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人工边界方法  英文
人工边界方法  英文

人工边界方法 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:韩厚德,巫孝南著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787302303909
  • 页数:423 页
《人工边界方法 英文》目录

Introduction 1

References 5

Chapter 1 Global ABCs for Second Order Elliptic Equations 9

1.1 Exterior Problem of Second Order Elliptic Equations 9

1.2 Global ABCs for the Exterior Problem of 2-D Poisson Equation 13

1.2.1 Steklov-Poincaré Mapping for the Exterior Problem of Laplace Equation 14

1.2.2 The Reduced Boundary Value Problem on Ω 17

1.2.3 Finite Element Approximation of the Reduced Boundary Value Problem(1.2.30)~(1.2.32) 21

1.3 Global ABCs for the Exterior Problems of 3-D Poisson Equation 26

1.3.1 Exact and Approximate ABCs on the Spherical Artificial Boundary ГR 26

1.3.2 Equivalent and Approximate Boundary Value Problems on the Bounded Computational Domain Ω 30

1.3.3 Finite Element Approximation of the Variational Problem (1.3.30) 34

1.4 Exterior Problem of the Modified Helmholtz Equation 37

1.4.1 Global Boundary Condition of the Exterior Problem for the 2-D Modified Helmholtz Equation 37

1.4.2 The Reduced Boundary Value Problem on the Computational Domain Ω 39

1.4.3 Finite Element Approximation of the Reduced Boundary Value Problem 45

1.4.4 Global Boundary Condition of the Exterior Problem for the 3-D Modified Helmholtz Equation 47

1.5 Global ABCs for the Exterior Problems of the Helmholtz Equation 49

1.5.1 Dirichlet to Sommerfeld Mapping of the Exterior Problem of the 2-D Helmholtz Equation 49

1.5.2 Dirichlet to Sommerfeld Mapping of the Exterior Problem of the 3-D Helmholtz Equation 55

References 58

Chapter 2 Global ABCs for the Navier System and Stokes System 61

2.1 Navier System and Stokes System 61

2.2 The Exterior Problem of the 2-D Navier System 64

2.2.1 The Global Boundary Condition on the Artificial Boundary ГR 65

2.2.2 The Reduced Problem on the Bounded Domain 71

2.2.3 The Finite Element Approximation for the Reduced Problem (2.2.59) 77

2.3 Exterior Problem of the 2-D Stokes System 79

2.3.1 Highly Accurate Approximate Artificial Boundary Condition 80

2.3.2 Finite Element Approximation on the Computational Domain Ωi for the Reduced Problem 84

2.4 Vector Fields on the Spherical Surface 91

2.5 Global ABCs for the Exterior Problem of 3-D Navier System 96

2.5.1 Highly Accurate Approximate ABCs 96

2.5.2 Finite Element Approximation of the Variational Problem on the Bounded Computational Domain Ωi 100

References 111

Chapter 3 Global ABCs for Heat and Schr?dinger Equations 115

3.1 Heat Equations on Unbounded Domains 115

3.2 1-D Heat Equations on Unbounded Domains 117

3.2.1 Exact Boundary Conditions on the Artificial Boundary ∑0 117

3.2.2 Finite Difference Approximation for the Reduced Problem(3.2.7)~(3.2.10) 119

3.2.3 Stability Analysis of Scheme(3.2.29)~(3.2.33) 126

3.3 Global Boundary Conditions for Exterior Problems of 2-D Heat Equations 131

3.3.1 Exact and Approximate Conditions on the Artificial Boundary ∑R 132

3.3.2 Finite Difference Approximation of the Reduced Problem(3.3.37)~(3.3.40) 138

3.4 Global Boundary Conditions for Exterior Problems of 3-D Heat Equations 140

3.4.1 Exact and Approximate Conditions on the Artificial Boundary ∑R 140

3.4.2 Stability Analysis for the Reduced Initial Boundary Value Problem 147

3.4.3 The Finite Element Approximation for the Reduced Initial Boundary Value Problem(3.4.38)~(3.4.41) 150

3.5 Schr?dinger Equation on Unbounded Domains 151

3.6 1-D Schr?dinger Equation on Unbounded Domains 152

3.6.1 The Reduced Initial Value Problem and its Finite Difference Approximation 153

3.6.2 Stability and Convergence Analysis of Scheme (3.6.19)~(3.6.22) 158

3.7 The Global Boundary Condition for the Exterior Problem of the 2-D Linear Schr?dinger Equation 166

3.7.1 Exact and Approximate Boundary Conditions on the Artificial Boundary ∑R 167

3.7.2 Stability Analysis of the Reduced Approximate Initial Boundary Value Problem 172

3.8 The Global Boundary Condition for the Exterior Problem of the 3-D Linear Schr?dinger Equation 175

3.8.1 Exact and Approximate Boundary Conditions on the Artificial Boundary ∑R 176

3.8.2 Stability Analysis of the Reduced Approximate Initial Boundary Value Problem 183

References 187

Chapter 4 ABCs for Wave Equation,Klein-Gordon Equation,and Linear KdV Equations 189

