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中学英文名著选  第2版
中学英文名著选  第2版

中学英文名著选 第2版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:葛傅椝编
  • 出 版 社:上海竞文书局
  • 出版年份:1949
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:148 页
《中学英文名著选 第2版》目录
标签:名著 中学

Ⅰ.Dr Samuel Johnson(By Nathaniel Hawthorne) 1

Ⅱ.My First Day in Philadelphia(By Benjamin Franklin) 9

Ⅲ.God Sees the Truth,But Waits(By Leo N.Tolstoy) 14

Ⅳ.God Sees the Truth,But Waits(Continued)(By Leo N.Tolstoy) 21

Ⅴ.A Tribute to the Dog(By George Graham Vest) 31

Ⅵ.The Daffodils(By William Wordsworth) 34

Ⅶ.The Selfish Giant(By Oscar Wilde) 36

Ⅷ.The Necklace(By Guy de Maupassant) 45

Ⅸ.The Necklace(Continued)(By Guy de Maupassant) 57

Ⅹ.Too Dear for the Whistle(By Benjamin Franklin) 66

Ⅺ.A Vision of War(By Robert Green Ingersoll) 69

Ⅻ.Letter to Mrs Bixby(By Abraham Lincoln) 74

ⅩⅢ.Annabel Lee(By Edgar Allan Poe) 76

ⅩⅣ.The Hand(By George Wilson) 78

ⅩⅤ.The Last Lesson(By Alphonse Daudet) 85

ⅩⅥ.A Handful of Clay(By Henry van Dyke) 96

ⅩⅦ.The Lady,or the Tiger?(By Francis Richard Stockton) 102

ⅩⅧ.The Lady,or the Tiger?(Continued)(By Francis Richard Stockton) 109

ⅩⅨ.Letter to His Son(By Robert Edward Lee) 119

ⅩⅩ.Break,Break,Break(By Alfred Tennyson) 123

ⅩⅩⅠ.Address to His Troops(By George Washington) 125

ⅩⅩⅡ.Address at Gettysbutg(By Abraham Lincoln) 128

ⅩⅩⅢ.How I Learnt to Write(By Robert Louis Stevenson) 131

ⅩⅩⅣ.A Psalm of Life(By Henry Wordsworth Longfellow) 140

ⅩⅩⅤ.Of Studies(By Francis Bacon) 143
