针织学 第3版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)戴维·J.斯潘塞编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国纺织出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787506440905
- 页数:319 页
Chapter 1 General terms and principles of knitting technology 针织基本术语和基本原理 1
1.1 Machine knitting 机器针织 1
1.2 The knitted loop structure 针织线圈结构 1
1.3 A course 线圈横列 1
1.4 A wale 线圈纵行 2
1.5 Stitch density 线圈密度 2
1.6 The main features of the knitting machine 针织机的主要特征 3
1.7 The needle 织针 3
1.8 Fabric draw-off 织物牵拉 4
1.9 The basic knitting action of a needle 织针的基本成圈过程 4
1.10 The bearded needle 钩针 5
1.11 The latch needle 舌针 6
1.12 The bi-partite compound needle 两部分组成的复合针 10
1.13 A comparison of latch and compound needles 舌针和复合针的比较 11
1.14 Machine gauge 机号 12
Chapter 2 Basic mechanical principles of knitting technology 针织的基本机械原理 14
2.1 The sinker 沉降片 14
2.2 The iack 底脚片,挺针片 16
2.3 Cams 三角,凸轮 16
2.4 The three methods of forming yarn into needle loops 三种成圈方法 19
Chapter 3 Elements of knitted loop structure 针织线圈结构 20
3.1 The needle loop 圈干 20
3.2 The sinker loop 沉降弧 21
3.3 Warp knitted laps 经编线圈 21
3.4 The overlap 针前垫纱 22
3.5 The underlap 针背垫纱 22
3.6 The closed lap 闭口线圈 23
3.7 The open lap 开口线圈 23
3.8 Wrapping 经纱提花 23
3.9 The knitted stitch 针织线圈 24
3.10 The face loop stitch 正面线圈 24
3.11 The reverse loop stitch 反面线圈 24
3.12 Single-faced structures 单面织物 25
3.13 Double-faced structures 双面织物 25
3.14 Selvedged fabric 光边织物 26
3.15 Cut edge fabric 开幅织物 26
3.16 Tubular fabric 筒状织物 26
3.17 Upright loop structures 线圈直立结构 26
3.18 Knitting notations 针织表示法 27
Chapter 4 The four primary base weft knitted structures 四种纬编基本组织 28
4.1 Introduction 引言 28
4.2 Plain structure 纬平针组织 29
4.3 Rib structure 罗纹组织 34
4.4 Interlock structure 双罗纹(棉毛)组织 39
4.5 Purl structure 双反面组织 43
Chapter 5 Stitches produced by varying the sequence of the needle loop intermeshing 通过变换线圈串套的次序形成的针织结构 49
5.1 Knitted stitches 成圈线圈 49
5.2 The held loop 握持线圈 49
5.3 The drop or press-off stitch 脱套结构 50
5.4 The float stitch 提花组织,浮线组织 51
5.5 Float plating 浮线添纱,架空添纱 52
5.6 The tuck stitch 集圈组织 53
Chapter 6 Coloured stitch designs in weft knitting 纬编色织花色织物 58
6.1 Horizontal striping 横条 59
6.2 Intarsia 嵌花 60
6.3 Plating 添纱 62
6.4 Individual stitch selection 单针选针 63
6.5 Jacquard design areas 提花花纹范围 68
6.6 Worked example 设计实例 68
Chapter 7 Pattern and selection devices 提花选针机构 73
7.1 Weft knitted patterns 纬编花色织物 73
7.2 Different lengths of butt 不同针踵长度 73
7.3 Different butt positions 不同针踵位置 75
7.4 Multi-step butt set-outs 多级选针齿配置 76
7.5 Selection devices 选针装置 76
7.6 Element selection 选针 76
7.7 Selection area arrangement 选针区域配置 78
7.8 Full jacquard mechanical needle selection 满针提花机械选针 81
7.9 Multi-step geometric needle selection 多级选针片选针 81
7.10 Needle selection by disc 圆齿片选针 83
7.11 The pattern wheel 提花轮 84
7.12 Pattern wheel design areas 提花轮花纹范围 86
7.13 Electronic needle selection 电子选针 88
