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A Practical Guide to Working with TRIPS
A Practical Guide to Working with TRIPS

A Practical Guide to Working with TRIPSPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Taubman
  • 出 版 社:Oxford University Press;Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand [Distributor]
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:0199575206;0199575207
  • 页数:227 页
《A Practical Guide to Working with TRIPS》目录

1.What it Means to Work with TRIPS 1

Intellectual Property and Trade Law: Marriage of Convenience, or Shotgun Wedding? 5

Outline of TRIPS Disputes 20

2.TRIPS Law and TRIPS Politics: Legal Clarity and Policy Flexibility 29

TRIPS in the Spotlight 30

Intellectual Property and Trade Law: A Shotgun Wedding? 31

TRIPS in the WTO 33

What Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights are 'Trade-Related'? 35

TRIPS and the New Economy 36

Resistance to TRIPS 39

From a Politics of TRIPS to the Practice of TRIPS 41

'Defending TRIPS' 43

'Getting around TRIPS' 44

The Limits to International Lawmaking 45

Access to Medicines and the Compulsory Licensing Debate 47

Power to the Policymakers 49

'Impossible things' about TRIPS 50

3.Situating TRIPS Within the WTO: In Practice and in Theory 55

Situating TRIPS in the WTO: Values, Ideology, and Theory 62

Contesting the Idea of TRIPS 64

Roots of the WTO 65

Intellectual Property under the GATT 67

Is TRIPS a 'Market Access' Agreement? 72

4.A Practical Anatomy of TRIPS 75

The Hybrid Structure of TRIPS 75

The Content of TRIPS 79

PartⅠ: General Provisions and Basic Principles 80

Exhaustion of Rights 85

Part Ⅱ: Practical Points 85

Part Ⅱ: Standards Concerning the Availability, Scope, and Use of IP Rights 86

Substantive Law of Copyright 92

Substantive Law of Trademarks 94

Substantive Law on Geographical Indications 96

Just Getting Along? Geographical Indications, Trademarks, and Coexistence 99

Substantive Law on Industrial Designs 102

Substantive Law on Patents 102

Substantive Law on Integrated Circuit Layout Designs 106

Substantive Law on Undisclosed (Confidential) Information 106

Substantive Law on Anti-Competitive Practices 108

Part Ⅱ: Practical Points 108

Parts Ⅲ and Ⅳ: Enforcement and Grant of Intellectual Property Rights 109

Parts Ⅲ and Ⅳ: Practical Points 116

Part Ⅴ: Dispute Prevention and Settlement 117

Part Ⅴ: Practical Points 123

Part Ⅵ: Transitional Arrangements 123

Part Ⅶ: Institutional Arrangements: Final Provisions 123

Parts Ⅵ and VII: Practical Points 128

5.Trade Rules or Trade Wars? Settling TRIPS Disputes 129

TRIPS Dispute Settlement in Context 129

The Function of TRIPS Dispute Settlement 136

The Cause of Action 136

Remedies 140

Dispute Settlement Procedure 143

IP Law and Policy in TRIPS Disputes 146

Practical Insights from Other TRIPS Cases 151

Cross-Retaliation Cases: TRIPS and Market Access under Other Agreements 156

Practical Points 157

6.TRIPS and Global Issues: Navigating IP and Public Policy 159

From the 'Trade and'question 160

...to debating 'TRIPS and' 162

TRIPS in the Practice of Public Policy 164

TRIPS and Global Public Goods 165

Core Principles: Law and Policy 167

And in Practice 169

Towards Reconciliation 171

TRIPS and Human Rights 172

Public Health 179

Traditional Knowledge, Biodiversity, and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 185

Climate Change 190

Geographical Indications 193

Beyond Zero-Sum: Strategies for Reconciliation 198

7.TRIPS and the Promotion of National Interests 201

Beyond IP Producer versus IP Consumer? 202

And Beyond Zero-Sum Trade-Offs? 205

Assessing Impact in a Changing Context 207

Towards Richer Ideas of'Compliance': Treaty Implementation as Good Policy, and Good Policy as Treaty Implementation 208

Appendix 215

Index 223
