格氏解剖学基础教程双语教材 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)杜雷克,(加)活格,(英)米歇尔主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学医学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787565905827
- 页数:610 页
1 The Body 2
What is anatomy? 2
How can gross anatomy be studied? 2
Important anatomical terms 2
Imaging 3
Diagnostic imaging techniques 3
Image interpretation 6
Plain radiography 6
Computed tomography 7
Magnetic resonance imaging 7
Nuclear medicine imaging 7
Safety in imaging 8
Body systems 8
Skeletal system 8
Cartilage 8
Bone 8
Joints 10
Skin and fascias 13
Skin 13
Fascia 14
Muscular system 14
Cardiovascular system 15
Lymphatic system 16
Lymphatic vessels 16
Lymph nodes 16
Lymphatic trunks and ducts 17
Nervous system 18
Central nervous system 18
Functional subdivisions of the CNS 19
Other systems 30
2 Back 32
Regional anatomy 32
Skeletal framework 32
Vertebrae 32
Intervertebral foramina 37
Posterior spaces between vertebral arches 38
Curvatures of vertebral column 38
Joints 40
Joints between vertebrae in the back 40
Ligaments 41
Anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments 41
Ligamenta flava 42
Supraspinous ligament and ligamentum nuchae 42
Interspinous ligaments 42
Back musculature 43
Superficial group of back muscles 43
Intermediate group of back muscles 45
Deep group of back muscles 46
Thoracolumbar fascia 48
Spinal cord 49
Vasculature 50
Meninges 52
Arrangement of structures in the vertebral canal 53
Spinal nerves 53
3 Thorax 58
Regional anatomy 58
Pectoral region 58
Breast 58
Muscles of the pectoral region 60
Thoracic wall 60
Superior thoracic aperture 61
Inferior thoracic aperture 62
Skeletal framework 62
Intercostal spaces 71
Diaphragm 75
Venous drainage 77
Innervation 77
Movements of the thoracic wall and diaphragm during breathing 77
Pleural cavities 78
Pleura 78
Lungs 81
Mediastinum 93
Middle mediastinum 94
Superior mediastinum 116
Posterior mediastinum 123
Anterior mediastinum 129
4 Abdomen 134
Regional anatomy 134
Surface topography 134
Four-quadrant pattern 134
Nine-region pattern 134
Abdominal wall 135
Superficial fascia 136
Anterolateral muscles 136
Extraperitoneal fascia 140
Peritoneum 141
Innervation 141
Arterial supply and venous drainage 142
Lymphatic drainage 143
Groin 143
Inguinal canal 144
Abdominal viscera 149
Peritoneum 149
Peritoneal cavity 150
Organs 153
Arterial supply to the gastrointestinal tract 172
Venous drainage 177
Lymphatics 180
Innervation 180
Posterior abdominal region 185
Posterior abdominal wall 185
Viscera 189
Vasculature 195
Lymphatic system 199
Nervous system in the posterior abdominal region 200
Sympathetic trunks and splanchnic nerves 201
5 Pelvis and Perineum 208
Regional anatomy 208
Pelvis 208
Bones 208
Joints 211
Orientation 212
Gender difierences 212
True pelvis 212
Viscera 220
Fascia 230
Peritoneum 230
Nerves 232
Blood vessels 239
Lymphatics 243
Perineum 244
Borders and ceiling 244
Ischio-anal fossae and their anterior recesses 245
Anal triangle 246
Urogenital triangle 246
Somatic nerves 252
Visceral nerves 253
Blood vessels 253
Veins 255
Lymphatics 255
6 Lower Limb 266
Regional anatomy 266
The Hip 267
Bony pelvis 267
Proximal femur 270
Hip joint 272
Gateways to the lower limb 274
Nerves 276
Arteries 276
Veins 276
Lymphatics 278
Deep fascia and the saphenous opening 279
Femoral triangle 280
Gluteal region 281
Muscles 282
Nerves 283
Arteries 286
Veins 287
Lymphatics 287
Thigh 287
Bones 288
Muscles 291
Arteries 294
Veins 298
Nerves 298
Knee joint 300
Tibiofibular joint 305
Popliteal fossa 306
Leg 307
Bones 308
