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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:田德新编著
  • 出 版 社:西安:西北工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7561209592
  • 页数:300 页

Unit 1 1

Text A Making Adjustments(中学→大学·调整) 1

Text B Higher Education in the USA(美国的高等教育) 4

Text C The Story of Creation(创世故事) 11

Unit 2 16

Text A Planning a Schedule(制定学习计划) 16

Text B Being on Time(守时准则) 20

Text C The Garden of Eden(伊甸园) 25

Unit 3 29

Text A Study and Reading(学习与阅读) 29

Text B Working Hard or Hardly Working?(工作努力还是几乎不工作) 32

Text C Is It Love or Infatuation?(是爱恋还是迷恋) 37

Unit 4 41

Text A Purposes of Reading(阅读目的) 41

Text B Dreams That Came True(愿望成真) 44

Text C The Pleasure of Reading(阅读乐趣) 49

Unit 5 54

Text A Reading Can Be Made Easy(阅读并不难) 54

Text B Loneliness(寂寞) 57

Text C A Laconic Answer(简洁的回答) 62

Text A How To Become an Effective Reader?(如何有效阅读) 65

Unit 6 65

Text B Can Stress Make You Sick?(压力是否会带来疾病) 68

Text C Address at Gettysburg(葛底斯堡演说) 74

Unit 7 77

Text A Introducing SQ3R(SQ3R导言) 77

Text B Linguistics(语言学) 80

Text C Hinduism and Buddhism(印度教与佛教) 86

Unit 8 90

Text A SQ3R(预测、提问、阅读、检查、背诵) 90

Text B Ancient Artifacts and Ancient Air(出土文物与保护措施) 94

Text C Lincoln s Autobiography(林肯自传) 99

Unit 9 103

Text A Building Your Vocabulary(扩大词汇量) 103

Text B History of Biology(生物学简史) 106

Text C The Cop and the Anthem(警察与赞美诗) 112

Unit 10 118

Text A Learning New Words:3Methods(学习新词的三种方法) 118

Text B Are Books an Endangered Species?(书籍会消失吗?) 123

Text C A True Instinct for the Beautiful(让爱美的天性常在) 128

Text A Vocabulary in Context(上下文中的词汇) 131

Unit 11 131

Text B Who Are the British?(英国人的来历) 134

Text C The Ambitious Guest(抱负远大的客人) 140

Unit 12 146

Text A Context Clues(上下文线索) 146

Text B The Growth of the USA(美国的成长) 150

Text C The Secret of True Happiness(真正幸福的密诀) 156

Unit 13 161

Text A Word Structure(构词法) 161

Text B Animal Language(动物语言) 166

Text C Sir Walter Raleigh(沃尔特·雷利爵士) 173

Unit 14 179

Text A Meanings of Words(词汇的意义) 179

Text B Cooperative Efforts in the World(携手共进) 184

Text C A Lesson of Living(生活教训) 190

Unit 15 194

Text A Denotation and Connotation(字面意思和引申意思) 194

Text B The Kremani Prophecies(克莱曼尼预言) 198

Text C The Unicorn in the Garden(花园里的独角兽) 204

Text A Using a Dictionary(如何使用词典) 208

Unit 16 208

Text B Mom,You Never Told Me(妈妈,你从未告诉过我) 212

Text C Salvation(拯救) 217

Unit 17 222

Text A Reading with Comprehension(阅读理解) 222

Text B The Land of the Lock(锁之国) 226

Text C The Handsome and Deformed Leg(漂亮的腿和畸形的腿) 231

Unit 18 236

Text A Main Ideas in Paragraphs(段落大意) 236

Text B The Open Window(敞开的窗户) 241

Text C The Spell(咒语) 249

Unit 19 255

Text A How to Read a Paragraph?(如何读懂段落) 255

Text B How to Sell Yourself with a Resume?(如何自我推销) 258

Text C Charles(顽童“查尔斯”) 266

Unit 20 275

Text A Recognizing Paragraph Patterns(识别段落模式) 275

Text B Ethnocentrism(民族优越感) 280

Text C Clothes Make the Man(人靠衣裳马靠鞍) 287

Keys 292

Bibliography 299
