水利水电工程英汉图文辞典 水工卷PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787517027553
- 页数:227 页
凡例(User's Guide) 1
A 1
abnormality 1
aboideau 1
abortive 1
abound 1
above sea leve(a.s.l.) 1
abrasion surface 1
abrasive 1
abrupt slope 1
abscissa 1
absorption 1
absorptive 1
abstraction 1
abutment 1
abutment stability 1
accelerated circulation 1
acceleration 2
acceleration time 2
acceleration-time history method 2
accelerogram 2
access gallery 2
access road 2
access shaft 2
access tunnel 2
accessory 2
accumulation of standing water 2
accuracy 2
acquisition 2
active fault 3
active wedge 3
adaptability 3
added mass 3
addendum 3
additive 3
adequacy 3
adhesive 3
adit 3
adjacent 4
adjustment 4
admiralty 4
admixture 4
adverse slope 4
aeolian deposit 4
aerated 4
aeration 4
aeration slot 4
afflux 5
afforestation 5
aggrading stream 5
aggregate 5
agitator 5
air compressor 5
air conditioning 5
air entraining agent 5
air vent 5
air vent pipe 5
air-driven 5
air-entraining admixture 5
algorithm 5
aliform dam 5
alignment 5
alkali-aggregate 6
alligator 6
allocation 6
allowable 6
allowance 6
alluvial 6
alluvial fan 6
alluvium 6
altered rock 6
alternating current(A.C.) 6
alternative methodology 6
aluminium alloy 6
ambient noise level 7
ambiguous 7
amendment 7
amphibole 7
amplification factor 7
amplitude 7
analogism 7
anchor 7
anchor har 7
anchorage 7
andesite 8
angle steel 8
angular 8
angularity 8
anisotropic 8
annual ambient temperature 9
annual temperuture cycle 9
annular 9
annunciator 9
anomalous 9
anomaly 9
anti-binding material 9
anti-seismic 9
anti-vibration 9
anti-noise telephone 9
apatite 9
aperture 9
apex 9
apex angle 9
aphanophyric 9
apparent 9
appendix 9
applicable 9
appraisal 9
approach 9
approach channel 10
approximate simplified method 10
appurtenance 10
appurtenant 10
appurtenant structure 10
apron 10
apron extension 10
aquifer 10
arc 10
arcade 10
arch action 10
arch back 10
arch crown 10
arch dam 11
arch dam stress analysis system(ADSAS) 11
arch haunch 11
arch thrust 11
arching 11
architecture 11
archivolt 11
archway 11
area capacity 12
arithmetical 12
armature 12
as-built 12
ascending stage grouting method 12
aseismatic 12
asphalt 12
asphaltic concrete 12
assemble 12
assess 12
assignment 12
astronomical 12
asymmetrical 12
atmosphere pressure 12
at-rest state 12
attenuation 12
attenuation relationship 13
auger boring 13
auger drilling 13
augment 13
authorize 13
automatic recorder 13
auxiliary 13
auxiliary spillway 13
auxiliary equipment 13
auxiliary generator 13
auxiliary plant 13
auxiliary powerhouse 13
avalanche 13
average runoff 13
axial 14
axial hydraulic thrust force 14
axial-flow 14
axial-flow fan 14
axis 14
axis of dam 14
azimuth 14
azimuth angle 14
B 14
backfill 14
backfill expansion concrete 14
backfill grouting 15
backfilling of earth and rock 15
backhoe 15
backup equipment 15
backwater 15
badland 15
balance of plant(BOP) 15
ball float valve 15
ball valve 15
bank 15
bank storage 15
barrier 15
barring 15
basalt 15
base course 16
base date 16
base flow 16
base pressure 16
base screed 16
baseline 16
baseline cost 16
baseplate 16
basic loading coadition 16
basin 16
batch plant 16
batching 16
batholith 16
bathtub-shaped 17
batter 17
Baume degree 17
beach nourishment 17
beach profile 17
bealock 17
beam 17
bearing 17
bearing capacity 17
bearing pad 17
bearing plate 17
bedding 17
bedding plane 17
bedrock 17
bedrock foundation 18
bellmouth 18
bench 18
bench mark 18
bend loss 18
bending test 18
bentonite 18
berm 18
Bernoulli equation 19
bevel 19
bevel gear gate lifting device 19
biaxial 19
bibliography 19
bifurcation 19
bill of quantity 19
bin 19
binder 19
biological 19
Bishop method 19
bit 19
bitumen concrete-core rockfill dam 19
bituminized 20
bituminous 20
bituminous concrete 20
blanket 20
blast 20
blemish 20
block 21
blockout 21
blowland 21
blowout 21
bolometer 21
bolt 21
bolt stress meter 21
bare 21
borehole 21
borehole extensometer 21
boring rod 22
borrow 22
borrow area 22
borrow excavation 22
bottom ring 22
boulder 22
boundary condition 22
box girder 22
bracket 22
branch 22
breach 22
breaker 22
breakwater 23
breast wall 23
breccia 23
bridge crane 23
brittle temperature 23
bucket 23
bucket drilling 23
buckstay 23
building 24
bulge 24
bulkhead 24
bulky-grained 24
bulldozer 24
buoyancy 24
bus tunnel 24
busbar 24
bus duct 24
bus duct system 24
butt weld 24
butterfly valve 25
buttress centre 25
buttress dam 25
buttress spacing 25
bypass 25
C 25
cable 25
cable channel 25
cable crane platform 26
cabling system 26
caisson 26
caisson auger rig 26
caisson chamber 26
caisson excavation 26
calcareous 26
calculation 26
calibrate 26
calibration 26
caliche 26
caliche zone 26
calyx drill 27
camber 27
camp 27
canal 27
canal head 27
candidate earthquake 27
cantilever 27
cantilever beam model 27
canyon 27
canyon profile 27
capacity 27
capillarity 28
capillary 28
capping with concrete 28
carbide tipped drag bit 28
carburizing 28
care 28
care of water 28
cartographic information 28
cartography 28
Casagrande Piezometer 28
Casagrande-type standpipe piezometer 28
cascade 28
case 28
casing pipe 28
cast-in-place 28
catch basin 29
catchment area 29
catenary wire 29
caterpillar 29
caulk 29
caulking material 29
cavern 29
caving 29
cavitation 29
cavity 29
cavity wall 29
cement 29
cement grouting 30
cement hydration 30
cementation 30
cement-hound road 30
Cenozoic 30
centerline 30
central control room 30
central core 30
centrifugal 30
centrifugal fan 30
certification tag 30
cessation 30
chainage 30
chamber 31
chamfer 31
channel 31
charge 31
charging 31
lcheck valve 31
checking 31
chordwise surveyiog wire 31
churn-tool 31
chute 31
cinder 32
circuit 32
circular 32
circulating current 32
circulation grouting 32
