- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:《傅若农文选》编辑组编
- 出 版 社:北京:化学工业出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787122045201
- 页数:401 页
第一部分 液晶色谱固定相研究 1
用液晶毛细管色谱柱快速分离蒽、菲和咔唑的混合物 2
用短毛细管柱分离一、二、三硝基甲苯的异构体 4
用几个新液晶毛细管色谱柱分离二甲苯、甲酚和二甲酚异构体 7
高分子液晶作气相色谱固定液的进展 11
多环芳烃在高分子液晶柱上的保留行为 18
Low-Temperature Side-chain Liquid Crystalline Polysiloxanes Used as Stationary Phases for Capillary Gas Chromatography 23
毛细管柱气相色谱固定液的新进展 30
高分子液晶的合成及毛细管色谱柱的制备和性能研究 35
一类新的毛细管气相色谱固定液——侧链液晶冠醚聚硅氧烷的研究 40
Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polysiloxane Containing Crown Ether Used as Stationary Phase for Capillary Gas Chromatography 44
用高分子冠醚和高分子液晶混合物作毛细管气相色谱固定液的研究 50
Comparison of Crown ether Side-Chain Polysiloxanes with and Without Liquid Crystalline Character as Stationary Phases for Capillary Gas Chromatography 54
Use of a Long-Spacer-Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polysiloxane Containing a Crown Ether as a Stationary Phase for Capillary Gas Chromatography 58
芳羧酸酯液晶和β-环糊精共混柱的气相色谱保留行为 64
Separation Properties of Bis(β-diketonato)-Copper(Ⅱ)Complexes in Capillary Gas Chromatography 68
芳羧酸酯液晶和杯芳烃共混柱的气相色谱保留行为 77
液晶和杯环芳烃混合固定相的协同效应研究 80
第二部分 冠醚和环糊精气相色谱固定相研究 83
Use of Crown Ethers in Gas Chromatography 84
Poly(crown ether)Stationary Phase for Open-tubular Capillary Column Chromatography 89
高分子冠醚毛细管柱的性能研究 94
二烷基取代β-环糊精作毛细管气相色谱固定液的研究 99
Synthesis and Characterization of Peralkylated β-Cyclodextrins Used as Gas Chromatographic Stationary Phases 102
气相色谱中的超分子化学问题 110
3种全烷基化β-环糊精作毛细管气相色谱固定相的研究 116
高分子冠醚液晶与全烷基化β-环糊精分离位置异构体的比较 121
Consequence of Diluting Modified β-Cyclodextrins in a Side-Chain Crown Ether Polysiloxane and in a Side-Chain Liquid-Crystalline Polysiloxane-Containing Crown Ether as Stationary Phases in Capillary Gas Chromatography 126
Investigation into the Separation of Achiral and Chiral Molecules on Fused-Silica Capillary Columns Coated with Three Peralkylated Cyclodextrins 133
Unusual Behaviour of a New Kind of Side Chain Crown Ether Polysiloxanes Used in Capillary Gas Chromatography 139
Synthesis and Characterization of Benzyl β-Cyclodextrins Used as GC Stationary Phases 145
A New Gas Chromatographic Stationary Phase:Polysiloxane with β-Cyclodextrin Side Chain for the Separation of Chiral and Positional Isomers 152
Cyclodextrins With Heterocyclic Substitution as GC Stationary Phases 163
Resorcarene Derivative Used as a New Stationary Phase for Capillary Gas Chromatography 172
Synergistic Effect of Resorcarene and Cyclodextrin Mixed Stationary Phase in Gas Chromatography 180
Synergistic Effects in Mixed Gas Chromatographic Stationary Phases Containing Heptakis(2.3.6-tri-O-pentyl)-β-Cyclodextrin and AgNO3 or TlNO3 in the Separation of Xylene Isomers 187
气相色谱分析二甲苯异构体的协同效应研究 191
气相色谱中特殊混合固定相的协同效应研究 195
Investigation on Five Novel Substituted β-Cyclodextrins Used as GC Stationary Phases 198
Synergistic Effects in Mixed Gas Chromatographic Stationary Phases Consisting of Dibenzo-18-Crown-6 and MPBHpB 207
