临床急症学 英文原版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:31 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:James R.Roberts,Jerris R.Hedges编著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:711704392X
- 页数:1297 页
SECTION ⅠRespiratory Procedures 1
CHAPTER 1 Basic Airway Management and Decision-Making [Joseph E. Clinton and John W. McGill] 1
CHAPTER 2 Tracheal Intubation [John W. McGill and Joseph E. Clinton] 15
CHAPTER 3 Pharmacologic Adjuncts to Intubation [Steven C. Dronen] 45
CHAPTER 4 Cricothyrotomy and Translaryngeal Jet Ventilation 57
CHAPTER 5 Tracheostomy Care and Tracheal Suctioning [Steven M. Joyce] 74
CHAPTER 6 Noninvasive Assessment and Support Of Oxygenation and Ventilation [William E. Baker, Richard Lanoix, Dan L Field, and Jerris R. Hedges] 82
CHAPTER 7 Mechanical Ventilation[William Durston, John J. Kelly, and Barry J. Burton] 108
CHAPTER 8 Thoracentesis [David S. Ross] 130
CHAPTER 9 Tube Thoracostomy [Seth W. Wright] 148
SECTION Ⅱ Cardiac Procedures 173
CHAPTER 10 Cardiosinus Massage/Cardioversion [William Burdick] 173
CHAPTER 11 Defibrillation[Jerris R.Hedges and Michael I.Greenberg] 186
CHAPTER 12 Assessment of Implanted Pacemaker/AICD Devices [David w. Munter] 197
CHAPTER 13 Emergency Transvenous Cardiac Pacing [Georges C. Benjamin] 210
CHAPTER 14 Emergency Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacing [Scott A. Syverud and Jerris R. Hedges] 225
CHAPTER 15 Pericardiocentesis and Intracardiac Injections [Richard J. Harper and Michael C. Callaham] 231
CHAPTER 16 Artificial Perfusion During Cardiac Arrest [Carol S. Federiuk and Arthur B. Sanders] 254
CHAPTER 17 Resuscitative Thoracotomy[Robert L. Bartlett] 264
SECTION Ⅲ Vascular Techniques and Volume Support 281
CHAPTER 18 Pediatric Vascular Access and Blood Sampling Techniques [Frank J. Cunningham, Jr. William A. Engle, and Frederick J. Rescorla] 281
CHAPTER 19 Arterial Puncture and Cannulation [William J. Barker] 308
CHAPTER 20 Peripheral Intravenous Access [Edith L. Hambrick and Georges C. Benjamin] 322
CHAPTER 21 Guide-Wire(Seldinger)Technique for Catheter Insertion[Alfred D.Sacchetti] 334
CHAPTER 22 Venous Cutdown [Steven C. Dronen and Patricia Lanter] 341
CHAPTER 23 High-Flow Infusion Techniques [Kenneth V. Iserson] 351
CHAPTER 24 Central Venous Catheterization and Central Venous Pressure Monitoring [Steven C. Dronen and John G. Younger] 358
CHAPTER 25 Accessing Indwelling Lines [John M. Howell] 385
CHAPTER 26 Intraosseous Infusion [Frank J. Cunningham, Jr, and William H. Spivey] 394
CHAPTER 27 Endotracheal Drug Administration [James H. Bryan and J. Thomas Ward,Jr.] 401
CHAPTER 28 Autotransfusion(Autologous Blood Transfusion) [Thomas B. Purcell] 410
CHAPTER 29 Transfusion Therapy:Blood and Blood Products [Douglas A. Propp] 426
CHAPTER 30 Pneumatic Antishock Garment [Rober Norton] 442
SECTION Ⅳ Anesthetic and Analgesic Techniques 454
CHAPTER 31 Local and Topical Anesthesia [Michael Orlinsky and Edwin Dean] 454
CHAPTER 32 Nerve Blocks of the Thorax and Extremities [Edwin Dean and Michael Orlinsky] 473
CHAPTER 33 Regional Anesthesia of the Head and Neck [James T. Amsterdam] 497
CHAPTER 34 Intravenous Regional Anesthesia [James R. Roberts] 511
CHAPTER 35 Systemic Analgesia and Sedation for Procedures [Kevin R. Ward and Donald M. Yealy] 516
SECTION Ⅴ Soft Tissue Procedures 533
CHAPTER 36 Principles of Wound Management [Richard L. Lammers] 533
