![The Literature of The Spanish People From Roman Times to The Present Day](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/65/s61fbe5d.jpg)
![The Literature of The Spanish People From Roman Times to The Present Day](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/65/s61fbe5d.jpg)
The Literature of The Spanish People From Roman Times to The Present DayPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Gerald Brenan
- 出 版 社:Cambridge University Press
- 出版年份:1953
- ISBN:0521043131
- 页数:496 页
Chapter Ⅰ The Roman and Visigothic Periods 1
Ⅱ The Arab Period 17
Ⅲ The Early Middle Ages 36
Ⅳ The Archpriest of Hita 69
Ⅴ The Late Middle Ages 88
Ⅵ The Period of the Catholic Kings 118
Ⅶ The Siglo de Oro.Charles V and Philip Ⅱ 146
Ⅷ Cervantes 175
Ⅸ Lope de Vega and the New Comedy 199
Ⅹ Góngora and the New Poetry 222
Ⅺ Quevedo and Gracián 258
Ⅻ Calderon and the Late Drama 275
ⅩⅢ The Eighteenth Century 315
ⅩⅣ Nineteenth-century Poetry and Poetic Drama 338
ⅩⅤ Nineteenth-century Prose 377
ⅩⅥ The Twentieth Century 417
ⅩⅦ Postscript 455
Appendix 466
Bibliography 472
A Glossary of Medieval Verse Forms 489
Index 491
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