- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:J. COPLEY
- 出版年份:1961
- 页数:166 页
Introduction 1
abuse 10
accident 11
addition 12
address 12
admire 13
affection 14
affront 15
amaze 15
amiable 16
amuse 17
angel 18
annoy 19
antic 20
ascertain 21
aspire 21
assist 22
astonish 23
atone 23
awful 24
baffle 25
balmy 27
bravery 27
brittle 28
bug 29
buxom 30
candour 30
capable 32
careful 32
censure 33
cheer 34
circumstance 35
civil 36
clear 37
climate 37
clip 38
closet 39
coil 39
commodity 40
complexion 41
conceit 42
confound 43
convince 44
counterfeit 45
coy 46
cunning 47
curious 48
dainty 48
decent 49
defend 50
depend 51
desert 51
determine 52
diffidence 53
discourse 53
discover 55
disease 56
disgust 56
dismal 57
dismay 58
doctrine 59
dreadful 59
elegant 60
element 61
enamel 62
enlarge 63
enthusiasm 63
err 64
expect 65
fact 66
fancy 66
favour 68
fearful 68
feature 69
flaw 70
fond 70
formal 71
foul 72
free 73
gale 73
gaudy 74
gear 75
generous 75
genial 76
genius 77
gentle 78
gratefull 79
honest 80
horror 81
humour 82
imagination 84
impertinence 85
indifferent 87
influence 88
inform 88
ingenuity 89
innocent 90
insolence 91
insult 92
involve 92
jealousy 93
jet 94
lapse 94
large 95
lecture 96
let 96
lewd 97
liberal 98
lovely 99
lucid 100
lust 100
luxury 101
modern 102
motion 103
mutton 104
natural 104
naughty 105
nice 106
noise 108
numbers 108
obnoxious 109
obsequious 110
offend 112
office 112
ordinary 114
orient 114
outrage 115
owe 116
parts 117
peculiar 118
pensive 119
perplex 119
person 120
pitch 121
policy 122
polite 123
practice 123
precise 124
present 125
pretty 126
prevent 127
prodigious 128
proper 129
prove 130
purchase 131
purple 132
quaint 132
quick 133
rear 134
regiment 134
resolve 135
revolve 136
rude 136
sad 137
salt 138
science 139
secure 140
sense 141
sensibility 142
sentiment 143
shrewd 144
silly 145
small 145
sort 146
spot 146
stale 147
stew 148
strange 148
success 149
suggest 150
sullen 151
tall 152
taste 152
tax 153
toy 154
train[s] 155
translate 155
uncouth 156
undertaker 157
unkind 158
unnumbered 159
urchin 159
virtue 160
virtuoso 161
vulgar 162
wanton 163
watch 163
wit 164
worm 165
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