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An Introduction to Comparative Legal Models of Criminal Justice
An Introduction to Comparative Legal Models of Criminal Justice

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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Das
  • 出 版 社:CRC Press [Imprint];Taylor & Francis Group;Taylor & Francis Group [Distributor]
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:1420065923;1420065920
  • 页数:335 页
《An Introduction to Comparative Legal Models of Criminal Justice》目录

1 An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Legal Models 1

Key Terms 1

Introduction 2

Words of Art 5

Legal Models 5

Jurisprudence 5

Natural Law 5

Positive Law Approach 6

Historical Approach 6

Law as an Instrument of Control 7

Function of a Court System 8

Brief Examination of the Legal Models 8

Roman Law 9

Revival of Roman Law 12

Commercial Law 13

Civil Law Model 13

Common Law Model 14

Islamic Model 15

Socialist Model 16

Mixed-Legal Model 17

Law Enforcement Systems 19

Punishments 20

Comparative Violence 21

Summary 21

Questions in Review 22

2 Common Law Model: The Courts 25

Key Terms 25

Introduction 26

Henry Ⅱ 27

The Magna Carta 27

Sir Edward Coke 28

Sir William Blackstone 29

Common Law in the United States 31

U.S.Court Systems Today 32

Federal System 32

U.S.Court of Appeals 32

U.S.District Courts 33

U.S.Magistrates 34

Participants in a Criminal Case 34

Trial Judge 35

Defendant 36

Prosecuting Attorney 36

Law in Action: The Case of Wen Ho Lee 39

State Attorney General 49

Defense Counsel 50

The Right to Represent Oneself 51

Privileged Communication 51

Clerk of the Court 52

Bailiff 53

Court Reporter 53

Court Commissioners 53

English Court System Today 53

Court of Queen’s or King’s Bench 54

Supreme Court of Judicature 54

Magistrates’ Court 55

Crown Court 55

Royal Courts of Justice 56

Comparisons between the United States and the United Kingdom 56

Practice of Law 59

Canadian Legal System 61

Court Structure 62

Provincial and Territorial Superior Courts 63

Provincial and Territorial Courts 64

The Judiciary 64

Right to Fair Trial versus Freedom of the Press 64

Scottish Legal System 64

Australian Legal System 65

Legal System 66

Classification of Crimes 66

Summary 66

Questions in Review 67

3 Policing and Corrections under the Common Law Model 69

Key Terms 69

Policing in Common Law Countries 69

Deviance Control or Civil Order Control 70

Policing Models 70

Local Policing in the United States and England 71

Local Policing in the United States 72

Mission of Local Police Departments 73

Local Policing in England and Wales 74

Hiring Requirements for U.S.and English Police Officers 75

Salaries for English and U.S.Police Officers 76

Training of New Officers 77

Police Powers and Use of Discretion 78

Community Policing under the Common Law Model 79

Policing in Canada 79

Corrections in Common Law Countries 84

Sentencing 87

In the United States 87

In the United Kingdom and Wales 89

Sentencing in the United Kingdom 90

Confinement 90

Rates of Incarceration 90

Approaches to Confinement in the United States 91

English Purposes of Confinement 91

Prisons Ombudsman 93

Alternatives to Incarceration 93

Corporal Punishment 94

Fines 94

Probation 94

Probation in England 95

Probation in the United States 95

House Arrest 97

Death Penalty 98

Summary 99

Questions in Review 100

4 Civil Law Model: The Courts 101

Key Terms 101

Introduction 101

Early Tribal and Feudal Laws 102

Early Legislation 102

Influence of Roman Law 103

Canon Law 104

Commercial Law 105

Development of National Legal Systems 105

Napoleonic Code 106

German Legal Science 107

Codes in Civil and Common Law Models 109

Inquisitorial Prosecution 110

German Civil Law System 110

Rights of the Accused in a German Criminal Trial 115

Principle of Territoriality 118

Criminal Justice in France 119

Criminal Justice in Brazil 121

Summary 124

Questions in Review 125

5 Policing and Corrections under the Civil Law Model 127

Key Terms 127

Introduction 127

Law Enforcement in France 128

Law Enforcement in Germany 130

Law Enforcement in Brazil 132

Corrections under the Civil Law Model 133

Pre-trial Diversion 135

Plea Bargaining 136

Confinement 138

Probation 139

Parole 140

Death Penalty 141

Fines 141

Summary 142

Questions in Review 143

6 The Islamic Law Model: The Courts 145

Key Terms 145

Introduction 145

Origins and Evolution 148

Sources 149

Fundamental Principles 150

Structure of Penal Law 151

Murder under Islamic Law 152

Evidence of Guilt 153

Confessions 153

Testimony of Eyewitnesses 154

Other Evidence 154

Doubt as to Guilt 154

Saudi Arabia 156

Criminal Cases 157

Pakistan 159

Iran 160

Summary 161

Questions in Review 162

7 Policing and Corrections under the Islamic Legal Model 163

Key Terms 163

Introduction 163

Saudi Policing 164

