- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王耀坤著
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787567781948
- 页数:123 页
第一章 Introduction and overview 1
第二章 Mathematical foundation and fundamental concepts 11
2.1 Mathematical framework for quantum mechanics 11
2.2 Entropy and quantum information 21
2.2.1 Shannon entropy 21
2.2.2 von Neumann entropy 23
2.3 The measure of quantum entanglement 25
2.4 Quantum discord 28
2.4.1 The definition of quantum discord 28
2.4.2 Quantum discord for Bell-diagonal states and Werner state 29
2.5 Quantum deficit 31
2.6 Dynamics of under local nondissipative channels 32
第三章 One-way deficit and geometry for X states with four parameters 35
3.1 One-way deficit of Bell-diagonal states 37
3.2 One-way deficit of X states with four parameters and its geometrical depiction 40
3.3 Dynamics of one-way deficit of X states with four parameters under local nondissipative channels 45
3.4 Conclusions 47
第四章 One-way deficit for X states with five parameters 51
4.1 One-way deficit for X states with five parameters 51
4.2 Dynamics of One-way deficit for X states with five parameters 57
4.3 Conclusions 60
第五章 One-way deficit of SU(2)invariant states 63
5.1 SU(2)invariant states and its quantum discord 63
5.2 One-way deficit of SU(2)invariant states 67
5.3 One-way deficit of SU(2)invariant states compared with quantum discord and EoF 71
5.4 Conclusions 74
第六章 Super quantum correlation and geometry for Bell-diagonal states with weak measurements 79
6.1 Super quantum correlation of Werner state with weak measurements 79
6.2 Super quantum discord for Bell-diagonal states with weak measure-ments and its geometrical depiction 83
6.3 Dynamics of super quantum correlation and quantum correlation for Werner state and Bell-diagonal states under local nondissipative channels 87
6.4 Conclusions 92
第七章 Maximal Holevo quantity based on weak measurements 97
7.1 Maximal Holevo quantity for projective measurements and weak measurements 98
7.2 Dynamics of MHQWM of Bell-diagonal states under local nondissi-pative channels 108
7.3 Weak measurements can be realized by noise and project measure-ments 111
7.4 Conclusions 112
References 114
Acknowledgements 122
List of Publications 123
- 《电子测量与仪器》人力资源和社会保障部教材办公室组织编写 2009
- 《互换性与测量技术》王宏宇主编 2019
- 《量子系统的非平衡多体理论》(意)G.斯蒂芬尼茨,(德)R.冯·莱文 2019
- 《灰姑娘的难题 测量》(韩)李孝真文 2016
- 《公差配合与测量技术》荀占超 2018
- 《测绘地理信息行业职业技能培训教材 测量基础》自然资源部职业技能鉴定指导中心 2019
- 《电工仪表与测量》殷兴光,王月爱主编 2017
- 《量子力学基础》郑伟谋著 2019
- 《电化学测量》胡会利,李宁编著 2019
- 《心理测量》黎光明编著 2019
- 《第一性原理方法及应用》李青坤著 2019
- 《嗨!我是好玩的数学游戏》梁淑坤著 2019
- 《跨文化交际英语教学与研究》张健坤著 2019
- 《当代中国合唱艺术的多元化表现及其发展研究》林玉坤著 2019
- 《Python基础视频教程》朱泽坤著 2020
- 《毛泽东完胜蒋介石实录》王相坤著 2019
- 《蜀舞撷萃 我与四川民族民间舞蹈》林坤著 2019
- 《京作硬木家具 李永芳》薛坤著;潘鲁生主编 2017
- 《新媒体环境下高校思想政治教育研究》王耀峰,黄骊,刘召用主编 2019
- 《章学诚的教育思想与实践》张坤著 2019