- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孔凡海编著
- 出 版 社:南京:译林出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7806573291
- 页数:425 页
Chapter 1 Sets 1
1.1 Equality of Sets 1
1.2 Empty Set,Subsets 2
1.3 Venn Diagrams 2
1.4 Operations on Sets 3
1.5 Number of Elements in a Finite Set 5
1.6 Worked Examples 5
1.7 Exercises 6
Chapter 2 Real Number System 9
2.1 Integers 9
2.2 Rational Numbers 10
2.3 Irrational Numbers 11
2.4 Operations and Their Properties 12
2.5 The Real Number Line 16
2.6 Ordering the Real Numbers 16
2.7 The Absolute Value of a Real Number 17
2.8 Worked Examples 17
2.9 Exercises 20
Chapter 3 The Language of Algebra 23
3.1 Describing Situation with Algebra 24
3.2 Formulas 26
3.3 Explicit and Recursive Formulas for Sequences 28
3.4 Solving Equations and Inequalities 31
3.5 Worked Examples 33
3.6 Exercises 35
Chapter 4 Statement Calculus 37
4.1 Composition of Statements 37
4.2 Equivalent Formulae 39
4.3 Valid Formulae and Falsities 40
4.4 Universal Quantifier and Existential Quantifier 42
4.5 Worked Examples 43
4.6 Exercises 44
Chapter 5 Functions 46
5.1 Introduction to Coordinates 46
5.2 Functions 48
5.3 Composition of Functions 53
5.4 Some Special Real Functions 56
5.5 Some Examples of Real Functions 60
5.6 Worked Examples 63
5.7 Exercises 69
Chapter 6 Power,Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 75
6.1 nth Root Functions 76
6.2 Rational Power Functions 79
6.3 Exponential Functions 82
6.4 Logarithmic Functions 86
6.5 e and Natural Logarithms 89
6.6 Properties of Logarithms 92
6.7 Solving Exponential Equations 94
6.8 The Scientific Calculator 95
6.9 Worked Examples 100
6.10 Exercises 103
Chapter 7 Polynomial Functions 105
7.1 Polynomial Models 105
7.2 Finding Polynomial Models 110
7.3 The Factor Theorem 111
7.4 Complex Numbers 113
7.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 115
7.6 Roots and Coefficients of Polynomials 118
7.7 Modeling Data with Polynomials 120
7.8 Worked Examples 122
7.9 Exercises 125
Chapter 8 Sequences,Series and Counting Principles 127
8.1 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences 127
8.2 Limits of Sequences 130
8.3 Arithmetic and Geometric Series 133
8.4 Mathematical Induction 141
8.5 The Binomial Theorem 146
8.6 Worked Examples 153
8.7 Exercises 156
Chapter 9 Trigonometry 161
9.1 Radian and Degree Measure 162
9.2 Lengths of Arc and Areas of Sectors 164
9.3 Trigonometric Ratios of Acute Angeles 165
9.4 The Sine,Cosine and Tangent Functions 167
9.5 Graphs of the Sine,Cosine and Tangent Functions 170
9.6 Properties of Sines,Cosines and Tangents 174
9.7 The Law of Sines and Cosines 177
9.8 From Washington to Beijing 179
9.9 The Secant,Cosecant and Cotangent Functions 187
9.10 Inverse Trigonometric Functions 187
9.11 Analytic Trigonometry 189
9.12 Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number 193
9.13 Worked Examples 197
9.14 Exercises 201
Chapter 10 Matrices 204
10.1 Storing Data in Matrices 205
10.2 Matrix Multiplication 207
10.3 Size Changes 211
10.4 Scale Changes 213
10.5 Reflections 215
10.6 Transformations and Matrices 216
10.7 Rotations 217
10.8 Perpendicular Lines 221
10.9 Matrix Addition 222
10.10 Worked Examples 225
10.11 Exercises 229
Chapter 11 Linear Programming 231
11.1 Solving Linear Inequalities in Two Variables Graphically 231
11.2 Linear Programming Ⅰ 237
11.3 Linear Programming Ⅱ 243
11.4 Worked Examples 246
11.5 Exercises 249
Chapter 12 Inequalities 251
12.1 Elementary Properties 251
12.2 Arithmetic Mean and Geometric Mean 252
12.3 Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality 254
12.4 Absolute Values 255
12.5 Worked Examples 256
12.6 Exercises 260
Chapter 13 Complex Numbers 262
13.1 Operations on Complex Numbers 263
13.2 Complex Conjugate 264
13.3 Argand Diagram 265
13.4 Modulus of a Complex Number 265
13.5 Argument of a Complex Number 267
13.6 Vectorial Representation of a Complex Number 268
13.7 Geometric Application of Complex Numbers 269
13.8 De Moivre's Theorem 270
13.9 The Mandelbrot Set 271
13.10 Worked Examples 273
13.11 Exercises 276
Chapter 14 Two Dimensional Coordinate Geometry 279
14.1 Straight Lines 280
14.2 Circles 282
14.3 Quadratic Relation 283
14.4 Parabolae 285
14.5 Ellipses 286
14.6 Hyperbolae 288
14.7 Worked Examples 290
14.8 Exercises 294
Chapter 15 Probability and Statistics 296
15.1 Fundamental Properties of Probability 296
15.2 Descriptive Statistics 300
15.3 Probability Distributions 302
15.4 Binomial Probabilities 305
15.5 Binomial Probability Distributions 307
15.6 Mean and Standard Deviation of a Binomial Distribution 310
15.7 Representing Probabilities by Areas 313
15.8 The Parent of the Normal Curve 314
15.9 The Standard Normal Distribution 318
15.10 Using Probability to Make Judgments 320
15.11 Worked Examples 323
15.12 Exercises 330
Chapter 16 Calculus 334
16.1 Limit of a Sequence 334
16.2 Limit of a Function at Infinity 345
16.3 Limit ofa Function at a Point 347
16.4 Two Important Limits 349
16.5 Left and Right Hand Limits 349
16.6 Continuous Functions 350
16.7 Properties of Continuous Functions 352
16.8 Worked Examples Ⅰ 353
16.9 Exercises Ⅰ 356
16.10 Derivatives 357
16.11 Differentiability 360
16.12 Rules of Differentiation 362
16.13 Mean Value Theorem 364
16.14 Applications of Differential Calculus 366
16.15 Worked Examples Ⅱ 372
16.16 Exercises Ⅱ 375
16.17 Indefinite Integrals 376
16.18 Definite Integrals 377
16.19 Applications of Definite Integrals 381
16.20 Worked Examples Ⅲ 383
16.21 Exercises Ⅲ 384
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