- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:马来西亚金龙鱼出版社编
- 出 版 社:深圳:海天出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7806974342
- 页数:220 页
目录 1
1 A Lioness and a Pair of Cubs(WesternAsia)母狮和一对小狮(西亚) 1
2 The Crows and the Goshawk (Arabia)乌鸦与苍鹰(阿拉伯) 5
3 The Monkey That Wanted to Swim(Arabia)猴子游泳(阿拉伯) 10
4 The Beggar and the Miser(Arabia)乞丐和吝啬鬼(阿拉伯) 13
5 A Plan to Quarrel(Arabia)计划吵架(阿拉伯) 17
6 The Lion and the Elephant(Arabia)狮子和大象(阿拉伯) 21
7 The Donkey without a Heart(Arabia)没有心的驴子(阿拉伯) 25
8 The Parrot and the Crow(WesternAsia)鹦鹉和乌鸦(西亚) 30
9 The Eagle and the Lark(Western Asia)老鹰和云雀(西亚) 33
10 Tears and Laughter(Western Asia)泪和笑(西亚) 38
11 The Fox and the Vineyard(Western Asia)狐狸和葡萄园(西亚) 41
12 The Snake and the Lark(WesternAsia)蛇和云雀(西亚) 45
13 The Sound of the Frogs(WesternAsia)青蛙的叫声(西亚) 50
14 The Stork,the Lobster and the Whale(Japan)鹳鸟、龙虾、鲸鱼(日本) 55
15 Two Stingy Neighbours(Japan)吝啬的邻居(日本) 59
16 The Stingy Rich Man(Japan)自己走去(日本) 62
17 Two Lazy Men(Japan)两个懒汉(日本) 65
18 The Boy Who Brought an Empty Pot(Korea)捧着空花盆的孩子(朝鲜) 69
19 The Tiger in the Screen(Korea)屏风上的老虎(朝鲜) 75
20 The Proud Rooster(Nepal)骄傲的公鸡(尼泊尔) 81
21 The Potter(Nepal)陶工(尼泊尔) 86
22 Mother Crocodile and the Wolf(Bangladesh)鳄鱼妈妈和狼(孟加拉) 91
23 The Kid and his Bell(Mongolia)不听话的小羊(蒙古) 97
24 The Kitten That Went Fishing(Mongolia)小猫钓鱼(蒙古) 102
25 The Eagle and the Crow(Mongolia)雄鹰和乌鸦(蒙古) 106
26 The Rabbit That Had Flu(Myanmar)兔子伤风(缅甸) 109
27 The Fisherman's Reward(Myanmar)渔夫的酬劳(缅甸) 114
28 The Frog and the Crab(Thailand)青蛙和螃蟹(泰国) 121
29 The Fox and the Porcupine(Thailand)狐狸和刺猬(泰国) 126
30 The Fox That Scolded the Crow(Thailand)狐狸骂乌鸦(泰国) 130
31 The Foolish Rabbit(Thailand)小傻兔(泰国) 134
32 A Lesson about an Elephant(Thailand)知识为什么不一样(泰国) 138
33 The Otter ThatTook a Bribe(Myanmar)水獭王被买通(缅甸) 144
34 The Monkey and the Frog(Malaysia)今天和明天(鲁来西亚) 149
35 The Clever Parakeet(Indonesia)聪明的鹦鹉(印尼) 154
36 The Ageing King(Indonesia)聪明的国王(印尼) 161
37 The Wisest in the World(Africa)乌龟和世界的智慧(非洲) 166
38 The Lion and the Hyena (Africa)狮子和鬣狗(非洲) 170
39 The Tiger Cub and the Baby Goat(Africa)小老虎和羊羔(非洲) 174
40 The Dog and the Jackal(East Africa)狗和豺(东非) 178
41 The Widow and the Hyena(East Africa)寡妇和鬣狗(东非) 182
42 Who Killed the Baby Leopard?(East Africa)谁杀死了小豹子(东非) 188
43 The Indecisive Hyena(East Africa)犹豫不决的鬣狗(东非) 191
44 The Jerboa and the Lion in a Well(West Africa)跳鼠智胜狮子(西非) 195
45 The Vain Butterfly(Congo)骄傲的蝴蝶(刚果) 201
46 The Cock and the Fox(Nigeria)公鸡和狐狸(尼日利亚) 205
47 The Present(Ethiopia)礼物(埃塞俄比亚) 209
48 The Power of a Small Needle(Sudan)小针胜强敌(苏丹) 213
49 The Four Frogs on a Log(WesternAsia)真知与半知(西亚) 217
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