Chapter 8 Electronics in knitting 针织中的电子技术 91
8.1 The disadvantages of mechanical control 机械控制的不足之处 91
8.2 The disadvantages of mechanical programming 机械程序设计的不足之处 91
8.3 The advantages of electronic control and programming 电子控制和编程的优点 91
8.4 The compatibility of electronic signals and knitting data 电子信号与针织数据的兼容性 92
8.5 Microprocessors and computers 微处理器和计算机 93
8.6 The computerised knitting machine 电脑针织机 93
8.7 Computer graphics and pattern preparation 计算机花型准备 94
8.8 The Stoll CAD pattern preparation system 斯托尔计算机辅助花型准备系统 97
8.9 The Shima total design system 岛精花型设计系统 101
Chapter 9 Circular fabric knitting 圆形纬编织物的编织 102
9.1 Weft knitted fabric production 纬编织物的生产 102
9.2 Single-and double-jersey compared 单双面针织物的比较 103
9.3 Simple tuck and float stitch single-jersey fabrics 带有集圈和浮线的单面织物 103
9.4 Non-jacquard double-jersey structures 非提花双面针织物 104
9.5 Double-jersey inlay 双面衬纬 109
9.6 The modern circular fabric knitting machine 现代圆机 111
9.7 Versatility and quick response 多功能和快速响应 113
9.8 The'contra'knitting technique 相对编织技术 114
9.9 Circular-machine production calculations 圆机生产计算 115
Chapter 10 Speciality fabrics and machines 特殊纬编织物和机器 117
10.1 The range of speciality fabrics 特殊织物的种类 117
10.2 The production of fleecy on sinker-top machines 衬垫组织在舌针圆机上的编织 118
10.3 Fleecy interlock 双罗纹衬垫 120
10.4 Plush 毛圈 120
10.5 The bearded needle sinkerwheel machine 吊机 121
10.6 Sinker plush knitted on single-jersey latch needle machines 毛圈织物在单面舌针机上的编织 121
10.7 Full-density patterned plush 高密度提花毛圈 122
10.8 Cut loop 割圈毛圈 123
10.9 Double-sided plush 双面毛圈 123
10.10 Sliver or high-pile knitting 长毛绒 123
10.11 Wrap patterning 经纱提花 124
Chapter 11 Loop transfer stitches 移圈组织 126
11.1 Uses of loop transfer 移圈的应用 126
11.2 The four main types of transfer stitches 四种主要的移圈组织 126
Chapter 12 Welts,garment sequences and knitting to shape 关边、计件和成形 133
12.1 The welt 关边 133
12.2 Rib welts 罗纹关边 135
12.3 Separation 分离横列 136
12.4 Imparting shape during knitting 编织成形 137
12.5 Integral garment knitting 整体编织 145
Chapter 13 Flat knitting,basic principles and structures 横编,基本原理和结构 146
13.1 History 发展历史 146
13.2 The two types of flat machine 两种横机 146
13.3 Flat machine gauges 横机机号 147
13.4 Conversion from Cottons Patent to V-bed gauge 柯登机和横机机号的换算 147
13.5 Knitting widths 编织宽度 147
13.6 Yarn counts 纱支 148
13.7 Simple hand-manipulated V-bed rib flat machines 简单手动横机 148
13.8 Stitch cam settings 弯纱三角调节 152
13.9 Spring-loaded cams 弹簧支撑三角 152
13.10 Two or more cam systems 两个以上的三角系统 153
13.11 Split cam-carriages 双三角座 153
13.12 Direct and indirect yarn feed 直接和间接喂纱 153
13.13 Yarn carrier arrangement 导纱器配置 154
13.14 Typical structures knitted on flat machines 横机编织的典型织物 155
Chapter 14 Automatic power flat knitting 全自动横编 161
14.1 History 发展历史 161
14.2 The MacQueen concept 麦克奎因的设想 161
14.3 Power flat machines 自动横机 162
14.4 The versatility of V-bed power flat knitting V形床自动横机的多功能性 162