High-resolution GC Separation of Aikyl Lactate Enantiomers and the Determination of the Enantiomeric Excess of the Optical Isomers of Alkyl Lactates 212
含有氨基和羧基的β-环糊精衍生物合成及性能测试 218
Investigation on Two Novel Substituted β-Cyclodextrins Used as GC Stationary 223
Cyclodextrin Dimer Derivatives used as Stationary Phase for Capillary Gas Chromatography 228
二苯并-18-冠-6与杯环芳烃毛细管气相色谱混合固定相的协同效应研究 237
高分辩气相色谱法手性固定相拆分α-羟基酮光学异构体 240
环糊精接枝聚硅氧烷气相色谱固定相的手性拆分性能 243
Peralkylated-β-Cyclodextrin Used as Gas Chromatographic Stationary Phase Prepared by Sol-gel Technology for Capillary Column 247
第三部分 毛细管电泳研究 259
用水溶性冠醚作毛细管电泳的手性选择剂的研究——从超分子化学角度研究毛细管电泳的手性选择剂 260
Separation of Chiral Isomers of Chloramphenicol Metabolite by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Using Cyclodextrin as Chiral Selector 264
γ-环糊精-SDS胶束电动色谱法分离十八甲基炔诺酮光学异构体 268
Separation of Diastereomers of a 1,3-Disubstituted Tetrahydro-β-carboline by Capillary Electrophoresis with β-Cyclodextrin 272
Epoxy Resin Coatings for Capillary Zone Electrophoretic Separation of Basic Proteins 277
用超分子化学观点研究毛细管电泳法拆分十八甲基炔诺酮 287
羧甲基-β-环糊精用于毛细管电泳中的手性分离 290
几种高水溶性环糊精手性选择剂的合成及性能 294
Cyclodextrin-Modified Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography for Separation of Nofgestrel Enantiomers 297
用于毛细管电泳手性分离的一种新的手性选择剂——β-环糊精聚合物 305
用羧甲基聚合环糊精作手性剂的毛细管电泳法分离3种碱性药物 308
Study on the Chiral Separation of Basic Drugs by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Using β-CD and Derivatized β-CDs as Chiral Selectors 312
Capillary Electrophoresis Enantioseparation of Drugs Using β-Cy-clodextrin Polymer:Intramolecular Synergistic Effect 319
第四部分 裂解色谱及其他研究 325
Studies on Thermal Decomposition of Nitrocellulose by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography 326
Modified Column System for Pyrolysis Capillary Gas Chromatography 331
Investigation of Thermal Decomposition of HMX and RDX by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography 336
Characterization of Poly(Styrene-Dimethylsiloxane)Block Copolymer by High-resolution Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry 340
The Investigation of Pyrolysis Mechanism of Heptakis[3-O-methyl-2,6-di-O-(Methoxybenzyl)]-β-Cyclodextrin by Py-GC and Py-GC/MS 348
The Py-GC and PyGC/MS Investigation of Liquid Crystalline Polysiloxanes Containing Benzyl Ether and Biphenyl Mesogen 355
臭氧法交联毛细管色谱柱的制备及应用 363
用毛细管色谱柱分离DNT和TNT的异构体 368
高温毛细管气相色谱柱的制备及应用 374
固相微萃取(SPME)的演变和现状 377
附录:历年发表论文目录 389
- 《天才编辑 上》白野著 2019
- 《乐史披沙 音乐学术论文选 2005-2014》李宏锋著 2017
- 《中共中央关于学习《胡锦涛文选》的决定》本书编委会 2016
- 《文选》简宗梧编著 2018
- 《商务英语阅读文选》左进,吴俊秋主编 2019
- 《先秦文选》郭丹选注 2019
- 《模范小品文选 一名,现代模范文选》逵夫编选 1937
- 《郑板桥诗词文选》(清)郑燮著 2018
- 《怎样办好地市报纸 全国地市报纸总编辑论文大赛获奖论文汇编》于清潍等主编 1990
- 《天才编辑 下》白野著 2019
- 《两京烟云》陈诗泳,赖秀俞责任编辑;(中国)千慧 2019
- 《反常识》张娟责任编辑;(美国)邓肯·J.瓦茨 2019
- 《花时间 我的第一堂花艺课 插花基础技法篇》(日)花时间编辑部编;陈洁责编;冯莹莹译 2020
- 《2013数学奥林匹克试题集锦 走向IMO》2013年IMO中国国家集训队教练组编 2013
- 《催化剂制备过程技术》韩勇责任编辑;(中国)张继光 2019
- 《日本面包师的经典配方》马妍责任编辑;王森 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《赵松乔先生百年诞辰纪念文集》《赵松乔先生百年诞辰纪念文集》编辑组 2019
- 《若时光倒流,我依然如初》读者丛书编辑组编 2020
- 《复活》冯一兵责任编辑;力冈译;(俄罗斯)列夫·托尔斯泰 2019