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普通物理英语文选  英汉对照
普通物理英语文选  英汉对照

普通物理英语文选 英汉对照PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:方涛编
  • 出 版 社:南京:江苏科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:1984
  • ISBN:9196·008
  • 页数:272 页
《普通物理英语文选 英汉对照》目录
标签:文选 物理

Lesson One The Velocity速度 1

Lesson Two The Acceleration加速度 7

Lesson Three The Rectilinear Motion with Constant Acceleration匀加速度直线运动 10

Lesson Four Motion of A Projectile抛体运动 17

Lesson Five Circular Motion圆周运动 24

Lesson Six Newton s First Law牛顿第一定律 29

Lesson Seven Newton s Second Law牛顿第二定律 33

Lesson Eight Newton s Third Law牛顿第三定律 39

Lesson Nine The Law of Conservation of Momentum动量守恒定律 44

Lesson Ten Work功 50

Lesson Eleven Power功率 55

Lesson Twelve Newton s Law of Universal Gravitation牛顿万有引力定律 58

Lesson Thirteen Mechanical Energy Interchange机械能转换 64

Lesson Fourteen Harmonic Motion简谐振动 69

Lesson Fifteen Wave波 74

Lesson Sixteen Sound Waves声波 80

Lesson Seventeen The Doppler Effect多普勒效应 85

Lesson Eighteen Pressure in Fluids流体内的压强 91

Lesson Ninteen Archimede s Principle阿基米德原理 99

Lesson Twenty Measurement of Temperature温度的测量 104

Lesson Twenty-One Quantity of Heat热量 110

Lesson Twenty-Two Transfer of Heat热传递 115

Lesson Twenty-Three The First Law of Thermodynamics热力学第一定律 119

Lesson Twenty-Four The Second Law of Thermodynamics热力学第二定律 123

Lesson Twenty-Five The Molecular Nature of Matter物质的分子本性 126

Lesson Twenty-Six Electrostatics静电 132

Lesson Twenty-Seven Coulomb s Law库仑定律 136

Lesson Twenty-Eight The Electric Field电场 140

Lesson Twenty-Nine Capacitance电容 145

Lesson Thirty Current电流 151

Lesson Thirty-One Resistance and Ohm s Law电阻和欧姆定律 156

Lesson Thirty-Two Resistors in Series and in Parallel电阻的串联和并联 161

Lesson Thirty-Three Magnetism磁 168

Lesson Thirty-Four Magnetic Field of Magnets and Currents磁铁的磁场和电流的磁场 172

Lesson Thirty-Five Force on Currents in Magnetic Field电流在磁场中所受的力 177

Lesson Thirty-Six Induced Current感应电流 182

Lesson Thirty-Seven Induced EMF感应电动势 186

Lesson Thirty-Eight Self-Inductance自感(应) 191

Lesson Thirty-Nine The Transformer变压器 196

Lesson Forty Sources of Light光源 201

Lesson Forty-One Law of Reflection and Refraction反射定律和折射定律 205

Lesson Forty-Two Image Formation by Lenses透镜成象 210

Lesson Forty-Three Refraction by Prisms; Dispersion棱镜的折射;色散 216

Lesson Forty-Four The Laser激光 221

Lesson Forty-Five Bohr s Theory of the Hydrogen Atom玻尔的氢原子理论 225

Lesson Forty-Six De Broglie Waves德布罗意波 231

Lesson Forty-Seven The Uncertainty Principle测不准原理 235

Lesson Forty-Eight Nuclei of Atoms原子核 241

Lesson Forty-Nine Nuclear Fission and Fusion核的裂变和聚变 248

Lesson Fifty Semiconductors半导体 258

Lesson Fifty-One Electronics电子学 263
