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  • 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:艾天望著
  • 出 版 社:时英出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9867762979
  • 页数:668 页

Table of contents 1

Maps 6

Preface 7

Acknowledgements 10

Nomenclature 10

Pronunciation guide to modern Chinese 11

The sounds of Mandarin Chinese 11

The syllables in Mandarin Chinese 14

The Chinese tones 15

Other popular romanization and transliteration systems 16

Comparative tables 17

Comparison Hanyu Pinyin—Tongyong Pinyin 20

Conversion table Wade Giles—Hanyu Pinyin—MPS 21

PartⅠ:China today 26

Facts and statistics about China 26

China’s population 27

China’s demographic development 27

Nationalities in China 29

Languages in China 37

Religions in China 38

China’s geography 42

General features 42

China’s topography 43

Rivers and lakes 45

Vegetation and cultivation/Land usage 47

Natural disasters 47

China’s climate 48

Climatic data for select Chinese cities 48

Government and politics 52

PRC(People’s Republic of China) 52

—Political system of the PRC 52

—The Chinese Communist Party(CCP) 53

—Presidents and Premiers of the PRC 56

—The Parliament and the Judiciary of the PRC 56

—Ministries and agencies under the PRC State Council 57

—Governors/Chief Executives of Hong Kong since 1843 and of Macau since 1623 60

ROC(Republic of China) 64

—Political system of the ROC 64

—Major political parties of the ROC 65

—Presidents of the ROC 1912-1948 67

—Presidents/Vice Presidents of the ROC since 1948 67

—Premiers/Heads of the ROC’s Executive Yuan 68

—Heads of the ROC’s four other Yuans since 1928. 71

—Ministries and agencies under the ROC Executive Yuan 72

—Complete ROC election results since 1989 74

—Rulers and Governors of Taiwan since 1624 75

Human rights in China 78

Cross-strait relations 79

Territorial issues 86

—Disputed land borders of the PRC 86

—Islands with sovereignty claimed by both the PRC and ROC 87

—Islands under the effective control of the ROC 89

China’s economy 91

China(PRC) 91

Taiwan(ROC) 96

Quantification of the economies in Greater China and Singapore 99

Banking and finance 101

Part Ⅱ:The Chinese provinces 110

The provinces of China today 110

China’s administrative organization 110

Ranking of China’s cities and provinces by population,area,and pop.density(2005) 112