circulatory 32
circumferential 32
civil structure 32
civil works 32
clamshell 32
class interval 32
clastic 32
clay 32
clay foundation 33
clay shale 33
clayey 33
clayey soil 33
claypan 33
clearing and grubbing 33
cleavage 33
cleavage plane 33
cliff 33
cliff reentrant 33
climatology 33
clinometer 33
clog 34
clogging 34
closed-circuit 34
closed-loop system 34
closure 34
cloudburst 34
closure section 34
cnoidal 34
coarse 34
coarse aggregates 34
coarse gravel 34
coarse sand 34
coarse-grained 34
coastal defence 34
coastal engineering 34
coastal morphology 34
cobble 35
coefficient 35
coefficient of thermal expansion 35
cofferdam 35
cohesion 35
cohesionless material 36
cohesive 36
cohesive soil 36
cold proof 36
collapse 36
collimation 36
collimation pier 36
colloidal 36
colluvium 36
compact 36
compaction 36
compactness 36
compactor 37
compilation 37
complanation 37
complete quadratic combiuation(CQC) 37
complexity 37
comply with 37
component 37
component assembly 37
composite grout 37
composition 37
comprehensive exploration 37
comprehensive grouting method 37
compressed air rig 37
compressed air system 37
compressibility 37
compressible 37
compression measurements 37
compression strain 38
compressive 38
compressive strength 38
compressive strength test 38
compressive stress 38
compressor 38
concentrated loads 38
conceptual 38
concrete 38
concrete aggregate 39
concrete apron 39
concrete arch dam 39
concrete bearing pad 39
concrete buttress dam 39
concrete connection slab 39
concrete cut-off wall 39
concrete dam 39
concrete face rockfill dam(CFRD) 40
concrete face slab 40
concrete gravity dam 40
concrete key trench 40
concrete liner 40
concrete lining 40
concrete pile 40
concrete placement 40
concrete plug 40
concrete protection 40
concrete replacement 41
concrete shear key 41
concrete slab 41
concrete volume 41
concreting 41
condition 41
conductivity 41
conduit 41
cone 41
cone dispersion valve 42
cone penetrometer 42
confidentiality 42
configuration 42
confine 42
confining 42
conformable 42
conical 42
conjunction 42
connector 42
conpressive strength 42
conservatism 42
consist of 42
consistency 42
consistency meter 43
consolidate 43
consolidated-drained(CD) 43
consolidated-undrained(CU) 43
consolidation 43
constant 43
constant efficiency 43
constant load 43
constraint 43
constructibility 43
construction 43
construction equipment 43
construction facility 43
construction joint 43
construction period 44
construction procedure 44
construction progress 44
construction record 44
construction schedule 44
construction workmanship 44
contact face 44
contact grouting 44
contaminant 44
content 44
continuity 44
continuity equation 44
contortion 44
contour 45
contour interval 45
contract agreement 45
contraction 45
contraction joint 45
contraction joint grouting 45
contractor 45
control joint 45
control room 46
controlling earthquake 46
convertion 46
conventional 46
conventional concrete 46
conventionally placed mass concrete dam 46
conveyance structure 46
cooling pipe 46
cooling water system 46
corbel 46
core 46
core barrel 47
core drilling 47
corollary 47
correlation 47
corresponding 47
corridor 47
corridor system 47
corrosion 47
corrugated 47
corundum 47
cost-effective 47
counting 47
couple 47
course 47
cover plate 47
crack 47
crack control 48
crack control measure 48
crack initiation 48
crack resistance 48
crane 48
crane beam 48
crane-rail 49
creep 49
creep effect 49
creep flow theory 49
creep of concrete 49
crest 49
crest elevation 49
crest gate 49
crest length-height ratio 49
crest profile 49
crest slab 49
crevice 49
criteria 49
criterion deviation 49
critical 50
critical head 50
critical point 50
critical section 50
critical sliding angle 50
critical stress 50
cross 50
cross flow 50
cross section 50
crown cantilever 50
crown gate 50
crushed sand gravel material 50
crushed stone 50
culvert 50
culvert valve 51
cumulate 51
curb 51
curb stone 51
curb wall 51
cure 51
curing 51
current 51
curtain 51
curtain grouting 52
curvature 52
curve 52
curve of sliding 52
curved gravity dam 52
curved surface 52
curved transition 52
cushion 52
cushion zone 52
cut off 53
cutoff 53
cutoff trench 53
cutoff wall 53
cuts 53
cylinder 53
cylindrical 53
cylindrical chamber 53
D 54
dam 54
dam abutment 54
dam aging 54
dam axis 54
dam back 54
dam base 54
dam budy 54
dam core 54
dam crest 55
dam failure 55
dam foundation 55
dam heel 55
dam height 55
dam safety legislation 55
dam shape 55
dam slope 55
dam thickness 55
dam toe 55
dam-break 55
damp 55
damping ratio 55
damping value 55
damsite 55
data-handling procedure 56
dead capacity 56
dead load 56
dead weight 56
debacle 56
debris 56
debris load 56
decay 56
decay rate 56
deck 56
deck-type 56
defect 56
defect notification period 56
defile 56
definition sketch 56
deflation valley 56
deflection 56
deflector 57
defromability 57
deformation 57
deformation characteristic 57
deformation modulus 57
deformation response 57
degradation 57
degrading stream 57
dehydrate 57
delamination 57
deleterious 57
demobilization 58
demolition 58
demonstrate 58
density 58
density meter 58
dental concrete 58
dental treatment 58
deposit 58
deposition 58
depression 58
derrick 58
derust 58
descending stage grouting method 58
desiccant 58
desiccation 58
design 58
design basic data 58
design basis earthquake(DBE) 58
design consideration 58
design discharge 58
design drawing 59
design flood 59
design flood discharge 59
design full gate capacity 59
design head 59
design intensity 59
design load 59
design parameter 59
design value 59
design basic earthquake acceleration 59
design discharging capacity 59
design maxearthquake(DME) 59
destruction 59
detailed site explorations 59
detention dam 59
deteriorate 59
