- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(马来西亚)金龙鱼出版社编
- 出 版 社:深圳:海天出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7806975942
- 页数:215 页
目录 1
1 The Orang-utan in the Cage 1(Ming Dynasty-Liu Ji) 笼中猿猴(中国明朝—刘基) 1
2 The Zhen and the Snake (Sui-Tang andThe Five Dynasties-Wu Nengzi) 鸩蛇相遇(中国隋唐五代—《无能子》) 4
3 The Peacock's Tail(Ming Dynasty-Geng Dingxiang) 孔雀爱尾(中国明朝—耿定向) 8
4 Getting a Good Cat(Qing Dynasty-Le Jun) 好猫难求(中国清朝—乐钧) 12
5 The Un repentant Hound(Song Dynasty-Su Shi) 不思改过的猎狗(中国宋朝—苏轼) 15
6 Two Snakes Crossing the Road(Pre-Qin Period-Han Fei) 两蛇过路(中国先秦 韩非) 19
7 A Rich Man Begging for a Goat (Wei-Jin and The Northern-Southern Dynasties-Xiao Yi) 富人讨羊(中国魏晋南北朝—肖绎) 22
8 Zhi Gong and His Beloved Cranes(Wei-Jin and The Northern-Southern Dynasties-Liu Yiqing) 支公爱鹤(中国魏晋南北朝—刘义庆) 25
9 The Wren Building a Nest(Pre-Qin Period-Xun Kuang) 蒙鸠筑巢(中国先秦—荀况) 28
10 The Deer-huntingTrick (Pre-Qin Period-strategies of the Warring States) 妙计猎鹿(中国先秦—《战国策》) 32
11 A Wildcat Stealing Chickens(Ming Dynasty-Liu Ji) 野猫偷鸡(中国明朝—刘基) 35
12 Breaking Arrows(Wei-Jin and The Northern-Southern Dynasties-Wei Shou) 折箭(中国魏晋南北朝—魏收) 38
13 The Cormorant,the Fish-hunter(Ming Dynasty-Xu Fang) 鸬鹚捕鱼(中国明朝—徐芳) 41
14 An Argument about the Sun(Pre-Qin Period-Lie Zi) 两小儿辩日(中国先秦—《列子》) 45
15 Who Framed the Owl?(Sui-Tang and The Five Dynasties-Wu Nengzi)被冤枉的猫头鹰(中国隋唐五代—《无能子》) 49
16 The Shepherd Boys and the Wolf(Qing Dynasty-Pu Songlin) 牧童与狼(中国清朝—蒲松龄) 53
17 The Crow and the Magpie(Ming Dynasty-Jiang Yingke) 乌鸦和喜鹊(中国明朝—江盈科) 57
18 The Untamed Wolves(Qing Dynasty-Ji Yun) 狼子野心(中国清朝—纪昀) 61
19 The Brothers in Joint Farmina(Ming Dynasty-The Owner of Fu Bai) 兄弟合种田(中国明朝—浮白主人) 64
20 A Change of Colou r(Pre-Qin Period-Lie Zi) 杨布打狗(中国先秦—《列子》) 67
21 The Short-sighted Swallows(Kong Congzi-Lun Shi) 短视的燕子(中国—《孔丛子论势》) 70
22 The Yue Man and the Rats(Ming Dynasty-Song Lian) 越人灭鼠(中国明朝—宋濂) 73
23 The Donkey in Guizhou (Sui-Tang and The Five Dynasties-Liu Zongyuan) 黔驴技穷(中国隋唐五代—柳宗元) 76
24 Drawing a Snake(Pre-in Period-Strategies of the Warring States) 画蛇添足(中国先秦—《战国策》) 80
25 Marking a Boat(Pre-Qin Period-Lu Shi Chunqiu) 刻舟求剑(中国先秦—《吕氏春秋》) 84
26 The Upright Official(Pre-Qin Period-Han Fei) 西门豹做官(中国先秦—韩非) 88
