The Multi-Cultural FamilyPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Estin
- 出 版 社:Ashgate Publishing Company
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:0754626480;0754626482
- 页数:575 页
Religious Minority Groups and the Secular State 5
1 Ann Laquer Estin (2004), ‘Toward a Multicultural Family Law’, Family Law Quarterly, 38, pp. 501-27. 5
2 Patrick Parkinson (1994), ‘Taking Multiculturalism Seriously: Marriage Law and the Rights of Minorities’, Sydney Law Review, 16, pp. 473-505. 33
3 Edwige Rude-Antoine (1991), ‘Muslim Maghrebian Marriage in France: A Problem for Legal Pluralism’, International Journal of Law and the Family,5, pp. 93-103. 67
4 Marie-Claire Foblets (2000), ‘Migrant Women Caught Between Islamic Family Law and Women’s Rights. The Search for the Appropriate "Connecting Factor" in International Family Law’, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 7, pp. 1 1-34. 79
5 John Murphy (2000), ‘Rationality and Cultural Pluralism in the Non-Recognition of Foreign Marriages’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 49, pp. 643-59. 103
6 Unni Wikan (2000), ‘Citizenship on Trial: Nadia’s Case’, Daedalus, 129, pp. 55-76. 121
7 Leti Volpp (2000), ‘Blaming Culture for Bad Behavior’, Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities, 12, pp. 89-116. 143
8 Syed Mumtaz Ali and Enab Whitehouse (1992), ‘The Reconstruction of the Constitution and the Case for Muslim Personal Law in Canada’, Journal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, 13, pp. 156-72. 171
9 Lucy Carroll (1997), ‘Muslim Women and "Islamic Divorce" in England’,Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 17, pp. 97-115. 189
10 David Novak (2000), ‘Jewish Marriage and Civil Law: A Two-Way Street?’, George Washington Law Review, 68, pp. 1059-78. 209
Legal Pluralism and Women’s Rights 231
11 Pratibha Jain (2005), ‘Balancing Minority Rights and Gender Justice: The Impact of Protecting Multiculturalism on Women’s Rights in India’, Berkeley Journal of International Law, 23, pp. 201-22. 231
12 R. Songca (1997), ‘A Critical Analysis of Customary Marriages, Bohali and the South African Constitution’, Lesotho Law Journal, 10, pp. 23-36. 253
13 Ruth Halperin-Kaddari (2000-2001), ‘Women, Religion and Muticulturalism in Israel’, UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, 5, pp. 339-66. 267
14 Carla Makhlouf Obermeyer (1995), ‘A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Reproductive Rights’, Human Rights Quarterly, 17, pp. 366-81. 295
15 Azizah Y. al-Hibri (2003), ‘An Islamic Perspective on Domestic Violence’, Fordham International Law Journal, 27, pp. 195-224. 311
Indigenous and Customary Law 343
16 Jacinta Ruru (2005), ‘Indigenous Peoples and Family Law: Issues in Aotearoa/ New Zealand’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 19, pp. 327-45. 343
17 Antoinette Sedillo Lopez (2000), ‘Evolving Indigenous Law: Navajo Marriage- Cultural Traditions and Modern Challenges’, Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, 17, pp. 283-307. 363
18 Lona N. Laymon (2001), ‘Valid-Where-Consummated: The Intersection of Customary Law Marriages and Formal Adjudication’, Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, 10, pp. 353-84. 389
19 John Eekelaar (2004), ‘Children Between Cultures’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 18, pp. 178-94. 423
20 Annie Bunting (2004), ‘Complicating Culture in Child Placement Decisions’, Canadian Journal of Women and Law, 16, pp. 137-64. 441
21 Jini L. Roby (2004), ‘Understanding Sending Country’s Traditions and Policies in International Adoptions: Avoiding Legal and Cultural Pitfalls’, Journal of Law and Family Studies, 6, pp. 303-22. 469
22 Barbara Yngvesson (2002), ‘Placing the "Gift Child" in Transnational Adoption’, Law and Society Review, 36, pp. 227-56 489
23 Alison Dundes Renteln (2002), ‘Cross-Cultural Dispute Resolution: The Consequences of Conflicting Interpretations of Norms’, Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution, 10, pp. 103-15. 521
24 Marie Egan Provins (2005), ‘Constructing an Islamic Institute of Civil Justice that Encourages Women’s Rights’, Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, 27, pp. 515-40. 535
25 James R. Coben (2002), ‘Building a Bridge: Lessons Learned from Family Mediation Training for the Hmong Community of Minnesota’, Family Court Review, 40, pp. 338-49. 561
Index 573
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