人才·素质·发展 安徽省工业企业职工素质案例分析PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:师燕宁主编
- 出 版 社:北京:经济管理出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7801185374
- 页数:157 页
一、安徽省职工总量和构成概况 1
1.1 General Situation on Aggregate Indicators and Compositions of Staffand Workers 1
Part One General Situation on the Quality of Enterprises Staff and Workers In Anhui Province 1
第一部分 企业职工素质概况 1
二、工业企业职工素质总体概况 4
1.2 General Situation on the Quality of Industrial Enterprises staff and Workers 4
三、工业企业工人和学徒素质概况 13
1.3 Survey on the Quality of Industrial Enterprises Workers and Apprentices 13
四、工业企业技术人员的概况 16
1.4 Survey on Technical Personnel of Industrial Enterprises 16
1.5 Survey on Management Personnel of Industrial Enterprises 25
五、工业企业管理人员概况 25
1.6 Main Problems Existing in Industrial Enterprises Talents 30
六、工业企业人才的主要问题 30
Part Two Effects of Staff and Workers Quality on Economic Development 38
第二部分 职工素质对经济发展的作用 38
2.1.1 Influences on Growth Rate of Nation Economy and Other Aggregate Indictors 39
2.1 Influences on Marco-economic Growth 39
1.影响国民经济总量增长速度 39
一、职工素质对宏观经济的作用 39
2.1.2 influences on GNP Per Capita 40
2.影响人均国民生产总值 40
2.1.3 influences on Technical Progress 42
3.影响技术进步 42
2.1.4 Influences on Economic Structure and Its Readjustment 46
4.影响经济结构及经济结构的调整方向 46
5.影响科教兴国战略的实施 47
2.1.5 Influences on vitalization of a country s Science and Education 47
6.职工素质对经济增长贡献分析 50
2.1.6 Analysis on Contribution to Economic growth by of Staff and Workers Quality 50
2.2 Effects on Micro-economic Growth 52
2.2.1 Influences on Enterprises Growth 52
二、职工素质对微观经济的作用 52
1.对企业发展的影响 52
2.2.2 Influences on Staff and Workers Income and Promotion 54
2.职工素质对职工自身收入和发展的影响 54
一、专门人才需求预测的范围、目标及总体方案设计 57
3.1.1 Research Scope and Target 57
3.1 Scope, Target and Overall Plan Design For Demand Prediction for Specialized Talents 57
Part Three Demand Prediction for Specialized Talents by Industrial Enterprises 57
第三部分 工业企业专门人才需求预测 57
3.1.2 General Plan Design for Prediction Research 57
1.研究范围及目标 57
2.预测研究的总体方案设计 57
3.2.1 Developement Level of Aggregate Indicators of Economy 60
3.2.2 Adjustment Tendency of Industrial Structure 60
3.2 Prospects of Social and Economic Development In Anhui Province from 1991 to 2010 60
2.产业结构调整及工业结构调整趋向 60
1.经济总量指标的发展水平 60
二、“九五”到2010年安徽省社会经济发展前景 60
3.人口、就业、职工队伍发展趋势 62
3.2.3 Tendency of Population, employment and Contingent of Staff and Workers 62
5.“九五”到2010年时期安徽省对专门人才需求的总态势 65
3.2.5 General Situation on Demand for Specialized Talents in Anhui Province form 1991 to 2010 65
3.2.4 Prediction on Number of Industrial Enterprises Staff and Workers 65
4.工业企业职工人数预测 65
1.人才需求与经济发展水平的相关分析 67
三、“九五”和2010年安徽省工业企业人才需求量预测 67
3.3.1 Analysis on Correlation Between Talents and Economic Development Level 67
3.3 Prediction on the Demand for Talents by Industral Enterprises in Anhui Province from 1991 to 2010 67
2.专门人才需求总量预测 70
3.3.2 Prediction on Aggregate Demand for Special Talents 70
3.3.3 Prediction Result on Aggregate Demand for specialized Talents by Industry from 1991 to 2010 in Anhui Province 75
3.“九五”和2010年安徽省工业专门人才需求总量预测结果 75
3.4 Structure Analysis on Aggregate Demand for specialized Industrial Talents 76
1.工业部门结构调整对人才结构的需求导向 76
四、安徽省工业专门人才需求结构分析 76
3.4.1 Demand Tendency on Structure of Talents by Readjustment of Industrial Sectors 76
3.4.2 Variation Tendency of talent structure 81
2.人才结构变动趋势 81
3.4.3 analysis on demand for specialty structure of talents 83
3.专业结构需求分析 83
3.5 Analysis and prediction on demand for administrative personnel by readjustment of industrialsectors in Anhui Province 85