determination 59
determination of responsiveness 59
detour 59
detrimental 59
deviant 59
deviation 59
dewater 59
dewatering 60
dewatering works 60
dewpoint 60
diagonal 60
diagram 60
diagrammatic 60
diameter 60
diaphragm 60
diaschistite 60
differential 60
differential settlement 60
differentiation 60
diffraction 60
diffuser 60
diffusivity 60
dike 61
dilatancy 61
dilatometer 61
dimensional 61
dimensioning 61
dimensionless 61
diminish 61
dine cement grout 61
dip 61
direct current 61
direct shear testing 61
direction 61
directorate 61
dirt settling pipe 61
discharge 61
discharge capacity 62
discharge coefficient 62
discharge per unit width 62
discontinuity 62
discontinuity surface 62
discrete cracking fracture mechanics model 62
discrete element 62
disintegrated rock 62
disintegration 62
disk auger drilling 62
dismantle 62
disperser 62
dispersive soil 62
displacement 62
disposal area 62
dispose 63
dissipate 63
dissipated 63
dissipation 63
dissipator 63
distance 63
distortion 63
distribution 63
distributor 63
disturbance 63
ditch 63
divarication 63
divergence 63
diverging section 64
diverse 64
diversion 64
diversion canal 64
diversion channel 64
diversion conduit 64
diversion dam 64
diversion layout 64
diversion scheme 64
diversion structure 64
diversion tunnel 64
diversion works 65
diverting flow 65
dock chamber 65
double curvature arch dam 65
downhole 66
downstream 66
downstream apron 66
downstream channel 66
downstream rockfill zone 66
downstream slope protection 66
downstream toe 66
downtime 66
dozer 66
draft tube 66
dragline 66
drain 66
drain hole 67
drain off 67
drainage 67
drainage system 67
drainage basin 67
drainage curtain 67
drainage gallery 67
drainage facility 67
drainage network 67
drainage pattern 67
drainage zone 67
drainage&dewatering system 67
drainaging 68
drawdown 68
drawing 68
drawing schedule 68
drawn 68
drill 68
drill core 68
drill hole 68
drill hole log 68
drilling 68
drilling program 68
driving force 68
driving gear 68
droop 68
dry density 68
drypack 69
dry-pack 69
dual 69
duct 69
ducted tadial arm 69
dump 69
dune 69
duplex 69
durability 69
duration 69
dyke 69
dynamic 69
dynamic analysis 69
dynamic head 69
dynamic load 70
dynamic response 70
dynamic stability 70
E 70
earth dam 70
earth dike 70
earth pressure 70
earthfill embankment 70
earthquake 70
earthquake acceleration 70
earthqunke analysis 70
earthquake force 70
earthquake intensity 70
earthquake loading 70
earthquake resistance 71
earthquake response 71
earthquake source 71
earth-rock 71
earth-rock fill dam 71
ebb 71
eccentricity 71
eddy 71
effective elastomer 71
effective stress 71
elastic 71
elastic and inelastic deformation 71
elastic fluid mechanics 71
elastic modulus 71
elastic strain 71
elastic viscoplastic 72
elastomer 72
elasto-plastic theory 72
elbow-type draft tube 72
electric analogy experiment 72
electric drill with magnetic stand 72
electric sulystation 72
electrical grid system 72
electricity supply and distribution system 72
electroosmotic 72
elevation 72
elevator hoistway 72
elevator shaft 72
eligible 72
elongation at rupture 72
embankment 72
embankment dam 73
embed 73
embedded 73
embedded item 73
embedded part 73
embedded provision 73
embedded tube 73
emergency spillway 73
empirical 74
empirical approach 74
empirical data 74
empirical equation 74
empirical formula 74
employer 74
emulsified asphalt 74
encapsulate 74
encase 74
enclosure 74
encroachment 74
energy coefficient 74
energy dissipation 74
energy dissipation by surface flow 74
energy dissipation by trajectory jet 74
energy dissipation by underflow 74
energy dissipator 75
engineering geology 75
entrance loss 75
envelope curve 75
environmental 75
epicentral 75
epicentral distance 76
epicentral intensity 76
epoxy resin 76
equation 76
equidistantly 76
equilibrium 76
equipment 76
erection 76
erection bay 76
erection clearance 76
erection pedestal 76
erection welding 76
erodibility 76
erodible 77
erosion 77
erosional feature 77
erosion-resistant 77
eruption 77
estuary 77
evacuation 77
evaluate 77
evaporation 77
excavate 78
excavated face 78
excavated volume 78
excavation 78
excavation and filling 78
excess porewater pressure 78
excessive loss 78
excitation 78
exciter 78
excursion 78
execution 78
existing facility 78
exit channel 78
exothermic 79
expansion joint 79
expiry 79
exploratory 79
exploratory adit 79
exposure 79
extension 79
extension wire 79
extensometer 79
extent 79
external 79
external deformation 79
external water pressure 79
extrado 79
extrapolation 80
extreme gradient 80
extreme load 80
extreme load combination 80
extrusive igneous rock 80
F 80
fabric 80
fabrication 80
facc of the dam 80
facilitate 80
facsimile 80
factor 80
factor of safety(FOS) 80
failure envelope 80
failure mechanism 80
failure strain 80
failure surface 80
fallout 80
fan 81
fatigue 81
faucet 81
fault 81
fault gouge 81
fault offset 81
fault zone 81
faulting 81
feasibility 81
feasibility analysis 81
feasibility study 81
feasible 81
feature of rock 81
feedback 81
feedbak analysis 81
female thread 81
fencing 81
fiberglass 82
field 82
field exploration 82
field fabrication 82
fill 82
fill and excavation area 82
fill material 82
filter 82
filter fabric 82
filler material 82
fine 82
fine gravel 82
fine rockfill 82
fine sand foundation 82
fine-grained 82
fineness 82
fines 83
finish 83
finish screen 83
finite element 83
finite element analysis 83
finite element method(FEM) 83
finite element program 83
finite element response spectrum method 83
fire protection system 83
firewall 83
firm output 83
fish canal 83
fish ladder 83
fish passage 83
fish-belly gate 83
fishway 83
fissure 83
fitting out 84
fixed hoist 84
fixed mixer 84
flake 84
flaky grain 84
flange 84
flank 84
