- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘国强等编写
- 出 版 社:南昌:江西科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7539016442
- 页数:309 页
Chapter 1 Reservation 第一章 预订 2
1.Reservation of the plane ticket 预订飞机票 2
2.Asking for the information on flight schedule 请求告知航班时刻表 4
3.Reservation of the conference room 预订会议室 6
4.Hotel reservation 预订旅馆 6
5.Vehicle reservation 预订车辆 8
6.Ordering seats at a restaurant and inquir-ing about the price 预订饭店席位并询问价格 10
7.Making a reservation for a banquet 预订宴会 12
8.Inquiring about the facilities and price 询问旅馆设备和收费情况 14
10.Inquiring about the price and ordering tickets 询问票价预订戏票 16
9.Ordering a room 预订房间 16
11.Ordering concert tickets by check 寄支票预订音乐会票 18
Chapter 2 Appointment 第二章 预约 20
1.Making an appointment for an oral quiz 预约面试 20
2.Make an appointment for a meeting 预约来访时间 22
3.Making an appointment for a visit 预约参观时间 22
Chapter 3 Change 第三章 更改 26
1.Asking to change the date of the flight tickets 要求更改机票日期 26
2.Asking go change an appointment 要求更改预约 26
3.Asking to change the arrangement 要求更改预订 28
4.Asking to change the reservation for rooms 要求更改预订房间 30
6.Changing the address 更改地址 32
5.Asking to change concert tickets 要求更换音乐会票 32
7.Company Reorganization 公司改组 34
Chapter 4 Cancellation 第四章 取消 40
1.Canceling the reservation for a car 取消预订车辆 40
2.Canceling an appointment 取消预约 40
3.Getting a refund for tickets 要求退票 42
4.Canceling an order by checks 取消用支票预订的席位 44
5.Canceling an order 取消预订席位 44
6.Canceling an order for flight tickets and claiming refund 取消原订机票并要求退款 46
1.Confirming an appointment 确认预约 48
2.Confirming the arrangements 确认计划安排 48
Chapter 5 Confirmation 第五章 确认 48
3.Confirming the reservation for a noon party 确认预订午宴 54
4.Confirming the reservation for exhibit space 确认预订展览位置 56
5.Confirming a telegram 确认电报内容 58
6.Confirming oral directions of a supplier 确认供货人的口头指示 60
7.Confirming a telephone order and paying by checks 确认电话预订及寄支票预付 62
8.Confirming a telephone order and paying by credit card 确认电话预订并要求用信用卡计账 64
9.Confirming a telephone order for rooms 确认电话预订房间 66
10.Confirmation of canceling an order for rooms 确认取消预订房间 66
11.Confirmation of changing an order for rooms 确认更改预订房间 68
12.Confirming a telephone order and asking the messenger to bring back the tickets 确认电话预订并要求由送信人带回戏票 70
13.Confirming a telephone order and forwar-ding a check and an envelope 确认电话预订戏票并附寄支票和回邮信封 70
14.Confirming a telephone order for flight tickets and asking to put it to one's ac-count 确认电话预订机票并说明记账付款 72
15.Confirming a telephone reservation and asking to pay by checks 确认电话预订并说明用支票付款 74
16.Ordering by phone and asking to pay by checks when receiving the tickets 确认电话预订,并说明收到机票后才付款 76
Chapter 6 Application 第六章 申请 78
1.Application for air conditioner 申请安装空调 78
2.P.O.Box applied 申请邮箱 78
3.Application for duty refunded 申请退还税款 80
4.Application for licence 申请执照 82
5.Water-pipe applied 申请安装水管 82
6.Applying for a passport application form 要求申请护照 84
7.Applying for a visa application form 要求申请签证 86
1.Invitation for a celebration 庆祝会邀请 88
Chapter 7 Invitation 第七章 邀请 88
2.Invitation for an evening party 晚会邀请 90
3.Inviting a guest to speak at the confer-ence 邀请客人出席会议并作演讲 92
4.Accepting the invitation and agreeing to speak 接受演讲邀请 94
5.Accepting the invitation for the business opening 接受开业邀请 96
Chapter 8 Employment 第八章 聘用 98
1.Employing a cashier 聘请出纳员 98
2.Employing a sales manager 聘请销售部经理 98
3.Employing an engineer 聘请工程师 100
4.Employing a visiting professor 聘请客座教授 102
5.Employing a secretary 聘请秘书 104
2.Welcoming new clients 欢迎新客户 106
Chapter 9 Welcome 第九章 欢迎 106
1.Welcoming new customers 欢迎新顾客 106
3.Welcome a newcomer 欢迎新同事 108
4.Congratulations on a new venture 欢庆开业 110
5.Christmas greetings 圣诞节问候 112
6.Holiday greetings to friends and customers 向朋友和客户致节日问候 114
Chapter 10 Notice 第十章 通知 116
1.Notice of donations 捐赠通知 116
2.Notice of increasing service charges 提高服务费通知 118
3.Notice of increasing products charges 产品提价通知 120
4.Notice of someone's retirement 某人退休通知 120
6.Proclamation of election results 选举结果通知 124
