Section A Atomic structure 1
A1 The nuclear atom 1
A2 Atomic orbitals 5
A3 Many-electron atoms 9
A4 The periodic table 12
A5 Trends in atomic properties 16
Section B Introduction to inorganic substances 21
B1 Electronegativity and bond type 21
B2 Chemical periodicity 25
B3 Stability and reactivity 29
B4 Oxidation and reduction 33
B5 Describing inorganic compounds 37
Section C Structure and bonding in molecules 41
C1 Electron pair bonds 41
C2 Molecular shapes:VSEPR 46
C3 Molecular orbitals:homonuclear diatomics 51
C4 Molecular orbitals:heteronuclear diatomics 56
C5 Molecular orbitals:polyatomics 60
C6 Rings and clusters 65
C7 Bond strengths 69
C8 Lewis acids and bases 73
C9 Molecules in condensed phases 76
Section D Structure and bonding in solids 79
D1 Introduction to solids 79
D2 Element structures 83
D3 Binary compounds:simple structures 87
D4 Binary compounds:factors influencing structure 92
D5 More complex solids 96
D6 Lattice energies 100
D7 Electrical and optical properties of solids 104
Section E Chemistry in solution 109
E1 Solvent types and properties 109
E2 Br?nsted acids and bases 113
E3 Complex formation 117
E4 Solubility of ionic substances 121
E5 Electrode potentials 124
Section F Chemistry of nonmetals 129
F1 Introduction to nonmetals 129
F2 Hydrogen 133
F3 Boron 137
F4 Carbon,silicon and germanium 141
F5 Nitrogen 145
F6 Phosphorus,arsenic and antimony 149
F7 Oxygen 153
F8 Sulfur,selenium and tellurium 157
F9 Halogens 161
F10 Noble gases 165
Section G Non-transition metals 167
G1 Introduction to non-transition metals 167
G2 Group 1:alkali metals 171
G3 Group 2:alkaline earths 175
G4 Group 12:zinc,cadmium and mercury 178
G5 Group 13:aluminum to thallium 181
G6 Group 14:tin and lead 185
Section H Chemistry of transition metals 189
H1 Introduction to transition metals 189
H2 Ligand field theory 193
H3 3d series:aqueous ions 197
H4 3d series:solid compounds 200
H5 4d and 5d series 203
H6 Complexes:structure and isomerism 206
H7 Complexes:kinetics and mechanism 210
H8 Complexes:electronic spectra and magnetism 213
H9 Complexes:π acceptor ligands 217
H10 Organometallic compounds 221
Section I Lanthanides and actinides 227
I1 Lanthanum and the lanthanides 227
I2 Actinium and the actinides 230
Section J Environmental, biological and industrial aspects 235
J1 Origin and abundance of the elements 235
J2 Geochemistry 238
J3 Bioinorganic chemistry 241
J4 Industrial chemistry:bulk inorganic chemicals 246
J5 Industrial chemistry:catalysts 249
J6 Environmental cycling and pollution 253
Further reading 257
Index 259
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