14.5 Electronic controls replace mechanical controls 电子控制取代机械控制 162
14.6 The garment sequence programme 衣片编织顺序控制程序 163
14.7 Mechanical jacquard selection 机械提花选针 163
14.8 The Shima Seiki electronic selection system 岛精电子选针系统 163
14.9 The take-down system 牵拉系统 167
14.10 The fixed-stroke carriage traverse 定动程机头行程 167
14.11 Meeting the requirements of a shaping machine 成形横机的要求 168
14.12 The multiple-gauge technique 多针距技术 171
14.13 The split stitch 分针移圈线圈 172
14.14 Multi-carriage flat machines 多机头横机 172
14.15 Seamless glove knitting 无缝手套机 173
14.16 The WholeGarment knitting technique 整体服装编织技术 174
14.17 The Shima model FIRST 岛精公司FIRST型横机 177
14.18 The Tsudakoma TFK machine 津田驹公司TFK型横机 178
Chapter 15 The manufacture of hosiery on small-diameter circular machines 在小筒径圆机上生产针织袜 180
15.1 Types of hosiery 针织袜的种类 180
15.2 Classes of hosiery machines 袜机的分类 181
15.3 Gauge 机号 182
15.4 The early development of ladies'fine-gauge hosiery machines 细针距袜机的早期发展 182
15.5 The advent of nylon 锦纶(尼龙)的出现 183
15.6 Trends in fine-gauge hosiery since 1956 1956年以来细针距袜的发展趋势 183
15.7 Ladder-resist structures 防脱散结构 185
15.8 The development of the double-cylinder machine 双针筒袜机的发展 186
15.9 Single-cylinder sock machines 单针筒袜机 186
15.10 Timing and control of mechanical changes on circular hosiery machines 圆袜机上机械式定时和控制机构 186
15.11 Adjustment of loop length 线圈长度的调节 188
15.12 The double-cylinder slider butt set-out 双针筒导针片踵的排列 188
15.13 Production of heels and toes 袜跟和袜头的编织 189
15.14 Automatic separation 自动单件落袜 190
15.15 Seamed toe closing 袜头的缝合 191
15.16 Automatic toe closing on the knitting machine 在针织机上袜头的自动缝合 191
15.17 Tights 连裤袜 194
15.18 The'seamless'bodywear garment machine 无缝适体服装针织机 197
Chapter 16 Aspects of knitting science 针织科学概况 199
16.1 Knitted loop-shape and loop-length control 针织线圈形态和长度的控制 199
16.2 Loop length 线圈长度 200
16.3 Warp let-off 经编送经 202
16.4 Weft knitted fabric relaxation and shrinkage 纬编针织物的松弛回缩 204
16.5 Knitted fabric geometry 针织物的几何形态 205
16.6 Tightness factor 紧密系数 206
16.7 Robbing back 回退 207
16.8 Needle bounce and high-speed knitting 织针回跳与高速编织 208
16.9 The Cadratex unit Cadratex 卷取装置 209
16.10 Positive needle control 积极式走针控制 209
Chapter 17 Basic warp knitting principles 经编的基本原理 211
17.1 Construction of warp knitted fabrics 经编织物结构 211
17.2 The warp beams 经轴 212
17.3 The guide bar 梳栉 212
17.4 The guides 导纱针 212
17.5 Single needle bar structures 单针床机构 213
17.6 The pattern mechanism 梳栉横移机构 214
17.7 The chain links 链条 214
17.8 The electronic guide bar control system 电子梳栉控制系统 216
17.9 The development of lapping diagrams and chain notations 垫纱运动图和垫纱数码记录法的发展 216
17.10 Single-or double-needle overlaps 一针距或两针距的针前垫纱 216
17.11 The five basic overlap/underlap variations 五类基本的针前/针背垫纱运动 218
17.12 The direction of lapping at successive courses 连续横列的垫纱运动方向 218
Chapter 18 Classes of warp knitting machines 经编机的分类 222
18.1 Characteristics of tricot and raschel machines 特里科经编机和拉舍尔经编机的特点 222
