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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:周宗灿编
  • 出 版 社:北京:军事医学科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787802459359
  • 页数:341 页

Unit A 毒理学原理Principles of Toxicology 1

A1 绪论Introduction 3

A2 毒物对机体的作用——毒效动力学Toxicodynamics 6

A3 机体对毒物的作用——毒物动力学Toxicokinetics 13

A4 机体对毒物的作用——生物转化Biotransformation 23

A5 毒性机制Mechanisms of Toxicity 32

A6 毒作用影响因素Influencing Factors of Toxic Effect 43

A7 实验毒理学基础Fundamentals of Experimental Toxicology 47

A8 急性毒性和局部毒性Acute Toxicity and Local Toxicity 54

A9 亚慢性毒性和慢性毒性Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity 59

A10 化学致癌作用Chemical Carcinogenesis 65

A11 化学致突变作用Chemical Mutagenesis 75

A12 发育毒性和致畸作用Developmental Toxicity and Teratogenesis 84

A13 化学物联合毒作用Joint Toxic Effects of Chemicals 92

A14 毒物基因组学和系统毒理学Toxicogenomics and Systems Toxicology 98

A15 计算毒理学Computational Toxicology 102

A16 安全评价和危险评定Safety Evaluation and Risk Assessment 108

A17 管理毒理学和中国相关法规Regulatory Toxicology 118

Unit B 靶器官毒理学Target Organ Toxicology 125

B1 靶器官毒理学概论Introduction 127

B2 血液毒性反应Toxic Responses of the Blood 132

B3 免疫系统毒性反应Toxic Responses of the Immune System 137

B4 肝毒性反应Toxic Responses of the Liver 144

B5 肾毒性反应Toxic Responses of the Kidney 150

B6 胃肠道毒性反应Toxic Responses of the Gastrointestinal Tract 155

B7 呼吸系统毒性反应Toxic Responses of the Respiratory System 158

B8 心和血管毒性反应Toxic Responses of the Heart and Vascular System 164

B9 皮肤毒性反应Toxic Responses of the Skin 169

B10 神经系统毒性反应Toxic Responses of the Nervous System 174

B11 眼和视觉系统毒性反应Toxic Responses of the Ocular and Visual System 180

B12 生殖系统毒性反应Toxic Responses of the Reproductive System 183

B13 内分泌系统毒性反应Toxic Responses of the Endocrine System 187

Unit C 应用毒理学和毒物Applied Toxicology and Toxic Agents 193

C1 临床毒理学Clinical Toxicology 195

C2 药物毒理学Pharmaceutical Toxicology 199

C3 药物的不良反应和毒性Adverse Reaction and Toxicity of Drug 206

C4 电离辐射和非电离辐射 Ionizing and Non-ionizing Radiation 213

C5 农药Pesticides 219

C6 金属和类金属Metals and Metalloids 224

C7 有机溶剂和蒸气Organic Solvents and Vapors 231

C8 有毒气体和窒息剂Toxic Gases and Asphyxiants 235

C9 其他毒物Other Toxicants 238

C10 颗粒物、粉尘和尘肺Paticle,Dust and Pneumoconiosis 241

C11 纳米毒理学Nanotoxicology 245

C12 产毒动物和有毒植物Toxic Effects of Terrestrial Animal Venoms and Plants 251

C13 食品毒理学Food Toxicology 256

C14 生物技术农作物食品的安全评定Safety Assessment of Foods Obtained from Biotech Crops 265

C15 环境毒理学Environmental Toxicology 269

C16 职业毒理学Occupational Toxicology 276

C17 生态毒理学Ecotoxicology 280

C18 分析毒理学和法医毒理学Analytic and Forensic Toxicology 283

Unit D 毒理学有关方法Methods Related to Toxicology 287

D1 实验动物在毒理学研究中的应用The Use of Laboratory Animals 289

D2 毒理学中的流行病学Epidemiology in Toxicology 294

D3 毒性病理学基本技术Basic Techniques in Toxicologic Pathology 299

D4 毒理学中的生物统计学Biostatistics in Toxicology 304

D5 微生物学基本技术Microbiology Techniques 308

D6 细胞生物学技术Cellular Biology Techniques 310

D7 分子生物学技术 Molecular Biology Techniques 316

D8 免疫化学技术Immunochemical Techniques 322

D9 生物信息学Bioinformatics 325

附录 毒理学重要网址Websites in Toxicology 330

索引 335

参考文献 341