flap gate 84
flap valve 84
flare 84
flaring pier 84
flexibility 85
flexible filter material 85
flight auger 85
flip bucket 85
flip bucket structure 85
float dock 85
floating gate 85
flood 85
flood control capacity 85
flood damage 85
flood discharge 85
flood diversion sluice 85
flood elewation 85
flood flow 86
flood frequency 86
flood hydrograph 86
flood hydrology 86
flood peak discharge 86
flood plain 86
flond return period 86
flood-routing 86
flood season 86
flood-control 86
floodwave 86
floodway 86
floor slab 86
flow discharge through dam orifice 86
flow duration curve 87
flow meter 87
flow net 87
flow net method 87
flow passage 87
flow variation 87
flowage 87
flowing pressure 87
flowing water 87
flowmeter 87
fluctuation 87
fluid 87
fluid machinery 87
fluid mechanics 87
flume 87
fluorite 87
fluvial 87
fluvial abrasion 87
flyash 87
force equilibrium 87
force majeure 87
forebay 88
form 88
form-bagged cement 88
formwork 88
fossil 88
fossil fuel 88
foundation 88
foundation compressibility 88
foundation condition 88
foundation excavation 88
foundation modulus 88
foundation permeability 89
foundation seepage 89
foundation stress 89
foundation treatment 89
foundation wedge 89
founding level 89
fracture 89
fracture zone 89
fragment 89
fragmented 89
frame 89
Francis turbine 89
free drop 89
free pass 89
freeboard 90
freeboard for settlement 90
free draining 90
freight 90
frequency 90
friable 90
friction 90
friction loss in the pipe 90
friction force 90
frictional resistance 90
frost 90
frost action 90
frost heave pressure 90
full saturation 90
fundamental 90
fundamental mode 90
fuse plug 90
fusion 90
G 91
gabbro 91
gabion 91
gallery 91
galvanize 91
gantry crane 91
gate 91
gate arm 91
gate chamber 91
gate hoist 91
gate pier 91
gate shaft 91
gate sill blockout 91
gate skin plate 92
gate trunnion 92
gate valve 92
gauge 92
gauging station 92
generator 92
generator air cooler 92
genendor floor 92
geocomposites 92
geodetic 92
geogrid 92
geologic section 92
geologic structure 93
geological 93
geologist 93
geology 93
geomembrane 93
geometric 93
geometric parameter 93
geometric shape 93
geomorphology 93
geomorphy 93
geonet 93
geosynthetic 93
geotechnical 93
geotextile 94
girder 94
given damping value 94
glacial deposit 94
glacial till 94
glaciofluvial 94
gland 94
globe valve 94
gneiss 94
gorge 94
gouge 94
gradation 94
grade 95
grade of hydraulic structure 95
grade strip 95
gradient 95
grading 95
grain 95
grain size 95
granite 95
granular 95
granular material 95
Graphics-Based Dam Analysis Program(GDAP) 95
graphite 95
grappling beam 95
gravel 95
gravel foundation 96
gravel gradation 96
gravel seal 96
gravitational stress 96
gravity 96
gravity block 96
gravity dam 96
grid 96
groove 96
gross head 96
ground acceleration 97
ground motion 97
ground water 97
groundwater 97
ground-water condition 97
groundwater table 97
grout 97
grout curtain 97
grout curtain hole 97
grout groove 97
grout hole 97
grout injection pressure 97
grout intensity number(GIN) 98
grout mixing plant 98
grout nipple 98
grout stop 98
groutability 98
grouted 98
grouting 98
grouting curtain 98
grouting gallery 98
groyne 98
grubbing 99
guard rail 99
guide 99
guide vane 99
guide crest 99
guide roller 99
gully 99
gully head 99
gullying 99
gush flow 99
gutter 99
gypsiferous 99
gypsum 99
H 99
habitat 99
hairpin bend 99
hall 99
hammer strike inspection 100
harbour 100
hard rock 100
hardness 100
hardpan 100
haul 100
hazard 100
head cover 100
head loss 100
headrace system 100
headrace system structure 100
headrace tunnel 100
headstock gear 100
headwall 100
head water 100
heat exchanger 100
heat of hydratation 100
heel 100
heightening of dam 100
helical 100
helical rotor 101
heterogeneity 101
heterogeneous 101
high concentrated load 101
high pressure cement grouting 101
high pressure rotating jet grouting 101
high voltage outgoing line 101
high-head plant 101
high-lift construction 101
high-pressureair-waterjet 101
highway 101
hodograph 101
Hoek-Brown strength criteria 101
hoist 101
hoist capacity 101
hoisting machinery 101
hole collar 101
hullow gravity dam 101
hollow steel cylinder 101
hollow spindle drill 101
hollow-stem auger drilling 102
homogeneity 102
homogeneous 102
horizontal 102
horizontal component 102
horizontal construction joint 102
horizontal parabola 102
horizontal plane 102
horizontal rotary drill 102
horizontal shaft 102
horizontal shaft unit 102
hornblende 102
horsepower 102
horseshoe 103
hose 103
HP-LP compressed air system 103
hub 103
humidity 103
hydrated lime 103
hydration 103
hydration heat 103
hydraulic 103
hydraulic calculation 103
hydraulic cross-sectional area 103
hydraulic Dutch-cone testing 103
hydraulic feature 103
hydraulic flow 103
hydraulic fracturing 103
hydraulic gradient 103
hydraulic hoist 103
hydraulic jump 103
hydraulic operation 104
hydraulic permanent structure 104
hydraulic power unit 104
hydraulic radius 104
hydraulic ram 104
hydraulic structure 104
hydraulic tunnel 104
hydraulic turbine 104
hydraulic cylinder hoist 104
hydraulic uplift pressure 104
hydraulics 104
hydro-complex 104
hydrodynamic 104
hydrodynamic effect 104
hydrodynamic force 105
hydrodynamic interaction 105
hydrodynamic pressure 105
hydroelectric 105
hydroelectric power 105
hydroelectric power generation 105
hydro-fracture stress test 105
hydrogeology 105
hydrograph 105
hydrologic 105
hydrological 105
hydrology 105
hydrometeorological 105
hydroplant 105
hydropower 105
hydrostatic 105
hydrostatic head 106
hydrostatic load 106
hydrostatic pressure 106
hydrothermal alteration 106
hypocenter 107
hypsometer 107
I 107
I beam 107
ice pressure 107
inflow design flood(IDF) 107
idioelectric 107
igneous rock 107
ignition 107
ignition pattern 107
