物理学词典 粒子物理学分册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘连寿等编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1982
- ISBN:17031·151
- 页数:204 页
第一部分 总论 1
基本粒子elementary particle 1
反粒子antiparticle 1
名词目录 1
共振态resonance 2
费密子fermion 2
玻色子boson 2
光子photon 2
轻子lepton 3
μ子muon 3
重光子heavy photon 3
电子electron 4
正电子positron 4
中微子neutrino 4
重轻子heavy lepton 4
强子hadron 6
重子baryon 6
核子nucleon 6
质子proton 6
中子neutron 6
级联超子cascade hyperon 7
超子hyperon 7
反质子antiproton 7
反中子antineutron 7
奇异粒子strange particle 7
Λ粒子lambda particle 8
Σ粒子sigma particle 8
Ξ粒子ksi particle 10
?-粒子omega minus particle 11
△粒子delta particle 11
介子meson 11
π介子pion 13
k介子kaon 13
矢介子vector meson 13
赝标介子pseudoscalar meson 13
ω介子omega meson 14
ψ介子phi meson 14
η介子eta meson 14
ρ介子rho meson 14
新粒子new particle 15
J/ψ粒子J/psi particle 15
粲粒子charmed particle 16
γ粒子upsilon particle 17
夸克quark 18
胶子gluon 20
中间矢量玻色子intermediate vector boson(IVB) 20
电子偶素positronium 21
μ子素muonium 21
夸克偶素quarkonium 21
粲子偶素charmonium 22
重子偶素baryonium 22
反常核态abnormal nuclear state 23
孤子soliton 24
玻密子pomeron 24
瞬子instanton 25
半子meron 26
磁单极子magnetic monopole 26
双荷子dyon 27
引力子graviton 27
引力微子gravitino 27
快子tachyon 28
群group 28
子群subgroup 28
李群Lie group 29
直积群direct product group 29
一般线性群general linear group 29
非齐次洛伦兹群inhomogeneous Lorentz group 30
群表示group representation 30
不可约表示irreducible representation 31
直积表示representation of direct product 32
伴随表示adjoint representation 32
生成元generator 32
结构常数structure constant 33
李代数Lie algebra 33
韦耳标准基Weyl standard basis 33
根图root diagram 34
卡西米尔算子Casimir operator 34
张量积约化reduction of tensor product 34
权图weight diagram 35
杨图Young diagram 36
嵌入embedding 37
量子场论quantum field theory 38
量子电动力学quantum electrodynamics(QED) 38
量子味动力学quantum flavordynamics(QFD) 38
量子色动力学quantum chromodynamics(QCD) 39
点阵规范理论lattice gauge theory 40
弱电统一理论weak electromagnetic unified theory 40
规范场论gauge field theory 40
大统一理论grand unified theory(GUT) 41
超对称性理论supersymmetry theory 42
超引力理论supergravity theory 42
非线性场论nonlinear field theory 43
非线性σ模型nonlinear sigma model 43
非定域场论nonlocal field theory 43
旋量统一场论spinor unified field theory 44
靴袢理论bootstrap theory 44
时空量子化space-time quantization 45
超选择规则superselection rule 45
自然单位natural units 46
第二部分 粒子物理实验方法 47
高压加速器high voltage accelerator 47
电子直线加速器electron linear accelerator(linac) 47
质子直线加速器proton linear accelerator 47
电子感应加速器betatron 47
稳相加速器phasotron 48
同步加速器synchrotron 48
电子同步加速器electron synchrotron 49
质子同步加速器proton synchrotron 49
强聚焦同步加速器strong-focusing synchrotron 50
分离作用强聚焦系统separate function strong focusing system 51
预注入器preinjector 51
注入器injector 51
负离子注入negative ion injection 52
增强器booster 52
对撞机colliding beam machine 52
存储环storage ring 53
交叉存储环intersecting storage ring(ISR) 54
反质子累积环antiproton accumulator(AA)ring 54
束流beam current 55
超导加速器superconducting accelerator 55
中子存储环neutron storage ring 55
亮度luminosity 56
束流冷却beam coolirg 56
靶target 56
径迹track 56
本底计数background counting 57
正比室proportional chamber 57
液氙正比室liquid xenon proportional chamber 57
闪烁计数器scintillation counter 57
晶体球crystal ball 57
半导体探测器semiconductor detector 58
簇射计数器shower counter 58
契伦科夫计数器Cerenkov counter 58
超导探测器superconducting detector 59
穿越辐射探测器transition radiation detector 59
