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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:宋淑华等编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连海事大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:756321612X
  • 页数:351 页

Chapter One Water Polo(水球) 1

1 History of Water Polo 水球的历史 1

2 Equipments and Requirements 器材和要求 6

3 Rules of Water Polo 水球比赛规则 8

4 Signals to be Used by Officials 裁判人员手势语 79

5 Regulations for Disciplinary Actions in Water Polo at FINA Events 国际泳联有关水球比赛纪律的规定 85

6 Subordinate and Supplementary to FINA Rules 国际泳联补充附属条款 86

7 Water-polo Terminology 水球术语 95

8 Olympic Champions 奥运冠军榜 111

9 Introduction of Australian Women's Water Polo 澳大利亚女子水球队简介 113

Chapter Two Diving(跳水) 115

1 Introduction of Diving 跳水运动简介 115

2 Diving Positions 跳水姿势 120

3 Types of Diving 跳水种类 123

4 Diving Facilities and Equipment 跳水设施及设备 125

5 Competitions 比赛 127

6 Rules 规则 130

5 Age Group Rules-Diving 分龄跳水规则 193

6 Famous Divers 优秀跳水运动员 201

Chapter Three Swimming(游泳) 205

1 Introduction of Swimming 游泳运动简介 205

2 Pools 泳池 206

3 Equipment 器材 208

4 The Major Strokes 主要泳式 209

5 Swim Meets 游泳比赛 217

6 International Competition 国际比赛 220

7 Rules 比赛规则 221

8 Famous Swimmers 优秀运动员 267

Chapter Four Synchronized Swimming(花样游泳) 276

1 Introduction of Synchronized Swimming 花样游泳简介 276

2 Rules 规则 279

3 Famous players 优秀运动员 324

Appendix International Synchronized Swimming Basic Positions. 附录 国际花样游泳基本姿势 326

References(参考文献) 351