Joints 309
Posterior compartment of 309
Lateral compartment of 313
Foot 315
Bones 316
Joints 319
Tarsal tunnel,retinacula,and arrangement of major structures at the ankle 326
Arches of the foot 327
Plantar aponeurosis 328
Fibrous sheaths of toes 328
Extensor hoods 328
Intrinsic muscles 329
Arteries 332
Veins 334
Nerves 334
7 Upper Limb 342
Regional anatomy 342
Shoulder 343
Bones 344
Joints 346
Muscles 351
Posterior scapular region 351
Gateways to the posterior scapular region 351
Nerves 354
Arteries and veins 354
Axilla 355
Axillary inlet 355
Anterior wall 356
Medial wall 357
Lateral wall 358
Posterior wall 358
Gateways in the posterior wall 359
Floor 359
Contents of the axilla 360
Arm 370
Bones 370
Muscles 373
Nerves 374
Arteries and veins 375
Elbow joint 377
Cubital fossa 380
Forearm 382
Bones 383
Joints 384
Anterior compartment of the forearm 385
Muscles 385
Arteries and veins 387
Nerves 388
Posterior compartment of forearm 390
Muscles 390
Arteries and veins 392
Nerves 392
Hand 394
Bones 394
Joints 397
Carpal tunnel and structures at the wrist 398
Palmar aponeurosis 399
Anatomical snuffbox 400
Fibrous digital sheaths 400
Extensor hoods 401
Muscles 402
Arteries and veins 403
Nerves 407
8 Head and Neck 415
Regional anatomy 415
Head 416
Neck 416
Skull 416
Anterior view 416
Lateral view 418
Posterior view 420
Superior view 421
Inferior view 421
Cranial cavity 424
Roof 424
Floor 425
Meninges 429
Cranial dura mater 429
Arachnoid mater 432
Pia mater 432
Meningeal spaces 432
Brain and its blood supply 434
Brain 434
Blood supply 435
Venous drainage 437
Cranial nerves 440
Olfactory nerve[Ⅰ] 440
Optic nerve[Ⅱ] 441
Oculomotor nerve[Ⅲ] 441
Trochlear nerve[Ⅳ] 442
Trigeminal nerve[Ⅴ] 442
Ophthalmic nerve[Ⅴ1] 443
Maxillary nerve[Ⅴ2] 444
Mandibular nerve[Ⅴ3] 444
Abducent nerve[Ⅵ] 444
Facial nerve[Ⅶ] 444
Vestibulocochlear nerve[Ⅷ] 445
Glossopharyngeal nerve[Ⅸ] 445
Vagus nerve[Ⅹ] 446
Accessory nerve[Ⅺ] 446
Hypoglossal nerve[Ⅻ] 446
Face 446
Muscles 446
Parotid gland 451
Innervation 453
Vessels 456
Scalp 459
Layers 459
Innervation 460
Vessels 461
Lymphatic drainage 462
Orbit 463
Bony orbit 463
Eyelids 464
Lacrimal apparatus 467
Sensory innervation 469
Fissures and foramina 469
Fascial specializations 471
Muscles 472
Vessels 475
Innervation 476
Eyeball 479
Ear 482
External ear 483
Middle ear 487
Internal ear 491
Temporal and infratemporal fossae 495
Bony framework 495
Temporomandibular joints 497
Masseter muscle 499
Temporal fossa 500
Infratemporal fossa 501
Pterygopalatine fossa 509
Skeletal framework 510
Gateways 511
Contents 511
Neck 515
Fascia 516
Superficial venous drainage 519
Anterior triangle of the neck 519
Posterior triangle of the neck 530
Root of the neck 534
Pharynx 540
Skeletal framework 541
Pharyngeal wall 542
Fascia 543
Gaps in the pharyngeal wall and structures passing through them 543
Nasopharynx 544
Oropharynx 545
Laryngopharynx 546
Tonsils 546
Vessels 546
Nerves 547
Larynx 548
Laryngeal cartilages 549
Extrinsic ligaments 550
Intrinsic ligaments 551
Laryngeal joints 553
Cavity of the larynx 554
Intrinsic muscles 555
Function of the larynx 556
Vessels 558
Nerves 559
Nasal cavities 559
Lateral wall 560
Regions 560
Skeletal framework 561
External nose 562
Paranasal sinuses 562
Walls,floor,and roof 564
Choanae 566
Gateways 566
Vessels 567
Innervation 568
Oral cavity 571
Skeletal framework 571
Walls:the cheeks 574
Floor 574
Tongue 574
Salivary glands 580
Roof—palate 583
Oral fissure and lips 586
Oropharyngeal isthmus 586
Teeth and gingivae 587
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