3.5.1 analysis on Aggregate demand for administrative personnel 85
1.管理人才的总量需求分析 85
五、安徽省工业部门管理人才需求分析和预测 85
3.5.2 analysis on Composition of demand of Management Personnel 88
2.管理人才的结构需求分析 88
3.5.3 Analysis on the Requirement of the Quality for Management Personnel 91
3.管理人才的素质需求分析 91
3.5.4 demand analysis for compound talents 94
4.复合型人才的需求分析 94
Part four Measures for improvement of staff and workers quality 101
第四部分 提高职工素质的对策 101
4.1.1 Qualitative change in requirement for staff and workers by market economy 101
4.1 Reevaluation of the effects of quality of staff and talents on economic development 101
一、职工素质对经济发展作用的再认识 101
1.市场经济的发展对职工素质要求发生了质的变化 101
4.1.2 more imperative demand for talents by quickening the transition of economic growth patterns 102
2.加快经济增长方式的转变对人才需求更加迫切 102
3.现代企业制度对职工素质提出更现实的要求 103
4.1.3 more realistic requirement for staff and workers Quality by modern enterprise system 103
4.发展第三产业需要高素质的职工队伍 105
4.1.4 demand for high-skilled contingent of staff and workers by the growth of the third industry 105
5.对外开放迫切需要专门人才 106
4.1.5 requirement for specialized talents by the openness to the outside world 106
4.2 transforming circumstance and solving the problem of talents shortage in all direction 108
二、改造环境、全方位解决人才短缺 108
1.用好现有人才是解决人才短缺的最有效办法 108
4.2.1 the best way : taking full use of the talents available 108
2.创造培育、吸引和挽留人才的社会环境 109
4.2.2 providing favorable measures to appeal and attain talents 109
3.拓宽渠道,加大力度培养人才 112
4.2.3 widening channel and increasing the intensity of personnel training 112
三、对短缺人才应采取的对策 114
4.3 measures for the problems of scarce talents 114
1.出现断层的人才 115
4.3.1 discontinued talents 115
2.高层次管理人才 116
4.3.2 high-leveled administrative talents 116
3.高中级技工 118
4.3.4 talents required eagerly by TVEs 118
4.3.3 technicians of middle and high class 118
4.乡镇企业急需的人才 118
5.新兴产业人才 119
4.3.5 talents demanded by new industries 119
4.3.6 talents of export-oriented economy 120
6.外向型经济人才 120
4.4 making vocational education socialization and improving the quality of workers 121
四、加快实现职业教育社会化,提高劳动者素质 121
1.职业教育社会化的趋势 121
4.4.1 Tendency of vocational education s socialization 121
2.建立中心城市职业培训中心 124
4.4.2 establishing vocational training center in central cities 125
4.5 relying on the strength of the whole society and increasing input to education 130
4.5.1 a long-term strategic target: improving the quality of staff and workers 130
1.提高职工素质是一项长远的战略目标 130
五、发挥全社会力量,增加职教投入 130
4.5.2 mobilizing the strength of the whole society and increasing input into career education 131
2.动员全社会力量,增加职教投入 131
4.5.3 a plausible way: establishing education fund to increasing quality of staff and workers 132
3.职工素质教育基金制是一种可行的办法 132
六、加强政府对职工教育的管理和服务工作 133
4.6 strengthening administration and service to vocational education by the government 133
4.6.1 establishing corresponding management setup according to the pattern of socialist market economy 134
1.按社会主义市场经济模式建立相应的管理机构 134
4.6.2 formulating laws and regulations for vocational education and ensuring its healthy growth 135
4.6.3 Make career education yield well 135
3.发挥职教工作优势 135
2.制订职教法规,保障职教事业的健康发展 135
4.6.4 establishing scientific assessment system for vocational education appendixes 136
4.建立科学的职教工作评价体系 136
1.model for assessing the quality education of enterprises staff and workers 137
第五部分 附录 137
一、企业职工素质教育工作评价模型 137
2.basic data on the condition of industrials enterprises staff and workers in Anhui province References 147
二、安徽省工业企业职工情况基本数据 147
参考书目和文献 155
后记 156
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