18.2 The tricot machine 特里科经编机 222
18.3 The raschel machine 拉舍尔经编机 225
18.4 The compound-needle warp knitting machine 复合针经编机 229
18.5 The crochet machine 钩编机 230
18.6 The Waltex machine 瓦尔特克斯管针经编机 235
18.7 Warping 整经 235
Chapter 19 Plain tricot structures knitted with two full set guide bars 满穿双梳平面特里科织物 237
19.1 Rules governing two guide bar structures 梳组织形成原则 237
19.2 Two bar tricot 双经平组织 240
19.3 Locknit 经平绒组织 241
19.4 Reverse locknit 经绒平组织 241
19.5 Sharkskin 经斜平组织(雪克斯金、鲨鱼皮) 241
19.6 Queenscord 经斜编链组织 241
19.7 Double atlas 双经缎组织 242
19.8 Satin 经平斜组织 243
19.9 Velour and velvet 丝绒和天鹅绒织物 243
19.10 Overfed pile structures 超喂毛圈组织 243
19.11 Typical run-in ratios for nylon yarns 锦纶织物的典型送经比 244
Chapter 20 Surface interest,relief and open-work structures 结构、凸纹及孔眼织物 245
20.1 Basic principles 基本原则 245
20.2 Miss-lapping 缺垫 246
20.3 Part-threaded guide bars 部分穿纱梳栉 246
Chapter 21 'Laying-in'and fall-plate 衬纬和压纱板 250
21.1 Laying-in and weft insertion 衬纬 250
21.2 General rules governing laying-in in warp knitting 形成经编衬纬的基本原则 251
21.3 Mesh structures 网眼织物 252
21.4 Fall-plate patterning 压纱板花形 252
21.5 Full-width weft insertion 全幅衬纬 255
21.6 Magazine weft insertion 复式衬纬 256
21.7 Cut presser and miss-press structures 花压板和缺压组织 257
21.8 Spot or knop effects 凸结效果 259
21.9 Terry by the press-off method 脱圈法生产的毛圈 260
Chapter 22 Multi guide bar machines and fabrics 多梳经编机及其织物 262
22.1 The development of raschel lace 拉舍尔花边的开发 262
22.2 The success of raschel lace 拉舍尔花边的成功之处 262
22.3 Pattern guide bars 花梳栉 263
22.4 Guide bar nesting 梳栉的集聚 264
22.5 Multi-bar tricot lace machines 多梳特里科花边机 264
22.6 Chain links and electronic control of shogging 链条控制和电子控制的梳栉横移 265
22.7 The summary drive 累加机构 266
22.8 Raschel mesh structures 拉舍尔网眼结构 266
22.9 Marquisette and voile 薄纱罗和巴里纱 269
22.10 Elasticised fabrics 弹性织物 270
22.11 Jacquard raschels 贾卡拉舍尔织物 272
22.12 The Mayer Jacquardtronic multi-bar lace raschels 迈耶电子式多梳拉舍尔花边机 273
Chapter 23 Double needle bar warp knitting machines 双针床经编机 277
23.1 Operating principles 操作原理 277
23.2 Double needle bar basic lapping principles 双针床基本垫纱原理 278
23.3 Using two fully-threaded guide bars 使用两把满穿梳栉 278
23.4 The simplex machine 辛普勒克斯经编机 279
23.5 The double needle bar raschel 双针床拉舍尔经编机 281
Chapter 24 Technical textiles 产业用纺织品 290
24.1 Markets for technical textiles 产业用纺织品的市场 290
24.2 The properties of warp knitted structures 经编织物的性能 290
24.3 End-uses for technical textiles 产业用纺织品的用途 291
24.4 Geotextiles 土工布 292
24.5 Knitted wire 针织丝线 292
24.6 The advantages of warp knitted nets 经编网的优点 292
24.7 Composites 复合材料……- 294
24.8 Warp knitted multi-axial weft insertion fabrics 经编多轴向衬纬织物 294
24.9 Stitch bonding or web knitting 缝编 295
24.10 Spacer fabrics 间隔织物 296
24.11 Circular warp knitting 圆形经编 297
24.12 V-bed technical fabrics 横机生产的产业用织物 297
Appendix 附录 300
Glossary 词汇表 301
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