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营养美味素菜  菜谱中英对照
营养美味素菜  菜谱中英对照

营养美味素菜 菜谱中英对照PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:黄婉莹编著
  • 出 版 社:福州:福建科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7533520513
  • 页数:59 页
《营养美味素菜 菜谱中英对照》目录

前菜 8

芹香豆干 Celery and Spicy Tofu Julienne 8

麻香青瓜素海蜇 Sesame Flavoured Cucumber and Japanese Yam Paste Noodle 10

色拉伴千层 Mille Feuille with Fruit Salad 12

白云藕片佛手瓜 Sweet and Sour Pickled Lotus Root and Chayote 14

小食 16

卷心菜丝春卷 Crispy Spring Rolls with Cabbage 16

素萝卜糕 Vegetarian Turnip Pudding 18

香荽土豆饼 Potato Patties with Coriander 20

红油素饺 Dumplinge in Red Chilli Oil 22

酿豆腐皮 Stuffed Tofu Skin 24

粥粉面饭 26

怀旧榄角炒饭 Stir-fried Rice with Preserved Olives 26

双菇干烧伊面 Braised Yee-noodle with Two Mushrooms 28

素八宝粥 Congee with Eight Treasures 30

豉汁素龙吐珠 Steamed Eggplant with Black Bean Sauce 32

鲜菇油条酿竹荪 Stuffed Bamboo Fungus with Fresh Mushroom 34

烤素方配薄饼 Crispy Soya Sheet in Chinese Pancake 36

脆炸椰汁豆奶块 Coconut Milk Fritters 38

芋蓉腐皮块 Crispy Soya Sheet with Taro Pieces 40

素石榴鸡 Vegetarian Chicken Parcel 42

发菜酿生筋 Stuffed Gluten Puffs with Black Moss 44

罗汉烩冬瓜 Braised Winter Melon with Vegetable Supreme 46

滋润八宝茶 Sweet Eight Treasure Tea 48

香滑芋泥 Sweet Taro Puree 50

红枣核桃露 Red Date and Walnut Puree 52

香煎南瓜饼 Sweet Pumpkin Patties 54
