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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李华主编
  • 出 版 社:西安:陕西人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7224079987
  • 页数:329 页

1 Effect of Frost Indexes Change on Chinese Viticulture Zoning in Recent 45 Years近45年霜冻指标变化对我国酿酒葡萄产区的影响&李华 游杰 火兴三 王耀祺 1

2 Climate Change Impacts on Austalian Viticulture气候变化对澳大利亚葡萄生产的影响&L.B Webb P.H.Whetton E.W.R.(Snow)Barlow 12

3 不同氮浓度和形态比例对葡萄光合作用的影响Effects of Different Concentrations and form Ratios of Nitrogen on Photosynthesis of Grapevine Leaves&徐国前 张振文 房玉林 惠竹梅 17

4 行间生草条件下酿酒葡萄赤霞珠光合作用对光和CO2的响应Responses of Photosynthesis of Wine Grape Cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon to Light and CO2 Under Inter-row Green Covering&惠竹梅 李华 焦旭亮 郭旭丰 22

5 Studies on Photosynthesis Characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon during Blooming Period in Weibei Rainfed Highland渭北旱塬“赤霞珠”盛花期光合特性的研究&惠竹梅 焦旭亮 张振文 28

6 生草葡萄园土壤酶活性与养分相关性研究Correlative Research on the Activity of Enzyme and Soil Nutrient in Vineyard Green Covering&龙妍 惠竹梅 张瑾 李小勇 37

7 NaCl胁迫下酿酒葡萄叶片中保护酶活性的变化Effects of NaCl Stress on Activity of SOD,POD and CAT in the Leaves of Wine Grapevines&房玉林 宋士任 张昂 吕广雷 陈书霞 41

8 Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Fruit of Grapevine during Berry Developing Period浆果发育期葡萄果实中内源激素含量变化的研究&马海燕 张振文 46

9 温室条件下不同葡萄品种间新梢生长发育的比较Comparison of Shoot Growth and Development among Different Grapevine Cultivars under Greenhouse Conditions&孔云 王志忠 刘志民 姚允聪 50

10 Effect of Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Photosynthetic Pigments and Flavonoids in the Leaves of GrapevineUV-B辐射对葡萄叶片光合色素和类黄酮含量的影响&张振文 周新明 房玉林 吴鲁阳 惠竹梅 55

11 赤霞珠不同营养系成熟浆果品质的对比研究Study on the Quality of the Three Clones of Cabernet Sauvignon Ripe Berries&穆宁 张振文 张晓 魏雅雯 62

12 Inheritance of Axillary Shoots of Wild Grapes and Its F1 Generation野生葡萄及其F1代副梢遗传规律的研究&李华 程玉文 李茹一 李佩洪 67

13 Resistance of New Grape Strain 8804 to Plasmopara viticola酿酒葡萄新品系8804对霜霉病的抗性研究&李二虎 张振文 高捷 73

14 Discovery and Identify Eutypa Dieback of Grapevine in China葡萄顶枯病在中国的发现及鉴定&李华 李茹一 王华 程玉文 78

15 Advances in Predictive Warning Models of Grape Downy Mildew(Plasmopara viticola)葡萄霜霉病预警技术进展&李华 高捷 82

16 Molecular Characterization of Wine Yeasts Isolated from Spontaneous Fermentation of Vitis.amurensis Rupr Wine山葡萄酒自然发酵葡萄酒相关酵母菌的分子生物学鉴定&刘树文 苏龙 杨雪峰 李映龙 何玲 89

17 Influence des Activateurs au Cours de la Fermentation Malolactique par les Souches d'?nococcus ?niDifférentes sur les Vins de Bourgogne(Millésime 2006)几种发酵促进剂、乳酸菌种对2006年勃艮第葡萄酒的苹果酸—乳酸发酵的影响&王云 李华 Raphaёlle Tourdot-Maréchal Michèle Guilloux-Benatier 袁小甜 93

18 新疆野生葡萄酒酵母ITS区RFLP分析RFLP Analysis of Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer(ITS)Region of Wine Yeast from Xinjiang District&杨莹 管敬喜 徐艳文 薛军侠 刘延琳 101

19 甘肃祁连酒厂葡萄酿酒酵母菌的分离及其分子生物学鉴定Isolation and Molecule Identification of Wine-related Yeast Isolated from QiLian Winery of Gansu Province&徐艳文 杨莹 薛军侠 刘延琳 107

20 葡萄酿酒酵母菌不同菌株的RAPD分析Analysis of Different Wine Yeast Strains by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA&裴颖芳 宋育阳 徐艳文 刘延琳 113

21 葡萄酒活性干酵母对不同碳源的同化与发酵特性研究Study on the Characteristics of Assimilator and Fermentation to Different Carbon Source of Active Dry Yeast for Vinification&刘延琳 蒋思欣 李华 张博润 118

22 Effects of Iron and Copper on Oxidative Browning of Model Wines铜铁离子对模拟酒氧化褐化的影响&李华 郭安鹊 刘勇强 王华 124

23 利用固定化酵母酿制低醇葡萄酒的研究Study on Techniques of the Low-alcohol Wine Fermented by Immobilized Saccharomyces Cerevisia&屈慧鸽 邓军哲 张玉香 程显好 窦丽娜 133

24 Research on Utilizing Glucose Oxidase to Make Low-alcohol Dry Red Wine利用葡萄糖氧化酶研制低醇干红葡萄酒&李艳 李静 139

25 葡萄酒化学降酸方法的研究Study on Methods of Chemical Deacidification&张予林 李华 袁春龙 李继峰 梁艳英 145

