物理学词典 分子与原子物理学分册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:汪镇藩 张素德 美国渭
- 出 版 社:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1984
- 页数:157 页
克原子gram atom 1
爱耳赘奇实验Eldridge experiment 1 1
摩尔mol 1
克分子gram molecule 1
名词目录 1
分子量molecular weight 1
分子molecule 1
分子物理学molecular physics 1
一 分子物理学 1
摩尔分子体积molar volume 2
大气压atmospheric pressure 2
分子运动论kinetic theory of molecule 2
标准大气压standard atmospheric pressure 3
标准状况standard ccndition 3
玻意耳定律Boyle's law 3
查理定律Charles'law 3
盖-吕萨克定律Gay-Lussac's law 4
克拉珀龙方程Clapeyron's equation 4
理想气体ideal gas 4
相变change of phase 5 5
范德瓦耳斯方程Van der Waals'equation 5
理想气体的物态方程equation of state for ideal gases 5
气体常数gas constant 6
玻耳兹曼常数Boltzmann constant 6
阿伏伽德罗定律Avogadro's law 6
洛喜密脱数Loschmidt number 7
分子数密度number density of molecule 7
分子密度molecular density 7
道耳顿分压定律Dalton's law of partial pressure 7
分子混沌molecular chaos 7
阿伏伽德罗数Avogadro's number 7
速度分布律distribution law of velocity 8
分子束molecular beam 9
最概然速率most probable speed 9
方均根速率root-mean-square speed 9
平均速率average speed 9
速率分布函数distribution function of speed 9
斯特恩实验Stern experiment 10
朗缪尔实验Langmuir experiment 11
能量均分定理theorem of equipartition of energy 12
自由度degree of freedom 12
多原子分子polyatomic molecule 12
双原子分子diatomic molecule 12
碰撞频率collision frequency 13
自由程free path 13
平均自由程mean free path 14
萨瑟兰公式Sutherland formula 15
萨瑟兰常数Sutherland constant 15
输运现象transport phenomena 16
气体的扩散现象diffusion phenomena in gas 16
扩散系数diffusion coefficient 16
斐克定律Fick's law 16
轫致辐射braking radiation;Bremsstrahlumg 1 17
内摩擦internal friction 17
热传导heat conduction 17
傅里叶定律Fourier's law 17
热传导系数coefficient of heat conduction 17
内摩擦系数coefficient of internal friction 18
粘滞性viscosity 18
牛顿粘滞定律Newton's law of viscosity 18
泊poise 18
真空泵vacuum pump 18
真空计vacuum gauge 20
压力计pressure gauge 21
气压计barometer 21
滑动效应slide effect 22
气体的吸收absorption of gas 22
气体的吸附adsorption of gas 22
热流逸thermal transpiration 23
温度突变temperature jump 23
涨落fluctuation 23
布朗运动Brownian movement 24
皮兰实验Perrin's experiment 24
无极分子nonpolar molecule 25
有极分子polar molecule 25
约翰孙噪声Johnson noise 25
分子结构molecular structure 25
肖脱基效应Schottky effect 25
散粒效应shot effect 25
热噪声thermo noise 25
分子间力intermolecular force 26
分子电流molecular current 26
化学亲合势chemical affinity 26
化学键chemical bond 26
分子磁体molecular magnet 26
范德瓦耳斯力Van der Waals'force 27
共价键covalent bond 28
原子键atomic bond 28
范德瓦耳斯键Van der Waals'bond 28
离子键ionic bond 28
金属键metallic bond 29
分子晶体molecular crystal 29
表面张力surface tension 29
渗透作用osmosis 30
分子的振动vibration of molecule 30
毛细现象capillarity 30
振动量子数vibrational quantum number 31
高激发态分子high excited molecule 31
分子的转动rotation of molecule 31
振动能级vibrational energy level 31
转动能级rotational energy level 32
转动量子数rotational quantum number 32
分子光谱molecular spectrum 32
分子的转动光谱molecular rotational spectrum 33
分子的振动光谱molecular vibrational spectrum 33
分子吸收光谱molecular absorption spectrum 33
组合散射combination scattering 34
分子光谱的同位素移动isotope shift of molecular spectrum 35
激光分离同位素isotope separation by laser 35
多光子离解multiple photon dissociation 36
分子的离解能energy of molecular dissociation 36
分子天文学molecular astronomy 36
星际分子interstellar molecule 36
分子生物学molecular biology 37
生物大分子large biological molecule 37
高聚物high polymer 38
量子化学quantum chemistry 38
分子设计molecular design 39
永气体permanent gas 39
热平衡态equilibrium state 40
热力学第零定律zeroth law of thermodynamics 40
温度temperature 40
二 热学 40
测温质thermometric substance 41
测温性质thermometric property 41
温度计thermometer 41
温标thermometric scale 41
热力学温标thermodynamic scale 42
理想气体温标ideal gas'thermometric scale 42
华氏温标Fahrenheit's thermometric scale 42
列氏温标Reaumur's thermometric scale 42