计数器描迹仪counter hodoscope chamber 59
飞行时间谱仪time-of-flight spectrometer 59
单臂谱仪single-arm spectrometer 60
双臂谱仪double-arm spectrometer 60
多粒子谱仪multiparticle spectrometer 61
量能器calorimeter 61
核乳胶nuclear emulsion 61
多板云室multiplate cloud chamber 62
泡室bubble chamber 62
乳胶叠emulsion stack 62
扩散云室diffusion cloud chamber 62
云室cloud chamber 62
氢泡室hydrogen bubble chamber(HBC) 63
重液泡室heavy liquid bubble chamber(HLBC) 63
径迹灵敏靶track sensitive target(TST) 63
氖闪光管neon flash tube 64
火花室spark chamber 64
多板火花室multiplate spark chamber 64
流光室steamer chamber 65
丝火花室wire spark chamber 65
投影火花室projection spark chamber 65
多丝正比室multiwire proportional chamber(MWPC) 66
漂移室drift chamber 66
时间投影室time projection chamber(TPC) 67
触发trigger 67
形成实验和产生实验formation experiment andproduction experiment 68
不变质量invariant mass 68
共振峰resonance peak 68
狄克机制Deck mechanism 70
阿根图Argand diagram 70
拓扑截面topological cross section 71
遍举过程与非遍举过程exclusive process and inclusive process 71
丢失质量missing mass 71
n叉事件n-prong event 72
多重数multiplicity 72
带头粒子leading particle 72
纵向相空间分析longitudinal phase space(LPS)analysis 72
贝略图Peyrou plot 73
海鸥效应sea-gull effect 74
达里兹图Dalitz plot 75
邱-骆图Chew-Low plot 76
冲度thrust 77
球度(球性)spherocity(sphericity) 77
离面度acoplanarity 78
瞬发轻子prompt lepton 79
倾束实验beam dump experiment 79
蒙特-卡洛方法Monte-Carlo method 79
参数化parametrization 79
置信水平与标准偏差confidence level and standard deviation 80
数据处理和分析data-handling and data analysis 80
质量谱mass spectrum 82
质量mass 82
第三部分 粒子的特性与结构 82
裸质量bare mass 83
平均寿命mean life 83
衰变方式decay modes 84
衰变百分数与分支比decay fraction and branching ratio 84
分数电荷实验fractional charge experiment 84
自旋spin 85
宇称parity 85
θ-τ疑难theta-tau puzzle 86
重子数baryon number 86
电子轻子数和μ子轻子数 electron lepton number and muon lepton number 87
轻子数lepton number 87
同位旋isospin 88
奇异数strangeness 88
超荷hypercharge 89
盖尔曼-西岛关系GellMann-Nishijima relation 89
粲数charm 89
幺旋unitary spin 90
电荷共轭和电荷字称(c宇称)charge conjugation and charge parity(c-parity) 90
G共轭和G宇称G-conjugation and Gparity 90
弱荷weak charge 91
弱同位旋和弱超荷weak isospin and weak hypercharge 91
螺旋度helicity 92
色colour 93
人工色technicolour 94
味flavor 94
拓扑荷topological charge 95
形状因子form factor 95
弱形状因子weak form factor 95
结构函数structure function 96
费密-杨模型Fermi-Yang model 97
坂田模型Sakata model 97
中微子统一模型neutrino unified model 97
八重法eight fold way 98
幺正对称理论unitary symmetry theory 98
φ-ω混合phi-omega mixing 99
八重态octet 99
十重态decuplet(decimet) 100
奇特态exotic state 101
色化学colour chemistry 101
层子模型straton model 101
夸克囚禁quark confinement 102
袋模型bag model 102
势模型potential model 103
弦模型string model 104
夸克对产生模型quark-paircreation(QPC)model 105
弦-结模型string-junction model 105
部分子模型parton model 106
夸克-部分子模型quark-parton model(QPM) 106
部分子分布函数parton distribution function 106
等效光子近似effective photon approximation(EPA) 107
无限动量系infinite momentum frame 108
第四部分 粒子运动学与动力学 109
度规metric 109
碰撞过程的参考系reference frames for collision processes 110
相空间phase space 111
不变截面invariant cross section 111
散射截面scattering cross section 111
反应道reaction channel 111
运动学反射kinematical reflection 112
孟德尔斯坦变量 Mahdelstam variables 112
交叉对称crossing symmetry 113
物理区域physical region 113
快度rapidity 114
散射角scattering angle 114
角分布angular distribution 114
二粒子关联two-particle correlation 115
垂曼-杨角Treiman-Yang angle 116
托勒角Toller angle 117
