![广告话语与中国社会的变迁 英文版](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/71/s6f1326e.jpg)
![广告话语与中国社会的变迁 英文版](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/71/s6f1326e.jpg)
广告话语与中国社会的变迁 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:冯捷蕴著
- 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787566311481
- 页数:173 页
Chapter 1:Introduction 1
1.0 A Glimpse at Two Chinese Advertisements in 1980 and 2002 1
1.1 Socio-Political Changes in China and the Study of the Advertising Discourses 4
1.2 Upheavals and Growth in China's Advertising 6
1.3 Basic Assumptions for the Present Study 7
1.4 Organization of the Study 8
Chapter 2:Literature Review 9
2.0 Introduction 9
2.1 Discourse Analysis:Where Are We Going? 9
2.1.1 Moving from the Textual Space to the Socio-Critical Space 10
2.1.2 Moving from Monomodality to Multimodality 15
2.1.3 Discourse Studies in China:An Overview 19
2.2 The Emergence and Development of Critical Discourse Analysis 21
2.2.1 CDA:An Introduction 22
2.2.2 Different CDA Models 24
2.2.3 CDA Studies in Contemporary China 30
2.3 Studies on the Advertising Discourse 33
2.3.1 Advertising Discourse within the Textual Space 33
2.3.2 Advertising Discourse within the Socio-Cultural Space 35
2.4 Summary of the Literature Review and Significance of the Present Study 37
Chapter 3:Analytical Framework and Research Methodologies 41
3.0 Introduction 41
3.1 Research Aims and Research Questions 41
3.2 The Analytical Framework 42
3.2.1 Fairclough's Three-Dimensional Conception of Discourse 43
3.2.2 The Working Model:A Top-down Multi-dimensional Approach to the Changing Advertising Discourses 44
3.3 Research Methods 47
3.4 Sampling 48
3.4.1 Rationale behind the Sample Selection 48
3.4.2 Sampling Methods 51
3.5 Summary 58
Chapter 4:Changes in Macro Ideologies and Variations in Institutional Ideologies 59
4.0 Introduction 59
4.1 Macro Ideologies in Two Distinctively Different Years 59
4.1.1 1980:Primarily a Danwei-Dominated Society 60
4.1.2 2002:A Strong Growth of Individual Consumerism in Urban China 61
4.2 Histories and Institutional Ideologies of Yangcheng and Nanfang 63
4.2.1 Variations in the Institutional Ideologies in 1980 66
4.2.2 Variations in the Institutional Ideologies in 2002 68
4.3 Summary 69
Chapter 5:Changing Advertising Topics 71
5.0 Introduction 71
5.1 Overview of the Changing Advertising Topics:Danwei versus Individual Consumption 72
5.2 1980:Danwei-dominated Advertising Discourses in the Pre-marketization Era 75
5.3 2002:Individual Consumption-Dominated Advertising Discourses 79
5.4 1980:Variations in the Advertising Topics in Yangcheng and Nanfang 84
5.5 2002:Variations in the Advertising Topics in Yangcheng and Nanfang 86
5.6 Summary 89
Chapter 6:Dimension Two—Changing Value Appeals 91
6.0 Introduction 91
6.1 Overview of the Changing Value Appeals 92
6.2 1980:Imbalance in Utilitarian and Hedonistic Values 94
6.2.1 1980:Dominance in Utilitarian Value Appeals 95
6.2.2 1980:Rarity in Hedonistic Value Appeals 99
6.3 2002:Hybridization of Utilitarian and Hedonistic Values 100
6.3.1 2002:Importance in Utilitarian Value Appeals 100
6.3.2 2002:Importance in Hedonistic Value Appeals 105
6.4 1980:Variations in the Value Appeals in Yangcheng and Nanfang 108
6.5 2002:Variations in the Value Appeals in Yangcheng and Nanfang 109
6.6 Summary 110
Chapter 7:Changing Visual Images 113
7.0 Introduction 113
7.1 Overview of the Changing Visual Images 113
7.2 1980:Dominance in Factual-only Visual Images 116
7.3 2002:Factual+More Experiential Visual Images 118
7.3.1 2002:Predominance in Using Experiential Visual Images 119
7.3.2 2002:Scarcity in Factual-only Visual Images 123
7.4 1980:Variations in the Visual Images between Yangcheng and Nanfang 124
7.5 2002:Variations in the Visual Images between Yangcheng and Nanfang 125
7.6 Summary 127
Chapter 8:Changing Verbal Elements 129
8.0 Introduction 129
8.1 Overview of the Changing Move Structures 129
8.2 Similarity in the Obligatory Move Structures 131
8.3 2002 versus 1980:More Persuasive Optional Move Structures 134
8.4 1980:Variations in the Move Structures between Yangcheng and Nanfang 140
8.5 2002:Variations in the Move Structures between Yangcheng and Nanfang 141
8.6 Summary 142
Chapter 9:Conclusion and Discussions 145
9.1 Conclusion 145
9.1.1 Main Findings and Implications:Danwei versus Individual Consumption Dominated Advertising Discourses In 1980 and 2002 145
9.1.2 Supplementary Findings and Implications:Multi-dimensional Discourse Variations between Yangcheng and Nanfang 147
9.2 Discussion 148
9.2.1 Hybridity of Ideologies and Discourses in 1980 and 2002 148
9.2.2 Dialectical Relationship between Ideologies and Their Discourses 149
9.2.3 Suggestions for Further Development in CDA 150
9.2.4 Suggestions for Further Research in Advertising Discourses 151
English References 153
Chinese References 167
List of Archived Documents 173
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