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The protection of cultural property in armed conflict
The protection of cultural property in armed conflict

The protection of cultural property in armed conflictPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Roger OKeefe
  • 出 版 社:Cambridge University Press
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:0521867975
  • 页数:408 页
《The protection of cultural property in armed conflict》目录

Prologue 1

1 From the high Renaissance to the Hague Rules 5

The classical law 5

The French Revolution,the Napoleonic Wars and the nineteenth century 13

The Hague Rules 22

2 1914 to 1954 35

The First World War 36

The inter-war years 44

The Second World War 61

3 The 1954 Hague Convention and First Hague Protocol 92

Preamble 94

Scope of application 96

General provisions regarding protection 100

Special protection 140

Transport of cultural property 162

Execution of the Convention 165

Special agreements 195

The First Protocol 195

4 The 1977 Additional Protocols 202

Additional Protocol I 203

Additional Protocol II 229

The role of the ICRC 234

5 The 1999 Second Hague Protocol 236

Relationship to the Convention 242

Scope of application 245

General provisions regarding protection 248

Enhanced protection 263

Penal sanctions 274

Institutional issues 288

Dissemination,co-operation and assistance 294

Execution of the Protocol 297

6 Other relevant bodies of law 302

Treaties 302

Customary international law 316

UNESCO Declaration concerning the Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage 356

Epilogue 360

Bibliography 362

Index 393