illumination 107
illustration 107
immersed tube tunnel 108
immersion 108
impact 108
impeller 108
impermeability 108
impermeable 108
impervious 108
impervious blanket 108
impervious soil 108
implementation 108
impounding 108
impounding dam 108
impoundment 108
impulse 108
impulse turbine 108
impurity 108
in situ 108
in situ stress 108
in situ test 109
in vicinity of 109
inception 109
incipient 109
inclement 109
inclination 109
inclination angle 109
incline 109
inclined 109
inclined core 109
inclinometer 109
increment 109
incremental opening 109
incrementally 109
independent arch method 109
indeterminale structure 109
inertia force 110
infilling 110
jnfiltration rate 110
infiltrometer 110
inflatable 110
inherent stress 110
inhomogeneity 110
initial phase 110
injection 110
injection tube 110
inlet 110
inlet condition 110
inlet valve 110
insert 110
insoluble 111
inspection 111
inspection access 111
inspection hole 111
instability 111
install 111
installation 111
installed capacity 111
instantaneous 111
instrumentation 111
instrumentation hole 111
insulation 111
intake 111
intake structure 112
interaction effect 112
interative process 112
interbed 112
intercommunication 112
interconnect 112
interconnected 112
interface 112
interface with 112
interflow 112
interior 112
interlayer 112
intermit 112
intermittent flow 112
internal 112
internal force 112
internal friction 112
internal friction angle 112
internal stress 112
internal stress relation 112
internal water pressures 112
interpolation 113
intrados 113
inundate 113
inundation 113
invert 113
investigation 113
inviscid 113
irrigation 113
isentropic 113
isochronous 113
isohyetal 113
isothermic 113
isotropic 113
iteration 113
iterative 113
J 114
jacket 114
jet grouting 114
joint 114
joint face 114
joint grouting 114
joint pattern 114
joint spacing 114
jointing 114
jointing paste 114
jointmeter 114
joint-use capacity 114
junction box 114
jurisdictional 114
K 115
kame 115
kaolin 115
Kaplan turbine 115
karst 115
keyway 115
key bed 115
key trench 115
keyed joint 115
kilow 115
kinematic 115
kinetic 115
kinetic energy 115
L 115
lacustrine 115
laitance 116
laitance film 116
lamellar 116
lamprophyre dike 116
landform 116
landscaping 116
landslide 116
lateral deforation 116
lateral earth pressure 116
lateral focce 116
lateral load 116
latitude 116
lattice 116
lay 116
layout 116
leakage 117
lean concrete 117
legend 117
lens 117
lenticular 117
levee 117
level 117
level instrument 117
level of dead water 117
leveling layer 117
levelling 117
lieu 118
lift 118
lift height 118
lift joint 118
lift thickness 118
lifts 118
lighting 118
lignin sulphonate water-reducing agent 118
limestone 118
limit equilibrium 118
limits of excavation 118
line 118
linear 118
linear elastic 119
linear elastic deformation modulus 119
linear finite element analysis 119
linear meter 119
lined 119
liner 119
lining 119
lintel 119
liquefaction 119
liquefied foundation 119
liquefy 119
liquid limit(LL) 119
littoral 119
load 120
load case 120
load combination 120
loading effect 120
loam 120
local borrow material 120
locate 120
lock approach channel 120
lock chamber 120
lock gate 120
lock head 120
lock lift 120
lock wall 120
locks flight 120
lockup 120
loess 120
log 120
log tunnel 120
log-passing 121
log-passing conveyor bridge 121
longitude 121
longitudinal 121
longitudinal joint 121
longshore current 121
loose 121
louvered openning 121
low-cost 121
low-head plant 121
low-slump concrete 121
lubricant 121
lubricating and insulating uil system 122
lugeon test 122
lumber 122
luster 122
M 122
machine hall 122
machine shop system 122
macroseism 122
magnetic prospecting 122
magnitude 122
main transformer chamber 122
maintain 122
maintenance 122
maintenance gate 123
malpasset arch dam 123
mandatory 123
manhole 123
manometric 123
mantle 123
manufacture 123
marble 123
marginal 123
markstone 123
masonry 123
mass 123
mass concrete 123
mass sliding 123
massive arch dam 123
material 124
material logging 124
material source 124
material availability study 124
mathematical 124
matrix 124
max.siltation level 124
maximum credible earthquake(MCE) 124
maximum flood 124
maximum frictional resistance 124
maximum water level 124
maximum water surface elevation 124
mean 124
measure 124
measuring pier 124
measuring weirs 124
mechanical 124
mechanics 124
mechanism 125
medium-head plant 125
meladiorite 125
membrane 125
memorandom 125
meridian 125
Mesozoic 125
metal sleeve 125
metal works 125
metamorphic rock 125
meta-sandstone 125
meteorological 125
meteorology 125
metric 125
mica 125
mica schist 125
micaceous 126
microhydro power 126
midpoint 126
migrating fish 126
milestone 126
mineral leaching 126
minimise 126
mixed flow 126
mixer 126
mixture proportioning 126
mobile crane 126
modal analysis technique 126
modal response 126
model testing 126
modification 127
modified Mercalli intensity 127
modulus 127
modulus of elasticity 127
modulus of rupture test 127
Mohr strength 127
moisture 127
moisture content 127
moisture prevention 127
moment of inertia 127
momentum 127
monitor 127
monitoring 127
monitoring instrumentation 127
monitoring system 127
monkey engine 127
monolith 127
monolithic 127
monolithic structure 128
monument 128
moraine 128
morphological 128
mortar 128
move-in 128
movement 128
muck 128
mucking 128
mudstone 128
muffler 128
multilayer 128
multilevel outlet 128
multiple-span 128
multiple-wedge analysis 128
multi-point displacement meter 128
multi-point extensometer 128
multi-position extensometer 129
multistage 129
mylonite 129
N 129
nameplate 129
naphthalene system high efficiency water-reducing agent 129
narrow canyon profile 129
natural 129
natural flow 129
natural period 129
natural slope 129
