![Strategic Visions for Human Rights](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s6d21407.jpg)
![Strategic Visions for Human Rights](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s6d21407.jpg)
Strategic Visions for Human RightsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Gilbert
- 出 版 社:Routledge [Imprint];Taylor & Francis Group;Palgrave Macmillan [Distributor]
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9780415579889;0415579880
- 页数:171 页
1 War and peace in Northern Ireland: reflections on the contribution of academic and human rights communities&TOM HADDEN 1
2 Law and human rights rather than international human rights law&GEOFF GILBERT 19
3 Universality, historical specificity and cultural difference in human rights&DAVID BEETHAM 34
4 Doing human rights: three lessons from the field&CONOR GEARTY 52
5 Rights and righteousness: friends or foes?&FRANCESCA KLUG 67
6 Human rights, power, and the protection of free choice&SHELDON LEADER 81
7 Conscientious objection to military service&RACHEL BRETT AND LAUREL TOWNHEAD 91
8 In search of the third freedom ?'everywhere in the world'&ASBJ0RN EIDE 108
9 Lobbying for rights during the 'war on terror: the American Civil Liberties Union after 9/11&RICHARD J. MAIMAN 126
10 The future of the European Court of Human Rights&FRANCOISE J. HAMPSON 141
Index 167
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