强相互作用strong interaction 117
超强相互作用superstrong interaction 118
电磁相互作用electromagnetic interaction 118
弱相互作用weak interaction 119
超弱相互作用superweak interaction 119
引力相互作用gravitational interaction 119
有效相互作用effective interaction 120
耦合常数coupling constant 120
赝标量耦合与赝矢量耦合pseudoscalar coupling and pseudove-ctor coupling 121
真空态vacuum state 121
汤川型耦合Yukawa-type coupling 121
裸粒子与物理粒子bare particle and physical particle 122
束缚态bound state 122
梯近似ladder approximation 122
树图tree graph 123
数方次定理power counting theorem 123
兹外规则Zweig rule 124
弹性散射和非弹性散射elastic scattering and inelastic scat-tering 125
硬过程和软过程hard process and soft process 125
幺正限unitarity limit 126
广义光学定理generalised optical theorem 126
弗洛萨特限Froissart bound 127
轻子对强子的深度非弹性散射lepton-hadron deep inelastic scattering 127
高能电子-正电子碰撞high energy electron-positron colli-sion 127
双光子过程two-photon process 129
标度无关性scaling 130
凯兰-格洛斯关系Callan-Grossrelation 131
定域二重性local duality 132
标度无关性破坏scaling violation 132
矢量为主模型vector dominance model(VDM) 134
衍射散射diffraction scattering 134
介子光生 meson photoproduction 134
衍射分解diffraction dissociation 135
衍射产生diffractive production 136
雷吉极点与雷吉轨迹Regge pole and Regge trajectory 136
雷吉现象学Regge phenomenology 137
女儿daughter 137
二重性模型dual model 138
雷吉子场论Reggeon field theory(RFT) 138
边缘碰撞peripheral collision 140
多重边缘碰撞multiperipheral collision 140
多重产生multiparticle production 140
火球模型fire-ball model 141
定域电荷平衡local compensation of charge(LCC) 141
KNO标度无关性KNO scaling 142
费曼标度无关性Feynman scaling 142
极限碎裂假设limiting fragmentation hypothesis 143
重组合模型recombination model 144
大横动量强子-强子碰撞high transverse momentum hadron-hadron collision 145
硬散射模型hard-scattering model 147
组成子交换模型constituent interchange model(CIM) 148
数量纲律dimensional counting rule 148
坠尔-颜机制Drell-Yan mechanism 149
因子化factorization 149
喷注jet 150
纯轻子过程purely leptonic process 152
半轻子过程semileptonic process 152
强子弱过程hadronic weak process 152
胶子喷注gluon jet 152
中微子实验neutrino experiment 153
费密弱作用理论Fermi weak interaction theory 153
费兹重排列定理Fierz reordering theorem 154
V-A理论V-A theory 154
手征不变性chirality invariance 155
质量倒逆不变性nass reversal invariance 155
中间矢量玻色子假设intermediate vector boson(IVB)hypot-hesis 155
流-流相互作用current-current interaction 156
卡比玻普适性Cabibbo universality 156
守恒矢量流理论conserved vector current(CVC)theory 157
轴矢流部分守恒partial conservation of axial vector curr-ent(PCAC) 157
软πsoft pion 158
手征对称chiral symmetry 158
流代数current algebra 158
求和规则sum rule 159
阿德勒-韦斯伯格关系Adler-Weisberger relation 160
哥德伯格-垂曼关系Goldberger-Treiman relation 160
中性流neutral current 160
cP破坏cP violation 162
GIM模型GIM model 162
K°-?°复合体系K°-?°complex 163
杨-米尔斯场Yang-Mills field 164
对称性自发破缺spontaneous symmetry breaking 165
规范等级问题gauge hierarchy problem 165
哥德斯通定理Goldstone theorem 166
希格斯机制Higgs mechanism 166
温伯格-萨拉姆模型Weinberg-Salam model 166
阿德勒反常Adler anomaly 167
标度量纲scale dimension 168
标度不变性scale invariance 168
保形不变性conformal invariance 169
算符乘积展开operator product expansion(OPE) 170
光锥流代数light-cone current algebra 170
法捷耶夫-波波夫场Fadeev-Popov field 171
鬼ghost 172
单粒子不可约图one-particle-irreducible(1PI)diagram 172
重整化群renormalization group 172
凯兰-习曼吉克方程Callan-Symanzik cquation 172
渐近自由asymptotic freedom 173
红外奴役infrared slavery 174
e真空theta vacuum 174
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