- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:周叮著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7030188780
- 页数:269 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 General Introduction 1
1.2 One-dimensional Vibration 1
1.3 Two-dimensional Vibration 2
1.4 Three-dimensional Vibration 3
Chapter 2 Chebyshev Polynomials 6
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Definition 6
2.3 Basic Properties 7
2.4 Some Advantages 8
Chapter 3 Ritz Method 13
3.1 Introduction 13
3.2 Basic Formulation 14
3.3 Construction of Solutions 17
3.4 Construction of Boundary Characteristic Functions 20
Chapter 4 3-D Vibration of Rectangular Plates 29
4.1 Introduction 29
4.2 Mathematical Formulation 30
4.3 Convergence Study and Comparison 36
4.4 Numerical Results 40
4.5 Conclusions 47
Chapter 5 3-D Vibration of Rectangular Plates On Pasternak Foundation 48
5.1 Introduction 48
5.2 Formulation 49
5.3 Convergency and Comparison 51
5.4 Numerical Results 58
5.5 Conclusions 63
Chapter 6 3-D Vibration of Circular and Annular Plates 65
6.1 Introduction 65
6.2 Theoretical Formulation 66
6.3 Convergence and Comparison Study 71
6.4 Numerical Results 78
6.5 Conclusions 84
Chapter 7 3-D Vibration of Circular Plates on Pasternak Foundation 86
7.1 Introduction 86
7.2 Formulation 88
7.3 Convergence and Comparison Study 91
7.4 Parametric Study 94
7.5 Conclusions 102
Chapter 8 3-D Vibration of Solid and Hollow Circular Cylinders 104
8.1 Introduction 104
8.2 Formulation 105
8.3 Convergence and Comparison Studies 107
8.4 Numerical Results 113
8.5 Concluding Remarks 119
Chapter 9 3-D Vibration of A Torus with Circular Cross-Section 120
9.1 Introduction 120
9.2 Theoretical Formulation 122
9.3 Convergence Study 129
9.4 Eigenfrequencies and Mode Shapes 132
9.5 Conclusions 138
Chapter 10 3-D Vibration of Isosceles Triangular Plates 140
10.1 Introduction 140
10.2 Theoretical Formulation 142
10.3 Convergence and Comparison Studies 146
10.4 Numerical Results 150
10.5 Concluding Remarks 157
Chapter 11 3-D Vibration of Prisms with Isosceles Triangular Cross-sections 158
11.1 Introduction 158
11.2 Formulation 160
11.3 Convergence and Comparison Study 162
11.4 Numerical Results 166
11.5 Conclusion 171
Chapter 12 3-D Vibration of Skew Thick Plates 172
12.1 Introduction 172
12.2 Theoretical Formulation 173
12.3 Convergence and Comparison Studies 177
12.4 Numerical Results 188
12.5 Conclusions 192
Chapter 13 3-D Vibration of Prisms with Skew Cross-section 193
13.1 Introduction 193
13.2 Mathematical Formulation 195
13.3 Convergence and Results 196
13.4 Conclusions 202
Chapter 14 3-D Vibration of Generalized Super Elliptical Plates 203
14.1 Introduction 203
14.2 Formulation 204
14.3 Convergence and Comparison Study 206
14.4 Parametric Study 212
14.5 Concluding Remark 217
Chapter 15 3-D Vibration of Thick Circular Plates with Built-in Edges 218
15.1 Introduction 218
15.2 Theoretical Formulation 220
15.3 Convergence and Comparison Studies 226
15.4 Parametric Studies 230
15.5 Conclusions 239
Chapter 16 3-D Vibration of Rectangular Plates with Mixed Boundary Conditions 240
16.1 Introduction 240
16.2 Model 242
16.3 Basic Formulae 244
16.4 Boundary Characteristic Functions 244
16.5 Convergence Study 246
16.6 Comparison Study 249
16.7 Numerical Results 252
16.8 Conclusions 256
References 257
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