经验温标empirical thermometric scale 42
摄氏温标Celsius'thermometric scale 42
开(开耳芬)K(Kelvin) 43
绝对温标absolute scale of temperature 43
负温度negative temperature 43
国际温标international scale of temperature 43
液体温度计liquid thermometer 44
气体温度计gas thermometer 44
热量quantity of heat 45
热质说caloric theory ofheat 46
热能thermal energy 46
热功当量mechanical equivalent of heat 46
量热术calorimetry 47
卡[路里]calorie 47
量热器calorimeter 47
大卡kilocalorie 48
热值calorific value 48
燃烧热heat of combustion 48
比热specific heat 48
定容比热specific heat at constant volume 48
定压比热specific heat at constant pressure 48
杜隆-珀替定律Dulong and Petit's law 49
定压摩尔热容molar heat capacity at constant pressure 49
定容摩尔热容molar heat capacity at constant volume 49
摩尔原子热容gram atomic heat capacity 49
克分子热容molar heat capacity 49
摩尔热容molar heat capacity 49
热容量heat capacity 49
分子热molecular heat 49
原子热atomic heat 49
考普-诺埃曼定律Kopp-Neumann's law 50
膨胀系数coefficient of expansion 50
压强温度系数temperature coefficient of pressure 51
压缩系数compressibility 51
牛顿冷却定律Newton's law of cooling 52
运流convection 52
热管heat pipe 52
黑体black body 53
斯忒藩-玻耳兹曼定律Stefan-Boltzmann's law 53
辐射能radiant energy 53
热辐射thermal radiation 53
交换定律law of exchange 54
相phase 54
相图phase diagram 54
凝聚态state of coagulation 54
聚集态state of aggregation 55
凝聚相condensed phase 55
单相系homogeneous system 55
复相系heterogeneous system 55
相界phase boundary 55
相律phase rule 56
相变潜热latent heat of phase change 56
相平衡phase equilibrium 56
潜热latent heat 56
三相点triple point 57
凝固freezing 57
凝固点freezing point 57
升华sublimation 57
升华热heat of sublimation 58
熔解fusion 58
熔点fusion point 58
熔解热heat of fusion 58
凝结condensation 58
汽化热heat of vaporization 59
汽化vaporization 59
凝结核nuclei of condensation 59
凝结热heat of condensation 59
蒸发evaporation 60
蒸发热heat of evaporation 60
蒸气vapour 60
饱和汽saturated vapour 60
饱和蒸气压saturation pressure 61
过饱和汽supersaturated vapour 61
过热蒸气superheated vapour 61
过冷super-cooling 61
过热super-heating 61
相对湿度relative humidity 62
绝对湿度absolute humidity 62
湿度humidity 62
沸腾boiling 62
沸点boiling point 62
临界常数critical constant 63
临界温度critical temperature 63
临界压强critical pressure 63
临界体积critical volume 63
对比物态方程reduced equation of state 63
临界状态critical state 63
对比压强reduced pressure 64
焦耳-汤姆孙效应Joule-Thomson effect 64
对比体积reduced volume 64
对比温度reduced temperature 64
对应态corresponding state 64
对应态定理corresponding state theorem 64
转换温度inversion temperature 65
热力学thermodynamics 65
可逆过程reversible process 65
不可逆过程irreversible process 65
等温过程isothermal process 65
等温线isotherm 66
绝热过程adiabatic process 66
绝热曲线adiabatics 67
内能internal energy 67
泊松公式Poisson formula 67
绝热指数adiabatic exponent 67
理想气体的绝热方程adiabatic equation of ideal gas 67
热力学第一定律first law of thermodynamics 68
第一种永动机perpetual motion machine of the first kind 68
赫斯定律Hesse's law 68
热力学第二定律second law of thermodynamics 68
第二种永动机perpetual motion machine of the second kind 69
热寂说theory of heat death 69
热力学第三定律third law of thermodynamics 70
工程热物理学engineering thermophysics 70
原子物理atomic physics 71
原子atom 71
(一)总论 71
三 原子物理学 71
原子学说atomism 72
原子论atomic theory 73
原子常数atomic constant 73
周期表periodic table 74
周期律periodic law 74
原子序数atomic number 74
原子质量数atomic mass number 75
原子量atomic weight 75
原子质量atomic mass 75
原子半径atomic radius 76
原子单位atomic unit 76
原子质量换算因数atomic mass conversion factor 76
原子质量单位atomic mass unit 76
原子体积atomic volume 76
原子实atomic kcernel 77
原子有序化atomic ordering 77
原子频率atomic frequencies 77
原子阻止本领atomic stopping power 77
原子核atomic nucleus 78
电子electron 78
电子经典半径electron classical radius 79
价电子valence electron 79
自由电子free electron 79
外逸电子exoelectron 79
α粒子α-particle 79
同位素isotope 80
光量子light quantum 80
能量子quantum of energy 80