The Saudi Record on Human Rights 166

Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 167

Arbitrary Arrest, Detention, or Exile 167

Policing in Pakistan 168

Policing in Iran 169

Corrections 170

Amputation 173

Blood Money 173

Aid to Prisoners’ Families 174

Corrections in Iran 175

Corrections in Pakistan 175

Summary 176

Questions in Review 176

8 The Socialist Law Model: The Courts 177

Key Terms 177

Introduction 177

Legal System of Russia 178

People’s Republic of China 180

Crimes 183

Court System 183

Confessions 184

Law of Search and Seizure 185

Rights of an Accused 185

Court Procedures 186

Legal System of Cuba 186

Court Structure 188

Trial Procedure 188

Extradition from Cuba 189

Summary 189

Questions in Review 190

9 Policing and Corrections under the Socialist Law Model 191

Key Terms 191

Introduction 191

Public Trust and Community Policing 192

Policing in Russia 193

Policing in the People’s Republic of China 194

Use of Force by Police in China 196

Police Detention 197

Public Crime Statistics 197

Policing in Cuba 198

Corrections in Russia 199

Imprisonment in Russia 199

Corrections in China 200

Chinese Prisons 202

Early Release of Prisoners 202

Prison Conditions 202

Corrections in Cuba 203

Range of Punishments 203

Confinement in Cuba 203

Summary 204

Questions in Review 205

10 Mixed Law Models 207

Key Terms 207

Introduction 207

Bulgarian System of Law 207

Bulgarian Court System 208

Bulgarian Prosecutors 209

Crime Classification 209

Trial Procedure 209

Bulgarian Police System 210

Corrections in Bulgaria 211

Confinement in Bulgaria 211

Indian System of Law 212

Indian Legal History 212

Crime Classifications in India 213

Indian Court System 214

Policing in India 215

Criminal Process in India 216

Prosecutors 217

Corrections in India 217

Confinement in India 218

Sri Lankan System of Law 218

Criminal Justice System 219

Crime Classification 219

Sri Lanka’s Court System 219

Policing in Sri Lanka 220

Trial Procedures 220

Sentencing Process 221

Confinement in Sri Lanka 221

Summary 222

Questions in Review 222

11 International Courts 225

Key Terms 225

Introduction 225

International Criminal Court 225

The United States and the ICC 226

Establishment of the Court 227

President of the ICC 227

Judicial Divisions 228

Prosecutor 228

Registry 228

Other Offices 228

Jurisdiction and Admissibility 228

Procedure 229

Duties of States That Are Parties 230

Selected Court Cases 231

Trial Procedure of the ICC 234

International Court of Justice 235

Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ) 237

Establishment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) 238

Resolution of Cases 238

Practice Directions 239

Jurisdiction of the ICJ 240

Contentious Cases 240

Advisory Proceedings 241

Court of Justice of the European Communities 241

Proceedings before the Court 244

Court of First Instance 247

Examples of Cases Brought before the Court of First Instance 249

Civil Service Tribune 251

Summary 251

Questions in Review 252

12 International Criminal Justice Agencies and Associations 253

Key Terms 253

Introduction 253

Interpol 253

Structure 254

Core Functions 254

Trafficking in Human Beings 255

Corruption 256

Child Sexual Exploitation 256

Public Safety and Terrorism 257

Drugs 257

Criminal Organizations 258

Financial and High-tech Crimes 259

Fugitive Investigative Services 259

Interpol’s Other Areas of Crime 260

National Central Reference Points Network 260

International Cyber-crime Conference 261

Europol 261

The Europol Computer System (TECS) 262

International Association of Chiefs of Police 262

International Police Association 263

United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Network 264

U.N.Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice 264

International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy 265

Criminal Justice Reform Unit 266

Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention 267

Institutes of the U.N.Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network 268

Commission on Narcotic Drugs 269

U.N.Terrorism Prevention Branch 269

International Narcotics Control Board 269

Transnational Organized Crime 269

Trafficking in Humans 270

United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children 271

Trafficking in Firearms 275

International Police Executive Symposium 275

International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism 277

Organization of American States 278

Child Wise 279

Summary 279

Questions in Review 280

APPENDIX A: ICC Arrest Warrant for Thomas Lubanga Dyilo 281

APPENDIX B: First Appearance before the International Criminal Court in Case of Prosecutor V.Thomas&Lubanga Dyilo 285

APPENDIX C: Excerpts from the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy Resolution Sixtieth Session: Resolution Adopted by the General Assembly 295

References 305

Index 311