4.1 1-D Wave Equation 189

4.1.1 Transparent Boundary Conditions on the Artificial Boundaries ∑1 and ∑0 190

4.2 2-D Wave Equation 192

4.2.1 Absorbing Boundary Conditions 193

4.2.2 The Initial Boundary Value Problem on the Bounded Computational Domain Di 200

4.3 3-D Wave Equation 203

4.3.1 Absorbing Boundary Condition on the Artificial Boundary ∑R 204

4.3.2 The Equivalent and Approximate Initial Boundary Value Problem on the Bounded Computational Domain Di 208

4.4 1-D Klein-Gordon Equation 209

4.4.1 Absorbing Boundary Conditions on the Artificial Boundary ∑1,∑0 210

4.4.2 The Initial Boundary Value Problem on the Bounded Computational Domain Di 212

4.5 2-and 3-D Klein-Gordon Equations 214

4.5.1 Absorbing Boundary Conditions on the Artificial Boundary ∑Rf2-D case) 215

4.5.2 Absorbing Boundary Conditions on the Artificial Boundary ∑R(3-D case) 220

4.5.3 The Initial Boundary Value Problem on the Bounded Computational Domain D 223

4.6 Linear KdV Equation 224

4.6.1 Absorbing Boundary Condition on the Artificial Boundaries ∑a and ∑b 225

4.6.2 The Equivalent Initial Boundary Value Problem on the Bounded Computational Domain 227

4.7 Appendix:Three Integration Formulas 228

References 232

Chapter 5 Local Artificial Boundary Conditions 233

5.1 Local Boundary Conditions for Exterior Problems of the 2-D Poisson Equation 234

5.1.1 Local Boundary Condition on the Artificial Bboundary ГR 234

5.1.2 Finite Element Approximation Using the Local Boundary Condition and its Error Estimate 236

5.2 Local Boundary Conditions for the 3-D Poisson Equation 241

5.2.1 The Local Boundary Condition on the Artificial Boundary ГR for Problem(Ⅰ) 242

5.2.2 Local Boundary Conditions on the Artificial Boundary ГR for Problem(Ⅱ) 250

5.3 Local ABCs for Wave Equations on Unbounded Domains 254

References 257

Chapter 6 Discrete Artificial Boundary Conditions 259

6.1 Boundary Condition on a Polygon Boundary for the 2-D Poisson Equation—The Method of Lines 260

6.1.1 Discrete Boundary Conditions on Polygonal Boundaries 260

6.1.2 Numerical Approximation of the Exterior Problem(6.1.1)~(6.1.3) 268

6.2 2-D Viscous Incompressible Flow in a Channel—Infinite Difference Method 270

6.2.1 2-D Viscous Incompressible Flow in a Channel 270

6.2.2 Discrete ABCs 272

6.3 Numerical Simulation of Infinite Elastic Foundation—Infinite Element Method 278

6.3.1 The Steklov-Poincarè on an Artificial Boundary of Line Segments 279

6.3.2 Numerical Approximation for the Bilinear Form B(u,v) 281

6.3.3 A Direct Method for Solving the Infinite System of Algebraic Equations(6.3.25) 284

6.3.4 A Fast Iteration Method for Computing the Combined Stiffness Matrix KZ 289

6.4 Discrete Absorbing Boundary Condition for the 1-D Klein-Gordon Equation—Z transform method 292

6.4.1 Z Transform 292

6.4.2 Discrete Absorbing ABC 294