5.Notice on an English evening 举行英语晚会通知 124
7.Notice of a visit 参观通知 126
8.Notice of dismissal 免职通知 128
9.Meeting notice 会议通知 128
10.Notice of holidays 放假通知 128
11.Notice to put off a report meeting 报告会延期通知 130
12.Notice of recovering 病愈通知 132
13.Notice of honorary appointment 授予荣誉职称通知 136
14.Notice of an appointment 任职通知 136
2.Asking for sick leave written by someone else 请病假(他人代写) 138
Chapter 11 Asking for Leave 第十一章 请假 138
1.Asking for sick leave 请病假 138
3.Asking for business leave 请事假 142
Chapter 12 Informal Note 第十二章 便条 146
1.Note for saying good-bye 辞行便条 146
2.Reply 答复 146
3.Requesting to borrow something 请求借物 148
4.Asking for the return of something 请求还物 150
5.Requesting an introduction 请求开介绍信 150
6.Requesting for repairing the water pipe 请求修理水管 152
7.Asking a doctor to come 请医生 152
8.Transmitting a telephone message 转告电话 154
9.Putting off a meeting 推迟会议 156
10.Making an appointment with a colleague 与同事约会 156
Chapter 13 Formal Note 第十三章 收条 158
1.Receiving money that is owing 收到欠款 158
2.Receiving rent 收到房租 158
3.Receiving salary 收到工资 160
4.Borrowing something 借物 160
5.Receiving something that is owing 收到欠物 160
6.Borrowing money 借钱 162
7.Receiving something for safe custody 收物寄存 162
2.Urging someone to return money 催还借款 164
Chapter 14 Urgency 第十四章 催促 164
1.Urging someone to return a tape-recorder 催还录音机 164
3.Urging someone to return a book 催还图书 166
Chapter 15 Poster 第十五章 海报 168
1.Film news 影讯 168
2.Recital 演奏会 168
3.Drama 戏剧 170
4.Get-together 联欢会 170
5.Literary and artistic evening performance 文艺晚会 172
6.Match 球赛 174
7.Postponing a match 比赛延期 174
9.Lecture 讲座 176
8.Meeting 会议通知 176
Chapter 16 Document and Report 第十六章 公文报告 178
1.Report by the Purchasing Department 购货部报告 178
2.Sales performance of the Columbia Branch Office in form of a letter 哥伦比亚办事处销售情况(以书信形式) 180
3.A short report on the current market situ-ation regarding Bitter Apricot Kernels 有关苦杏仁的当前市场形势的短篇报告 184
4.Report on Xinjiang carpets 有关新疆地毯的报告 188
5.Market report on silk in England 有关英国丝绸的市场报告 190
6.Market report on rabbits 关于兔肉的市场报告 194
Chapter 17 Minutes of Meeting 第十七章 会议纪要 202
1.Minutes of Meeting held to discuss sitting of rest facilities held at 10:00 on 20/6/1999 讨论歇息设施位置的会议纪要,1999年6月20日10时 202
2.Minutes of Meeting held to discuss rest facilities plans held at 1 3:00 on 25/7/1999 讨论歇息设施计划的会议纪要,1999年7月25日13时 204
3.Minutes of meeting on a project,10.10.1999 项目会议纪要,1999年10月10日 206
4.Minutes of any other business 6/5/1999 其他事宜会议纪要,1999年5月6日 210
5.Minutes of the Weekly Meeting of the Ex-ecutive Advisory Committee to the Life Insurance Division,Southwestern Insur-ance Company 西南保险公司人寿保险部执行顾问委员会周会议纪要 214
6.Meeting of the Operations Department 生产部门会议 220
Chapter 18 Memorandum 第十八章 备忘录 224
1.Annual accounts 年报表 224
2.Research on fire 关于火情的调查 224
3.In-service English classes 公司内部举行英语培训班 226
4.Coffee-making facilities 煮咖啡机 228
5.To special project teams from board of directors 董事会致特别项目小组的备忘录 232
6.Discount on Jennings order 给予詹宁斯公司订货折扣事宜 234
7.Jennings order 詹宁斯订货事宜 236
Chapter 19 Advertisement 第十九章 广告 238
1.Missing 寻人 238
2.On lost check 支票挂失 238
3.Position vacant 招聘 240
4.Seeking position 待聘 240
5.House to let or for sale 房屋租售 242
6.Announcing the right 受权声明 242
7.Beware of imitations 谨防假冒 244
9.Business advertisement 营业 246
8.Opening of business 开业 246
10.Telephone number changed 更改电话 248
11.Announcement 人事声明 248
12.For sale 销售 248
13.Introduction of products 产品介绍 250
14.Asking to carry an advertisement in a newspaper 要求在报刊登广告 252
Chapter 20 Contract and Agreement 第二十章 合同协议 258
1.Agreement on building a hotel 修建宾馆协议 258
2.Agreement on establishing a laboratory 建立实验室协议 262
3.Agreement on selling a house 销售房屋协议 272
4.Contract of employment 聘约合同 280
5.Extension of employment contract 延长聘用合同 294
Appendix 附录 296
1.Sender's address 发信人地址 296
2.Date 发信日期 297
3.Insidename address 信内姓名及地址 298
4.Salutation 称谓 299
5.Complimentary close 结束语 301
6.Signature 签名 303
7.Enclosure 附件说明 304
8.Postscript 附言 305
9.Layout 信文格式 306
10.Envelope writing 信封写法 309
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