorrhea 139

Abnormal Leucorrhea 144

Menopausal Syndrome 150

Chronic Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands 155

Vomiting during Pregnancy 158

Inadequate Secretion of Milk 163

Chapter 3 Forever Young-Beauty Massage 173

Get Rid of Facial Melasma and Freckles 173

Fade off Stretch Marks 176

Say Goodbye to the Dark Circles under Your Eyes 180

Get Rid of Eye Pouches 183

Remove Eye Wrinkles 186

Reduce Forehead Wrinkles 189

Beautiful Breasts 194

Eliminate Hip Fat 199

Eliminate Belly Fat 201

Chapter 4 Intimate Comfort—Partner Massage to Stimulate Sexual Desire 207

Stimulate Male Sexual Desire 207

Relieve Sexual Strain 213

Stimulate Female Interest in Sexuality 220

Strengthening the Erection 230

Prolong Male Sexual Performance 236

Eliminating Vaginal Spasm 242
