高分子物理 “结构与性能”背后的概念 原书第3版 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(德)斯特罗伯著
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787111376705
- 页数:518 页
出版说明 1
推荐序 1
Preface(前言) 1
Preface to the First Edition/第1版前言 1
1 Constitution and Architecture of Chains/链的组成与构造 1
2 Single Chain Conformations/单链构象 15
2.1 Rotational Isomeric States/旋转异构态 15
2.2 Helices/螺旋 19
2.3 Coils/线团 22
2.3.1 The Ideal Chain/理想链 26
2.3.2 The Expanded Chain/膨胀链 45
2.4 The Persistent Chain/持续链 55
2.5 The Ising Chain/伊辛链 59
3 Polymer Solutions/聚合物溶液 69
3.1 Dilute and Semidilute Solutions/稀溶液与半稀溶液 70
3.1.1 Osmotic Pressure/渗透压 71
3.2 Screening of Excluded Volume Forces/排除体积力的屏蔽 82
3.3 Polyelectrolyte Solutions/聚电解质溶液 89
3.3.1 Condensation and Screening of Charges/电荷的团聚与屏蔽 89
3.3.2 Chain Stretching, Salt Effects and Interchain Ordering/链伸展、盐效应与链间序 95
3.3.3 Osmotic Pressure/渗透压 100
4 Polymer Blends and Block Copolymers/共混物与嵌段共聚物 105
4.1 The Flory-Huggins Treatment of Polymer Mixtures/聚合物混合物的Flory-Huggins处理方法 106
4. 1. 1 Phase Diagrams: Upper and Lower Miscibili Gap/相图:上临界与下临界混溶间隙 117
4. 2 Phase Separation Mechanisms/相分离机理 122
4. 3 Critical Fluctuations and Spinodal Decomposition/临界涨落与旋节线分解 129
4.3.1 Critical Scattering/临界散射 132
4.3.2 Decomposition Kinetics/分解动力学 143
4.4 Block Copolymer Phases/嵌段共聚物的相结构 151
4.4.1 Layered Structures/层状结构 155
4.4.2 Pretransitional Phenomena/前转变现象 157
5 The Semicrystalline State/半结晶态 165
5.1 Structure Characteristics/结构特征 167
5.1.1 Morphological Elements/基本形态 167
5.1.2 Structure Parameters/结构参数 173
5.2 Kinetics of Crystallization and Melting/结晶与熔融动力学 181
5.3 Laws for the Structure Development/结构变化规律 190
5.3.1 The Multistage Model/多阶段模型 199
5.4 Mechanisms of Secondary Crystallization/二级结晶机理 205
5.4.1 The Insertion Mode/插层模式 208
5.4.2 Surface Crystallization and Melting/表面结晶与熔融 212
5.5 Crystallization from Oriented Melts/取向熔体结晶 216
6 Mechanical and Dielectric Response/力学与介电响应 223
6.1 Response Functions/响应函数 224
6.1.1 Viscoelasticity/粘弹性 224
6.1.2 Orientational Polarization/取向极化 228
6.1.3 General Relationships/通用公式 229
6.2 Relaxatory Modes/松弛模式 236
6.2.1 Single-Time Relaxation Process/单时间松弛过程 237
6.2.2 Retardation and Relaxation Time Spectra/推迟与松弛时间 242
6.3 Specific Relaxation Processes and Flow Behavior/具体松弛过程与流动行为 245
6.3.1 Local Processes/局部过程 246
6.3.2 Glass-Rubber Transition and Melt Flow/玻璃-橡胶转变与熔体流动 250
6.3.3 The Glass Transition Temperature/玻璃化转变温度 269
6.3.4 Relaxation in Partially Crystalline Systems/半晶体系中的松弛 277
7 Conjugated Polymers/共轭聚合物 287
7.1 Electrooptic Activity/光电活性 289
7.1.1 Excitons and Free Charges/激发与自由电荷 289
7.1.2 Electroluminescence/电发光 297
7.2 Effects of Doping/掺杂效应 302
7.2.1 Electrical Conductivity/电导率 302
7.2.2 Magnetism and Reflectivity/磁性与反射率 306
8 Microscopic Dynamics/微观运动学 313
8.1 The Fluctuation§Dissipation Theorem/涨落-耗散原理 313
8.2 The Rouse Model/Rouse模型 317
8.2.1 Stress Relaxation/应力松弛 325
8.2. 2 The Dielectric Normal Mode/介电基准模式 330
8.3 Entanglement Effects in Polymer Melts/聚合物熔体中的缠结效应 333
8.3.1 The Reptation Model/爬行模型 338
8.4 Solution Viscosities/溶液粘度 343
8.4.1 Neutral Polymers: Hydrodynamic Interaction/中性聚合物:流体力学作用 344
8.4.2 Polyelectrolytes : Coulomb Interaction/聚电解质:静电作用 352
9 Non-Linear Mechanics/非线性力学 357
9.1 Rubber Elasticity/橡胶弹性 361
9.1. 1 The Fixed Junction Model of Ideal Rubbers/理想橡胶的固定结点模型 364
9.1. 2 The Cauchy Strain Tensor/ Cauchy应变张量 371
9.1.3 Finger's Constitutive Equation/ Finger本构方程 376
9.2 Swelling of Neutral and Electrolytic Gels/中性与电解质凝胶的溶胀 384
9.3 Non-Newtonian Melt Flow/非牛顿熔体的流动 390
9.3. 1 Rheological Material Functions/流变材料函数 391
9.3.2 The Lodge Liquid/ Lodge液体 398
9.3. 3 The Stress-Optical Rule/应力-光学规则 404
10 Deformation,Yielding and Fracture/形变、屈服与断裂 415
10.1 Shear Deformation in Semicrystalline Polymers/半晶聚合物中的剪切形变 418
10.1.1 Critical Strains/临界应变 418
10.1.2 Constituents of the Drawing Stress/拉伸应力的成分 426
10.1.3 The Mechanics of Neck Formation/细颈形成机理 429
10.1.4 Fibrillar State of Order/纤维化有序态 435
10.2 Crazing/银纹 444
10.3 Brittle Fracture/脆性断裂 450
10.3.1 Linear Fracture Mechanics/线性断裂力学 453
10.3.2 The Slow Mode of Crack Growth/裂缝生长的缓慢模式 455
A Scattering Experiments/散射实验 463
A.1 Fundamentals/基本概念 463
A.1.1 Basic Equations/基本方程 464
A.1. 2 Time-Resolved Scattering Experiments/时间分解的散射实验 468
A.2 Absolute Intensities/绝对强度 471
A.3 Low Angle Scattering Properties/小角散射性质 474
A.3.1 Guinier's Law/ Guinier公式 474
A.3.2 Forward Scattering/前散射 476
A.4 Special Polymer Systems/特种聚合物体系 477
A.4.1 Binary Mixtures and Block Copolymers/二元混合物与嵌段共聚物 477
A.4.2 Two-Phase Layer Systems/两相层状体系 484
B Glossary of Symbols/术语与符号 493
C Bibliography/参考书目 501
References/参考文献 505
Index/索引 505
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