作用量子quantum of action 80
质谱仪mass-spectrometer 81
氘deuterium 81
重水heavy water;deuteroxide 82
仲氦parahelium 82
正氦orthohelium 82
正氢orthohydrogen 82
仲氢parahydrogen 82
放射性元素radioactive element 82
半衰期helf-period 83
人工放射性元素artificial radioactiveelement 83
天然放射性元素natural radioactive element 83
放射性同位素radioactive isotope 83
亚稳原子metastable atom 84
里德伯原子Rydberg atom 84
D原子D-atom 84
卢[瑟福]rutherford 84
约化质量reduced mass 84
玻尔原子Bohr atom 84
折合质量reduced mass 84
正电子positron 85
正子素Positronium 85
强子原子hadronic atom 85
奇特原子exotic atom 85
磁氢原子monopole hydrogen atom 85
电子偶electron pair 86
原子能atomic energy 86
核反应堆nuclear reactor 86
电子伏[特]electron-volt(eV) 87
(二)原子结构 87
原子模型atomic model 87
汤姆孙原子模型Thomson atomic model 88
卢瑟福实验Rutherford experiment 88
α粒子散射实验α-particles scattered experiment 89
云室cloud chamber 89
威耳孙云室Wilson cloud chamber 89
膨胀云室expansion cloud chamber 90
有效截面effective cross-section 91
扩散云室diffusion cloud chamber 91
玻尔假设Bohr postulates 92
原子的核式结构atomic nuclear-model structure 92
行星式原子模型planetary atom model 92
卢瑟福-玻尔原子模型Rutherford-Bohr atomic model 93
夫兰克-赫兹实验Franck-Hertz's experiment 93
激发电势excitation potential 94
电离电势ionization potential 94
共振电势resonance potential 95
中肯电势critical potential 95
玻尔理论Bohr theory 95
玻尔半径Bohr radius 96
能级energy level 96
电子轨道electron orbit 96
玻尔轨道Bohr orbit 96
玻尔频率规则Bohr's frequency condition 96
能级图energy level diagram 97
玻尔-索末菲理论Bohr-Sommerfeld theory 98
空间量子化space quantization 99
泡利不相容原理Pauli's exclusion principle 99
电子组态electron configuration 100
电子壳层electron shell 100
闭合壳层closed shell 101
简并度degeneracy 101
退化度degeneracy 101
电子云electronic cloud 102
空间简并化degeneration of space 102
(三)原子光谱 104
原子光谱atomic spectrum 104
定态stationary state 105
激发态excitation state 105
受激态excited state 105
亚稳态metastable state 105
对应原理correspondence principle 105
基态ground state 105
选择定则selection rule 106
跃迁过程transition process 106
容许跃迁allowable transition 107
禁戒跃迁forbidden transition 107
激发几率excitation probability 107
跃迁几率transition probability 107
禁线forbidden line 108
里兹组合原则Ritz combination principle 108
光谱项spectral term 108
巴耳末系Balmer series 108
赖曼系Lyman series 110
帕邢系Paschen series 110
布喇开系Brackett series 110
芬德系Pfund series 111
里德伯常数Rydberg constant 111
类氢离子hydrogen-like ion 111
皮克林系Pickering series 112
巴耳末公式Balmer formula 112
里德伯公式Rydberg's formula 112
主线系principal series 113
漫线系diffuse series 114
第一辅线系first subordinate series 114
锐线系sharp series 114
第二辅线系second subordinate series 115
伯格曼系Bergman series 115
基线系fundamental series 115
X单位X unit 116
X射线谱X-ray spectrum 116
X射线X rays 116
伦琴射线R?ntgen rays 116
碰撞辐射collision radiation 117
标识辐射characteristic radiation 117
莫塞莱定律Moseley's law 118
布喇格角Bragg angle 118
原子的f-曲线f-curve of the atom 118
原子形状因数atomic form factor 118
康普顿效应Compton effect 118
康普顿波长Compton wave-length 119
康普顿方程Compton equation 119
康普顿电子Compton electron 119
俄歇电子Auger electron 120
精细结构fine structure 120
反冲电子recoil electron 120
俄歇效应Auger effect 120
精细结构常数fine structure constant 121
超精细结构hyperfine structure 121
多重态multiplet 121
单一态singlet 122
双重态doublet 122
三重态triplet 123
复双重线composite doublet 123
复三重线composite triplet 123
电子自旋electron spin 124
斯特恩-革拉赫实验Stern-Gerlach experiment 124
多重群polyad 124
超多重线supermultiplet 124
玻尔磁子Bohr magneton 125
磁子magneton 125
塞曼效应Zeeman effect 125
正常塞曼效应normal Zeeman effect 126
反常塞曼效应anomalous Zeeman effect 126
帕邢-巴克效应Paschen-Back effect 127
磁光转变megneto-optical transition 127
斯塔克效应Stark effect 127
朗德因子Landé factor 128
g因子g-factor 128
原子的矢模型vector model of atom 128
原子时atomic time 128
原子钟atomic clock 129
原子频标atomic frequency scale 129
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