navigation 129
navigation lock 129
needle valve 129
negative pressure 129
net head 129
New Austrian Tunneling Method(NATM) 130
nipple 130
nomenclature 130
nominal working pressure 130
nomograph 130
non-availability 130
non(-)brittle 130
non-circulation grouting 130
non-graded sediment 130
nonhomogeneous 130
nonlinear 130
non-linearity 130
non-overflow 130
non-overflow dam 131
non-overflow section 131
nonplastic 131
nonplastic material 131
nonslip 131
non-stress trainmeter 131
nonuniform foundation 131
nonuniform settlement 131
normal component 131
normal loading case 131
normal pitch 131
normal reservoir water level 131
normal reservoir water pressure 131
normal storage level 131
normal stress 132
normal water elevation 132
normal waler level 132
notch 132
notice for design modification 132
nozzle 132
numerical analysis 132
nut 132
O 132
objective 132
oblique arm radial gate 132
observation 132
observation point 132
obsidian 132
obstacle 132
octagonal steel 132
offshore 132
ogee 133
oil pressure unit 133
olivine 133
onrush 133
onshore 133
on-site 133
onsite hatch plant 133
open channel flow 133
open cut 133
open excavation 133
open excavation of earth and rock 133
open section 133
open-cut rock exeavation 133
operating basis earthquake(OBE) 133
operation basis earthquake 133
operating bridge 133
operation 133
operation condition 133
opposite reaction 133
optical 133
optimization design 134
option 134
ordinary Portland cement(OPC) 134
ordinate 134
ore bed 134
organic 134
organic matter 134
orifice 134
orifice-closed grouting method 134
orthoclase feldspar 134
oscillation 134
osmotic pressure 134
outcrop 134
outdoor circuit breaker 134
outdoor work 134
outflow 134
outgoing line yard 134
outlet 134
outlet conduit 135
outlet sill 135
outlet structure 135
outlet works 135
outline drawing 135
output power 135
output voltage 135
output voltage level 135
outwash 135
outwash deposit 135
overbank flow 135
overbreak 135
overburden 135
overcoring stress test 136
overflow 136
overflow dam 136
overhang 136
overhanging 136
overhanging degree 136
overhung 136
overlying 136
overstress 136
overthrust 136
overtop 136
overtopping 136
overtopping flow 136
overturn 136
oxygenize phenomenon 137
P 137
packer 137
packer test 137
pad 137
Paleozoie 137
parabolic curvature 137
paraclase 137
parallel 137
parameter 137
parapet 137
particle 137
pass 137
passage 137
passive wedge 137
pasty binder 137
pasty grout 137
patent 137
patlern 138
pavement 138
payment 138
peak 138
peak acceleration 138
peak demand 138
peak discharge 138
peak ground acceleration(PGA) 138
peak shaving 138
peak velocity 138
peaty soil 138
pedestal 138
pedologic 138
pegmatite 138
pelitic filler 138
pelton wheel 139
pendulum pile-driver 139
peneplane 139
penetrate 139
penetration 139
penetration resistance 139
penstock 139
perched aquifer 139
percolate 139
percolation 139
percussion drilling 139
percussion rig 139
perforate 140
performance 140
performance security 140
perimeter 140
peripheral speed 140
peripheric joint 140
periphery 140
permanent 140
permanent benchmark 140
permanent deformation 140
permeability 140
permeable 140
perpendicular 141
pervious 141
petrographic 141
phenocryst 141
phenomenon 141
phreatic 141
phreatic surface 141
pier 141
piezometer 141
piezometric 142
piezometric surface 142
pile 142
pile puller 142
pillar 142
pilot hole 142
pilot tunnel 142
pilot valve 142
pipe 142
pipe cooler 142
pipe culvert 142
pipe for casing 142
pipeline 142
piping 142
piston 143
pit 143
pitchstone 143
place 143
placement temperature 143
plain gate 143
plain bar 143
plan 143
plan formulation 143
planarity 143
planarity testing 143
plane bulkhead gale 143
plastic flow 143
plastic limit(PL) 144
plasticity 144
plate 144
plate load lest 144
platform 144
plinth 144
plot 144
plotter 144
plug 144
plumb line 144
plunge pool 145
pneumatic 145
pneumatic piezometer 145
pneumatic-tired roller 145
pocket 145
point load 145
Poisson's ratio 145
pollutant 145
polynomial 145
polyvinyl chloride(PVC) 145
pondage 145
ponding 145
pool elevation 145
poorly graded 145
pore 146
pore water pressure 146
porewater 146
porosity 146
porous 146
portal 146
portal structure 146
portland cement 146
post-earthquake 146
post-tensioned 146
potential 146
potential plane 146
potentiometer 146
pour monolithically 146
power coefficient 146
power generation 147
power intake 147
power station at dam toe 147
power tamper 147
power transmission line 147
power waterway 147
powerhouse 147
pozzolan 147
pozzolana Portland cement 147
Precambrian 147
precast 148
precaution 148
precipitation 148
precise 148
preconstruction engineering and design(PED) 148
precooling 148
predict 148
preheat 148
preliminary 148
preliminary assessment 148
preliminary design 148
preliminary estimate 148
preliminary planning 148
preponderance 148
prequalify 148
preset 148
preset notch 148
pre-splitting 148
pressure 149
pressure gradient 149
pressure head 149
pressure meter 149
pressure oil filter 149
pressure penstock 149
pressure relief valve 149
pressure tap 149
pressure-balancing 149
prestress 149
prestressed 149
prestressed pier 149
prestressed reinforcement 150
principal stress 150
prior to 150
probabilistic 150
probabilistic method 150
probable maximum flood(PMF) 150
probe 150
procedure 150
process 150
profile 150
programmable logic control 150
propagation 150
propagation path 150
propeller 150
propeller turbine 151
property 151
proportion 151
proposal 151
protection measure 151
protective isolation 151
prototype 151
protrusion 151
provision 151
pry 151
pseudostatic analysis 151
pulley class gate lifting device 151
pulsating load 151
pulsation 151
pulse velocity 151
pumice 151
pump 151
pump head 152
pump stroke 152