Administrative subdivisions in the PRC 113

Abbreviations of geographical names 115

Changes in China’s provincial composition since 1949 116

Provinces of the old ROC(1912-1949) 117

Obsolete geographical names 118

Gazetteer—the Chinese provinces in detail 119

1.安徽 119

2.北京 121

3.重庆 122

4.福建 124

5.甘肃 126

6.广东 128

7.广西 131

8.贵州 134

9.海南 136

10.河北 137

11.黑龙江 140

12.河南 143

13.香港 146

14.湖北 147

15.湖南 150

16.内蒙古 153

17.江苏 156

18.江西 158

19.吉林 160

20.辽宁 162

21.澳门 165

22.宁夏 166

23.青海 168

24.陕西 170

25.山东 173

26.上海 176

27.山西 177

28.四川 179

29.台湾 183

30.天津 187

31.西藏 188

32.新疆 190

33.云南 193

34.浙江 196

A few words about Singapore 199

Part Ⅲ:China’s history 202

Chronology of Chinese dynasties 202

Historical capitals 205

The History of China:A Summary 208

The emergence of humans in the China region 208

Neolithic China:the Yangshao and Longshan Cultures 208

The legendary Xia Dynasty and the mythical emperors 210

The Shang/Yin Dynasty(ca.1500-1000 BC) 211

The Zhou Dynasty(ca.1000-221 BC) 212

Qin Dynasty(221-207 BC):Birth of a unified China 221

The Han Dynasty(207 BC-220 AD) 225

Time of division between Han and Sui(220-589) 232

The Sui Dynasty(589-618) 243

The Tang Dynasty(618-907) 245

Time of division between Tang and Song(902-979) 253

The Song Dynasty(960-1279) 256

The Mongols and the Yuan Dynasty(1279-1368) 265

Ming Dynasty(1368-1644):Chinese rule restored 270

The Manchus and the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911) 278

Chronology of Greater China 1911-2006 295

List of noteworthy persons in Greater China 390

Part Ⅳ:Appendix 474

Japan,Korea and Vietnam:History and Geography 474

History of Japan 475

Prime Ministers of Japan since 1885 476

Geographical names in Japan 478

History of Korea 479

Leaders of Korea since 1948 480

Geographical names in Korea 481

Leaders of Vietnam since 1954 482

Geographical names in Vietnam 484

International geographical names and terms 485

The 194 countries of the world and their capitals 485

Alternative country names in Chinese 490

Obsolete country names 490

Important geographic terms 490

Continents and intercontinental regions 491

Seas and oceans,gulfs and straits 491

Major lakes 493

Major rivers 493

Major mountain ranges 494

Islands,islets,and archipelagos 494

Other places,territories,and regions 497

Transnational or disputed territories and regions 498

U.S.states 499

Canada’s provinces and territories 500

Australia’s states and territories 500

Administrative division of the United Kingdom 501

The French regions 501

The 16 German states 502

The Russian republics 502

Space terms 503

Selected time zones 505

Chinese holidays 507

The Chinese calendar 508

Yin and Yang,the Five Primary Elements,the Ten Heavenly Stems 509

The Chinese Zodiac:Twelve Animal Signs and Twelve Earthly Branches 511

The Ganzbi system 511

The Eight Trigrams and 64 Hexagrams 513

The 24 Solar Terms and the Eight Festivals 514

Data about the Chinese lunar calendar,length of Chinese lunar years 1900-2050 516

Chinese family names 524

Single-character family names 524

Two-character family names 526

Degrees of kinship 527

Military rank 530

Ranks in the PRC Armed Forces 530

Ranks in the ROC Armed Forces 531

Weights and measures 532

Chinese system 532

Metric system 533

US/British system 535

Other important measures 538

Useful conversion tables 539

List of chemical elements 541

Excerpts from important documents 544

Treaty of Shimonoseki(1895) 544

~in Chinese:马关条约(下关条约) 545

Japan’s“21 Demands”to China[full text](1915) 546

~in Chinese:日本的《二十一条要求》【全文】 548

Cairo Declaration[full text](1943) 549

Agreements reached at the Yalta(Crimea)Conference(1945) 549

Potsdam Declaration(1945) 550

Japan’s First Instrument of Surrender(1945) 550

~in Chinese:日本投降书 551

Surrender Order of the Imperial General Headquarters of Japan(1945) 552

Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of the Communist Rebellion[full text](1948) 553

~in Chinese:动员戡乱时期临时条款【全文】 554

Treaty of San Francisco(1951) 555

Treaty of Peace between the ROC and Japan(1952) 556

~in Chinese:中华民国与日本国间和平条约 557

UN Resolution 2758[full text](1971) 557

Shanghai Communique(1972) 558

~in Chinese:中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国联合公报(《上海公报》) 559

Joint Communique of the Gov.of Japan and the Goov.of the PRC(1972) 560

~in Chinese:中日联合声明 560

Taiwan Relations Act(1979) 561

Joint Communique of the PRC and the USA(1982) 566

~in Chinese:中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国联合公报(八一七公报) 567

PRC Constitution, Article 36:Religion(1982) 567

~in Chinese:中华人民共和国宪法(第三十六条) 568

UN Convention on the Law of the Sea(1982) 568

The Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong(1984) 568

~in Chinese:中华人民共和国政府和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府关于香港问题的联合声明 570

Guidelines for National Unification[full text](1991) 571

~in Chinese:国家统一纲领【全文】 572

ROC President Lee Teng-hui’s remarks about the“state-to-state relationship”extant between the ROC and the PRC(1999) 573

ROC President Chen Shui-bian’s“Five Noes”(2000,2004) 573

The “Anti-Secession Law”of the PRC[full text](2005) 574

~in Chinese:反分裂国家法【全文】 576

List of abbreviations and acronyms 578

Sources/Further reading 664