6.4.3 Finite Difference Approximation for the 1-D Klein-Gordon Equation on the Bounded Domain 296

References 297

Chapter 7 Implicit Artificial Boundary Conditions 299

7.1 Implicit Boundary Condition for the Exterior Problem of the 2-D Poisson Equation 300

7.1.1 The Single and Double Layer Potential,and Their Derivative for the 2-D Laplace Equation 300

7.1.2 The Derivation of the Implicit ABC for the Exterior Problem of the 2-D Poisson Equation 305

7.1.3 The Finite Element Approximation and Error Estimate for the Variational Problem (7.1.37) 309

7.2 Implicit Boundary Condition for the Exterior Problem of the 3-D Poisson Equation 310

7.3 ABC for the Exterior Problem of the Helmholtz Equation 316

7.3.1 The Normal Derivative on ГA for the Double Layer Potential of the Helmholtz Equation 318

7.4 Implicit ABCs for the Exterior Problems of the Navier System 321

7.4.1 Fundamental Solution,Stress Operator,Single and Double Layer Potentials 321

7.4.2 New Forms of T(?x,nx)vII(x)on ГA(n=2) 323

7.4.3 New Forms of T(?x,nx)vII(x)on ГA(n=3) 328

7.4.4 Implicit ABC for the Exterior Problem 333

7.5 Implicit ABCs for the Sound Wave Equation 336

7.5.1 The Kirchhoff Formula for the 3-D Sound Wave Equation 337

References 338

Chapter 8 Nonlinear Artificial Boundary Conditions 341

8.1 The Burgers Equation 342

8.1.1 Nonlinear ABCs for the Burgers Equation 343

8.1.2 The Equivalent Initial Boundary Value Problem on the Bounded Computational Domain Di 346

8.2 The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation 348

8.2.1 Nonlinear ABC for the K-P-Z Equation (D=1) 349

8.2.2 Nonlinear ABC for the K-P-Z Equation(D=2) 350

8.2.3 Nonlinear ABC for the K-P-Z Equation (D=3) 353

8.3 The Cubic Nonlinear Schr?dinger Equation 354

8.3.1 Nonlinear Boundary Conditions on the Artificial Boundaries ∑0 and ∑1 355

8.3.2 The Equivalent Initial Boundary Value Problem on the Bounded Domain [-1,0]×[0,T] 356

8.4 Operator Splitting Method for Constructing Approximate Nonlinear ABCs 358

8.4.1 The Local Absorbing ABC for the Linear Schr?dinger Equation 359

8.4.2 Finite Difference Approximation on the Bounded Computational Domain 360

References 362

Chapter 9 Applications to Problems with Singularity 365

9.1 The Modified Helmholtz Equation with a Singularity 366

9.1.1 ABC Near Singular Points 367

9.1.2 An Iteration Method Based on the ABC 368

9.2 The Interface Problem with a Singularity 373

9.2.1 A Discrete Boundary Condition on the Artificial Boundary ГR 374

9.2.2 Finite Element Approximation 379

9.3 The Linear Elastic Problem with a Singularity 380

9.3.1 Discrete Boundary Condition on the Artificial Boundary ГR 382

9.3.2 An Iteration Method Based on the ABC 390

9.4 The Stokes Equations with a Singularity 393

9.4.1 The Discrete Boundary Condition on the Artificial Boundary ГR 394

9.4.2 Singular Finite Element Approximation 403

References 406

Bibliography 409