CHAPTER 37 Methods of Wound Closure [Richard L. Lammers and Alexander T. Trott] 560
CHAPTER 38 Skin Grafting in the Outpatient [Jose Eric Diaz Alcala] 600
CHAPTER 39 Soft Tissue Foreign Body Removal [Gail S. Rudnitsky and Richard C. Barnett] 614
CHAPTER 40 Incision and Drainage [Howard Blumstein] 634
CHAPTER 41 Burn Care Procedures [Thomas J. Krisanda and Courtney A. Bethel] 659
SECTION Ⅵ Gastrointestinal Procedures 679
CHAPTER 42 Esophageal Foreign Bodies [Steven A. Pace and Gary P. Young] 679
CHAPTER 43 Nasogastric and Feeding Tube Placement [Leonard E. Samuels] 693
CHAPTER 44 Balloon Tamponande of Gastroesophageal Varices [Edward A. Panacek] 713
CHAPTER 45 Decontamination of the Poisoned Patient [Patrick E. Mckinney] 719
CHAPTER 46 Peritoneal Procedures [John A. Marx] 733
CHAPTER 47 Abdominal Hernia Reduction [Lee E. Payne and Jonathan M. Glauser] 749
CHAPTER 48 Rectal Procedures [Scott M. Davis] 757
SECTION Ⅶ Musculoskeletal Procedures 772
CHAPTER 49 Out-of-Hospital Splinting[Mohamud R. Daya and Ronald J. Mariani] 772
CHAPTER 50 Management of Amputations [William C. Dalsey] 798
CHAPTER 51 Extensor Tendon Injuries in the Hand and Wrist [Peter E. Sokolove] 805
CHAPTER 52 Mangement of Common Dislocations [Robert McNamara] 818
CHAPTER 53 Splinting Techniques [Carl R. Chudnofsky] 852
CHAPTER 54 Podiatric Procedures [Lancing P. Malusky] 873
CHAPTER 55 Trigger Point Therapy [Anders E. Sola] 890
CHAPTER 56 Injection Therapy of Bursitis and Tendinitis [David H. Neustadt] 902
CHAPTER 57 Arthrocentesis [Georges C. Benjamin] 919
CHAPTER 58 Compartment Syndrome Evaluation [Lawrence B. Stack] 932
SECTION Ⅷ Genitourinary Procedures 947
CHAPTER 59 Urologic Procedures [Robert E. Schneider] 947
SECTION Ⅸ Obstetric and Gynecologic Procedures 988
CHAPTER 60 Emergency Childbirth [Lynnette Doan-Wiggins] 988
CHAPTER 61 Culdocentesis [G. Richard Braen] 1015
CHAPTER 62 Examination of the Sexual Assault Victim [G. Richard Braen] 1022
CHAPTER 63 Removal of an Intrauterine Device [Robin R. Hemphill and J. Alan Morgan] 1032
SECTION Ⅹ Neurologic Procedures 1038
CHAPTER 64 Management of Increased Intracranial Pressure and Intracranial Shunts [Alan B. Storrow] 1038
CHAPTER 65 Spinal Puncture and Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination [Jon C. Kooiker] 1054
CHAPTER 66 Special Neurololgic Tests [J. Stephen Huff and Paul B. Baker] 1077
SECTION Ⅺ Ophthalmologic, Otolaryngologic, and Dental Procedures 1089
CHAPTER 67 Ophthalmologic Procedures [John R. Samples and Jerris R. Hedges] 1089
CHAPTER 68 Otolaryngologic Procedures [David E. Manthey and Benjamin P. Harrison] 1120
CHAPTER 69 Emergency Dental Procedures [James T. Amsterdam] 1149
SECTION XII Vital Sign Measurement 1170
CHAPTER 70 Vital Sign Measurement [Jody Riva Lewinter, Thomas E. Terndrup, Terry M. Williams, and Robert K. Knopp] 1170
SECTION XIII Special Procedures 1193
CHAPTER 71 Procedures Pertaining to Hypothermia [David Doezema and David P. Sklar] 1193
CHAPTER 72 Hyperthermia Procedures [Timothy B. Erickson, Dwight E. Helmrich, and Scott A. Syverud] 1204
CHAPTER 73 The Sedative-Hypnotic Interview [Kenneth V. Iserson] 1214
CHAPTER 74 Bedside Laboratory and Microbiologic procedures [Anthony J. Dean and David C. Lee] 1218
CHAPTER 75 Universal Percautions [Kevin Rodgers] 1240
APPENDIX Commonly Used Formulae and Calculations [M. John Mendelsohn] 1247
Index 1259
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