26 干红葡萄酒发酵过程温度分布实验研究Research on Temperature Distribution during Alcoholic Fermentation in Vinification of Dry Red Wine&高畅 张艳芳 魏冬梅 张亚冰 王俊刚 毛晓辉 吴秀飞 151

27 葡萄酒厂废水处理方法的比较研究Research on Treatment of Winery Waste Water&来疆文 张保玉 杨雪峰 158

28 红葡萄酒对大鼠肝脏组织影响的光镜和电镜观察Influence of Red Wine on Liver Histiocyte in Rats with both Optical and Electron Microscopy&郭金英 李华 袁春龙 李静 韩珊珊 徐艳文 冯晓辉 164

29 Involvement of Wine Polyphenols in the Protective Effect Against Cardiovascular Diseases葡萄酒多酚与抗心血管疾病&王晓宇 李华 王华 171

30 Effect of the Drying Temperature on Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activities of Grape(Vitis amurensis Rupr.)Fruits干燥温度对山葡萄酚类物质含量和抗氧化性的影响&赵光远 纵伟 安广杰 178

31 微波处理对葡萄皮籽中多酚提取的影响Effect of Microwave on the Polyphenols Extraction of Grape Seed and Peel&袁春龙 任亚梅 李华 张琦 李银平 185

32 超高压提取葡萄籽中原花青素的研究Study on Optimum Process for Extraction of Proanthocyanidin in Grape Seeds by Ultra High Pressure&张文叶 姚二民 毛多斌 杨公明 191

33 超高压处理葡萄酒的紫外可见吸收光谱分析Analysis on the Ultraviolet-visible Absorb Spectrum of the Wine Processed by Ultra-high Pressure&刘树文 段旭昌 李绍峰 杨公明 196

34 Study on Content of Anthocyanins and Their Changes in Wines by HPLC葡萄酒花色素苷含量及变化趋势的HPLC分析&王华 李静 张莉 201

35 Aroma Compounds of Merlot Wine from Changli District(China)中国昌黎产区梅尔诺干红葡萄酒香气成分分析研究&陶永胜 李华 杨雪峰 段雪荣 210

36 Aroma Components in Chinese Cabernet Gernischet Wine Determined by Gas Chromatographic Olfactometric(GC-O)气相嗅闻法(GC-O)对中国蛇龙珠干红葡萄酒的挥发性香气成分分析&常伟 徐岩 李记明 217

37 Changes of Aroma Components in Wine Grape Pinot Noir during Ripening酿酒葡萄黑比诺果实成熟过程中芳香化合物的变化研究&张莉 王华 王贞强 226

38 Investigation on the Aroma of Wines from Four Clones of Pinot Noir Grapes黑比诺葡萄单品系葡萄酒的香气物质研究&张晓 张振文 穆宁 232

39 赤霞珠葡萄和品丽珠葡萄挥发性成分研究Volatile Compounds in Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc Using Liquid-liquid Extract Followed by GC-MS&范文来 徐岩 李记明 赵光鳌 姜文广 240

40 梅鹿辄葡萄和蛇龙珠葡萄的挥发性成分GC-MS分析Volatile Compounds in Merlot and Cabernet Gernischt by Liquid-liquid Extract and GC-MS&姜文广 范文来 徐岩 赵光鳌 李记明 247

41 中国青岛葡萄酒香气成分的研究Studies on Aroma Components in Wine of Qingdao,China&涂正顺 李华 夏广丽 束怀瑞 254

42 不同干燥方法对葡萄干香气成分的影响Effect of Different Drying Methods on the Aromatic Compositions in Raisin&张峻松,许小博,毛多斌,杨公明 258

43 不同干燥方法对葡萄干有机酸成分的影响Effects of Different Drying Methods on the Contents of Organic Acids in Raisin&纵伟 张世涛 刘钢湖 杨公明 264

44 Release of Glycosylated Aroma Compounds in Winemaking释放葡萄酒风味物质的研究进展&赵文英 李华 王华 269

45 利用多元分析参数鉴别红葡萄酒产地Application of Multivariate Analytical Parameters for the Identification of Red Wines from Different Regions&张军翔 275

46 Separation of L-arginine from Grape Juice with Ion-exchange Resin for Determination with Sakaguchi Reaction离子交换树脂分离葡萄汁中精氨酸的研究&李华 梁新红 冯丽丹 刘延琳 281

47 先秦至魏晋南北朝时期的葡萄文化Grape Culture from Pre-Qin Dynasty to the Kingdoms of Wei and Jin,and the Northern and Southern Dynasties&陈习刚 287

48 基于消费者心理特征的葡萄酒品牌差异化定位研究Study on Differentiated Positioning of Wine Brand Based on Consumer Mentalities&李甲贵 贾金荣 沈忠勋 杨和财 王亚宾 295

49 Analysis on the Pattern of Market Competition of Wine Brand in China中国葡萄酒品牌市场竞争格局分析&魏敏 301

50 A Research on the Key Successful Factors Induced Wine Tourism Regions Based on Demand Analysis基于需求分析的葡萄酒旅游诱发的主要成功因素研究&黄海域 307

51 中国葡萄酒行业建立反倾销预警机制的探讨Discussion of Establishing Wine Anti-dumping Alarm System&王渊 沈忠勋 杨和财 312

52 西北葡萄酒产业资源优势与发展路径的研究Research on Resources Advantage and Developing Ways of Wine Industry in Northwest China&杨和财 李华 薛宏春 李甲贵 318

53 中国葡萄酒产业科技推广主体协同分析Owners Cooperate with Each Other Based on Division Analysis of Sci-Tech Extension on the Wine Industry in China&黄天柱 罗剑朝 沈忠勋 李甲贵 325