pumped-storage power station 152
pumphouse 152
pumping equipment 152
pumping station 152
pumping test 152
pump-turbine 152
puncher 152
pyroclastic material 152
pyroxene 152
Q 152
quadrangle 152
qualitative assessment 153
quantitative assessment 153
quarry 153
quarrystone 153
quartzite 153
quick-setting agent 153
R 153
rack 153
radial 153
radial flow 153
radial gate 153
radiation 153
radioactivity 153
radius 153
rail mounted gantry crane 153
ramp 153
ramp load 154
random fill 154
rare and unique species 154
rate of loading 154
ratio 154
ratio of thickness to heigt(ration T/H) 154
raveling 154
rebar 154
reciprocating 154
reclamation 154
reconnaissance 154
reconstruction 154
rectangular 154
recurrence 154
redistribute 154
redrill 154
reduction factor 155
redundancy 155
refer to 155
refinement 155
refrigeration plant 155
regression equation 155
reinforce 155
reinforced concrete 155
reinforcement 155
reinforcing gabion 155
relative rigidity 155
releasing structure 156
relief wel 156
relocation 156
remedial measure 156
remote sensing 156
representative 156
reserve 156
reservoir 156
reservoir area 156
reservoir capacity 156
reservoir evacuation 156
reservoir filling 156
reservoir hazard and risk assessment 156
reservoir inflow design flood 157
reservoir sedimentation 157
reservoir silting 157
reservoir-induced earthquake 157
reservoir-rim stability 157
reshaping 157
resident engineer 157
residual 157
residual shear test 157
resistance 157
resistance strain gauges 157
resisting wedge 157
resonance 157
resonant 157
resonator 157
response spectrum 157
response value 157
restoration 157
restraint 157
resume 157
retaining wall 157
retention 157
retention money 157
retrospective 158
revelling 158
reverse-circulation drill 158
reversible 158
revetment 158
revise 158
Reynolds number 158
rhelogic parameter 158
rhyolite 158
ridge 158
riffle area 158
rigid block method of analysis 158
rim 158
rim stability 158
rinsing screen 158
rip current 159
ripping 159
riprap 159
river basin modeling 159
river closure 159
riverbed 159
roadway 159
rock bolt 159
rock bolting 159
rock bridge 159
rock burst 159
rock core 159
rock dam 159
rock discontinuities 160
rock mass 160
rock mass rating system 160
rock permeability 160
rock quality designation(RQD) 160
rock strata 160
rock unit 161
rockfill 161
rockfill dam 161
rodman 161
rolled-fill 161
roller 161
roller compacted concrete(RCC) 161
roller gate 161
roof ventilator 161
rotary 161
rotary drilling 161
rotary rig 161
rotate 161
rotating arm basin 161
rotation 162
rotational speed 162
rotor 162
rough pipe 162
roughen 162
roughness 162
roughness coefficient 162
rounded 162
rubber water stop 162
rubble 162
runoff 162
run-of-river 163
rupture 163
S 163
saddle dam 163
safe freeboard 163
safety factor 163
safety margin 163
safety measures 163
safety monitoring 163
safety release valve 163
safty valve 163
sample 163
sampling test 163
sand and gravel 163
sand disk 163
sand ejection opening 163
sand gate 164
sandbar 164
sandblasting 164
sand boil 164
sand escape 164
sandstone 164
saturated 164
saturation 164
sawed joint 164
scale 164
scaling factor 164
searif 164
scarp 164
scarplet 164
scatter 165
schematic 165
schist 165
schistosity 165
scope 165
scoria 165
scoriaceous 165
scour 165
scraper 165
screen 165
screw 165
scum barrier 165
seal 165
seam 165
seawall 165
section 166
section area 166
sector gate 166
sediment 166
sediment ejection 166
sediment pressure 166
sediment transport 166
sedimentary rock 166
sedimentation 166
seep 166
seepage 166
seepage and uplift control measures 166
seepage berm 166
seepage collar 166
seepage control 166
seepage line 166
segment 167
segregation 167
segregator 167
seiche 167
seismic 167
seismic analysis 167
seismic coefficient 167
seismic effect 167
seismic field testing 167
seismic force 167
seismic instrument 167
seismic load 167
seismic refraction 167
seismic shear-wave 167
sersmic survey 168
seismicity 168
seismological evaluation 168
seismology 168
seismotectonic 168
select random fill 168
self-healing 168
semiautomatic 168
semi-continuous 168
semidetached 168
semirigid 168
sensor 168
septic tank 168
sequence 168
sequential 168
set 168
setting-to-work stage 168
settlement 168
settlement deformation 169
settling pond 169
set-up 169
sewage 169
shaft 169
shatter 169
shear 169
shear key gallery 169
shear plane 169
shear resistance 169
shear strain 169
shear strength 170
shear stress 170
shear testing 170
shear wall 170
shear zones 170
shear-friction factor 170
shear-frictional resistance 170
shearing strain 170
shear-wave velocity 170
sheepsfoot roller 170
sheet pile 170
shell 170
shifting sand 170
ship elevator 171
shoaling 171
shock absorbing 171
shockwave 171
shop test 171
shore cutting 171
shoreline 171
short haul 171
short-term 171
short-term peaking 171
shotcrete 171
shovel 171
shrinkage 171
shrinkage stress 171
shutdown 171
sidewall 171
siding 171
sieve 171
sieve analysis 172
silica fume 172
silica fume concrete 172
sill 172
silt 172
silt ejector 172
silt pressure 172
silt excluder tunnel 172
silt laden 172
silt-releasing sluice 172
silt-shale 172
silty sand 172
simple water testing 172
simulation 172
simultaneous 172
single curvature 172
single-degree-of-freedom system 172
single-stage pump 173
sinkhole 173
sinusoidal 173
siphon 173
site 173
site basic seismic intensity 173
site conditions 173
site grading 173
site inspection 173
site investigation 173
site reconnaissance 173
site traffic 173
site-specific 173
site-specific parameter 173
situ 173
situ strength test 173
situate 173
sketch 173
skewness 173
skin stress 174
skip gradation 174
slab 174
slag Portland cement 174
slake 174
slant-axis 174
slash 174
slashing 174
slat 174
