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新思维高效英语阅读  上

新思维高效英语阅读 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Brenda Bushell,Brenda Dyer著 马建军,凌冰词汇表编写
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7561124511
  • 页数:206 页
《新思维高效英语阅读 上》目录

1THE GLOBAL VILLAGE ONE: The Global Village Finally Arrives Skimming 1

2TRAVEL ONE: Experience Africa with Goliath Safaris Two: A World Of Difference Surveying and Predicting 11

3BIODIVERSITY ONE: The Importance of Biodiversity TWO: Diversity in Diet Helps Preserve Species Vocabulary in Context 27

4LOVE ONE: Romantic Love: The Basics of Courtship TWO: Cybercourtship The Topic 43

5TIME ONE: It’s About Time TWO: Timeshifting: An Interview with Dr.Stephan Rechtschaffen The Main Idea 57

6GREEN BUSINESS ONE: ‘Rainforest Chic’: Green Economics in the Amazon TWO: Seikatsu Club: Japanese Housewives Organize Scanning for Details 75

7BEAUTY ONE: The New Man TWO: Fat is Beautiful Paraphrasing 93

8WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY ONE: Tourism Goes Wireless TWO: Wireless Wearables Notetaking 109

9MEDIA AND CULTURE ONE: People from Mars TWO: The Role of Television in Inuit Culture The Outline 125

10DEVELOPMENT ONE: What is Development? TWO: Nothing Wasted, Everything Gained THREE: The Most Innovative City The Summary 143

11CLONING ONE: Dolly’s Creators Clone Pigs TWO: To Clone Or Not To Clone:Implications of Human Cloning THREE: Cloning of ‘Man’s Best Friend’ Summary and Presentation 163

12FUTURE WORLDS ONE: Luke in the Forest Close Reading 179

