重夸克物理学 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:AneeshV.Manohar,MarkB.Wise著
- 出 版 社:北京:世界图书北京出版公司
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787510032950
- 页数:191 页
1 Review 1
1.1 The standard model 1
1.2 Loops 8
1.3 Composite operators 15
1.4 Quantum chromodynamics and chiral symmetry 17
1.5 Integrating out heavy quarks 24
1.6 Effective Hamiltonians for weak decays 25
1.7 The pion decay constant 31
1.8 The operator product expansion 32
1.9 Problems 42
1.10 References 43
2 Heavy quarks 44
2.1 Introduction 44
2.2 Quantum numbers 45
2.3 Strong decays of excited heavy hadrons 48
2.4 Fragmentation to heavy hadrons 52
2.5 Covariant representation of fields 54
2.6 The effective Lagrangian 58
2.7 Normalization of states 60
2.8 Heavy meson decay constants 61
2.9 ?→D(*) form factors 63
2.10 ?c→? form factors 70
2.11 ?b→?c form factors 72
2.12 Problems 72
2.13 References 75
3 Radiative corrections 77
3.1 Renormalization in HQET 77
3.2 Matching between QCD and HQET 84
3.3 Heavy-light currents 87
3.4 Heavy-heavy currents 95
3.5 Problems 99
3.6 References 100
4 Nonperturbative corrections 102
4.1 The 1/mQ expansion 102
4.2 Reparameterization invariance 104
4.3 Masses 105
4.4 ?b→?ce?e decay 107
4.5 ?→D(*)e?e decay and Luke's theorem 112
4.6 Renormalons 115
4.7 u·A=O gauge 123
4.8 NRQCD 124
4.9 Problems 127
4.10 References 129
5 Chiral perturbation theory 131
5.1 Heavy mesons 131
5.2 gπin the nonrelativistic constituent quark model 136
5.3 ?→πe?e and D→π?ve decay 138
5.4 Radiative D*decay 141
5.5 Chiral corrections to ?→D(*)e?e form factors 146
5.6 Problems 149
5.7 References 150
6 Inclusive weak decay 151
6.1 Inclusive semileptonic decay kinematics 151
6.2 The operator product expansion 157
6.3 Differential decay rates 164
6.4 Physical interpretation of 1/m? corrections 166
6.5 The electron endpoint region 168
6.6 |Vcb| from inclusive decays 173
6.7 Sum rules 175
6.8 Inclusive nonleptonic decays 178
6.9 Bs-?s mixing 181
6.10 Problems 186
6.11 References 187
Index 189
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