slate 174
sleeve pipe 174
sleeve valve 174
slickenside 174
slide 174
slide gate 174
sliding block 174
sliding equilibrium 174
sliding FS 174
sliding mass 175
sliding mechanism 175
sliding plane 175
sliding resistance 175
sliding safety 175
sliding stability 175
slip path 175
slip plane 175
slip surface 175
slip circle 175
slope 175
slope change 175
slope inclinometer casing installation 175
slope protection 175
sloping core 175
slot 175
slotted gravity dam 176
sloughing 176
sluice 176
sluiceway 176
slump 176
slurry 176
smeared crack model 176
smooth pipe 176
snowmelt 176
sod 176
soffit 176
soft rock 176
soil 176
soil cement 176
soil classification 177
soil flow 177
soil moisture 177
soil-like 177
solenoid valve 177
solid gravity dam 177
solution 177
solution cavity 177
sonic measurement 177
sound bedrock foundation 177
soundness 177
source area 177
spalling 177
span 177
spare part 177
spatial 177
specific creep 177
specific head 177
specific heat 177
specific speed 177
specification 177
Specific-Frequency Flood 177
specified personnel 177
specify 177
specimen 178
spectral acceleration 178
spectrobologram 178
spectrum intensity 178
spherical valve 178
spiling 178
spillway 178
spiral case 178
splice 179
split 179
splitter 179
spoil 179
spoil area 179
sponsor 179
spouting 179
spray bar 179
spread 179
springer 179
sprinkling 179
sprocket 179
spud 179
squeeze 179
stability 179
stability against floatation 179
stability against sliding 179
stability analysis 179
stability criteria 180
stability requirement 180
stabilizer 180
stabilizing force 180
stable monolith 180
stage construction 180
stagger 180
stainless steel 180
stake 180
standard 180
standard compression test 180
standard design flood 180
standard deviation 180
standard penetration test 180
standardization 180
standardized universal approach 180
standby 180
standby equipment 180
standing wave 181
standpipe 181
state-of-the-art 181
static 181
static equilibrium 181
static force 181
static modulus of elasticity 181
static shear tests 181
statistic frequency analysis 181
stator 181
stator coil 181
stay ring 181
steel 181
steel fiber 181
steel lined penstock 181
steel rib 181
steel sheet piling 181
steel shot 182
steel towel fmish 182
steel wire mesh 182
steel lining 182
steep 182
step 182
stereogram 182
stereography 182
stiffener 182
stiffness 182
stilling basin 182
stipulation 182
stockpile 182
stone masonry 182
stoplog 182
storage capacity 183
storage dam 183
storage lagoon 183
storage space 183
storm-surge protection barrage 183
stop valve 183
straight-arm radial gate 183
straight axis 183
straighten 183
strain capacity 183
strain compatibility 183
strain meter 183
strainer 183
strainmeter group 183
strap 183
stratification 183
stratigraphic 184
stratigraphical 184
stratum 184
streak 184
stream 184
stream channel 184
stream deposit 184
stream pattern 184
streamflow 184
stream function 184
strength 184
stress 184
stressed foundation anchor system 185
stress-strain 185
stress-strain response 185
stretcher 185
striation 185
strike 185
strip 185
strip load 185
strong motion record 185
Strong-Motion Accelerogragh 185
structural analysis 185
structural features 185
structural integrity 185
structural response 185
structural steel 185
structural wedge 185
structure 185
structure configuration 185
structure reliability 185
stump 185
subangular 185
subatmospheric pressure 185
subcontractor 185
subfactor 185
subgrade 186
submergence 186
subregion 186
subrounded 186
subsidence 186
substation 186
substitution 186
substructure 186
subsurface 186
subsurface condition 186
subterranean drainage 186
successive 186
successively 186
suction 186
summation 186
sump 186
sun-burn proof 186
sunk basin 186
superimpose 186
superstructure 187
supervision 187
supervisory 187
support 187
supporting bar 187
supporting frame 187
supporting insulator 187
surcharge 187
surcharge load 187
surface 187
surficial deposit 187
surge chamber 188
surge protection 188
surge shaft 188
surge tank 188
surplus water 188
surveillance 188
survey 188
suspended sediment 188
sustain 188
sustained loading 189
swamp 189
Swedish Circle Method 189
swell 189
swelling strain 189
swirl 189
switch-yard 189
switchboard 189
switcher 189
symbol 189
symmetrical 189
synchronization 189
synchronous 189
synthetic material 189
T 189
tabular 189
tabulation 189
tail 189
tail lock 189
tail pond dam 189
tail water/tailwater 190
tailings dam 190
tailings slurry 190
tailrace 190
tainter gate 191
talc 191
talus 191
talus slope 191
tamped concrete 191
tamping roller 191
tangent 191
tangential 191
tangential component 191
tangential flow turbine 191
tangential reaction 191
tank 191
technique 191
tectonic 191
telecoordinator 191
tele-pressmeter 191
temperature gradient 191
temperature load 191
temperature stress 192
temporary 192
tender 192
tender document 192
tender security 192
tendon 192
tendon load cell 192
tensile 192
terrace 192
- 《市政工程基础》杨岚编著 2009
- 《工程静力学》王科盛主编 2019
- 《中央财政支持提升专业服务产业发展能力项目水利工程专业课程建设成果 设施农业工程技术》赵英编 2018
- 《化学反应工程》许志美主编 2019
- 《绿色过程工程与清洁生产技术 张懿院士论文集精选 上》《绿色过程工程与清洁生产技术》编写组编 2019
- 《软件工程》齐治昌,谭庆平,宁洪编著 2019
- 《化学工程与工艺专业实验指导》郭跃萍主编 2019
- 《天水师范学院60周年校庆文库 新工科视域下的工程基础与应用研究》《天水师范学院60周年校庆文库》编委会编 2019
- 《高等工程教育改革探析》李瀛心,吴价宝著 1997
- 《城市基坑工程设计施工实践与应用》李欢秋,刘飞,郭进军编著 2019
- 《国学经典诵读》(中国)严琼燕 2019
- 《现代水泥技术发展与应用论文集》天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司编 2019
- 《思维导图 超好用英语单词书》(中国)王若琳 2019
- 《东北民歌文化研究及艺术探析》(中国)杨清波 2019
- 《中国当代乡土小说文库 本乡本土》(中国)刘玉堂 2019
- 《两京烟云》陈诗泳,赖秀俞责任编辑;(中国)千慧 2019
- 《HTML5从入门到精通 第3版》(中国)明日科技 2019
- 《MBA大师.2020年MBAMPAMPAcc管理类联考专用辅导教材 数学考点精讲》(中国)董璞 2019
- 《莼江曲谱 2 中国昆曲博物馆藏稀见昆剧手抄曲谱汇编之一》郭腊梅主编;孙伊婷副主编;孙文明,孙伊婷编委;中国昆曲博物馆编 2018
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