27 Ji Chang Learning Archery(Pre-Qin Period-Lie Zi) 纪昌学射箭(中国先秦—《列子》) 93
28 The Man Who Fancied Dragons(Pre-Qin Period-Shen Buhai) 叶公好龙(中国先秦—申不害) 98
29 Two Mutually-dependent Nations(Pre-Qin Period-Chumqiu Zuo Shi Zhuan) 唇亡齿寒(中国先秦—《春秋左氏传》) 102
30 The Miser (Wei-Jin and The Northern-Southern Dynasties-Handan Chun) 守财奴(中国魏晋南北朝—邯郸淳) 107
31 Drawing a Ghost(Pre-Qin Period-Han Fei) 画鬼最易(中国先秦—韩非) 111
32 Having It Both Ways(Han Dynasty-Ying Shao)东食西宿(中国两汉—应劭) 114
33 The Snake in the Wine Vessel(Han Dynasty-Ying Shao) 杯弓蛇影(中国两汉—应劭) 118
34 Grinding an Iron Pestle to a Needle (Ming Dynasty-Chen Renxi) 铁棒磨成针(中国明朝—陈仁锡) 122
35 The Architect's Skill(Sui-Tang and The Five Dynasties-Liu Zongyuan)建筑师的本领(中国隋唐五代—柳宗元) 127
36 The Deer That Befriended Dogs(Sui-Tang and The Five Dynasties-Liu Zongyuan)临江之鹿(中国隋唐五代—柳宗元) 132
37 The Jade of He Shi(Pre-Qin Period-Han Fei) 和氏献璧(中国先秦—韩非) 136
38 The Old Horses That Knew the Way(Pre-Qin Period-Han Fei) 老马识途(中国先秦—韩非) 141
39 Negotiating for a Whim(Wei-Jin and The Northern-Southern Dynasties-Fu Lang)与狐谋皮(中国魏晋南北朝—苻朗) 145
40 A Good Swimmer(Pre-Qin Period-Lu Shi Chunqiu) 其父善游(中国先秦—吕氏春秋) 149
41 The Steed and the Horse Appraiser(Pre-Qin Period-Strategies of the Warring States)千里马遇伯乐(中国先秦—《战国策》) 152
42 When Bian Que Met King Huan(Pre-Qin Period-Han Fei) 扁鹊见蔡桓公(中国先秦—韩非) 156
43 TheArtof Stealing(Pre-QinPeriod-LieZi) 会偷之道(中国先秦—《列子》) 161
44 The Blind Man and the Sun(Song Dynasty-Su Shi) 瞎子和太阳(中国宋朝—苏轼) 166
45 The Pheasant and the Phoenix(Pre-Qin Period-Yin Wen) 野鸡与凤凰(中国先秦—尹文) 169
46 Moving Mountains(Pre-Qin Period-Lie Zi) 愚公移山(中国先秦—《列子》) 173
47 The Fierce Dog in the Wine Store(Pre-Qin Period-Han Fei) 狗凶酒酸(中国先秦—韩非) 177
48 Dying with Rotting Intestines(Wei-Jin and The Northern-Southern Dynasties Handan Chun 肠烂将死(中国魏晋南北朝—邯郸淳) 181
49 Learning Another Language(Pre-Qin Period-Meng ke) 楚人学齐语(中国先秦—孟轲) 184
50 A Matter of Dignity(Han Dynasty-Dai Sheng) 嗟来之食(中国两汉—戴圣) 188
51 The Casket and the Pearl(Pre-Qin Period-Han Fei)买匣子还珍珠(中国先秦—韩非) 191
52 Swallowing a Date without Chewing It(Yuan Dynasty-Bai Ting)囫囵吞枣(中国元朝—白廷) 194
53 Abandoning a Precious Jade(Pre-QinPeriod-ZhuangZhou)林回弃璧(中国先秦—庄周) 197
54 Beauty and Plainness(Pre-Qin Period-Han Fei) 美妾与丑妾(中国先秦—韩非) 200
55 A Missing Goat at the Crossroads(Pre-Qin Period-Lie Zi) 歧路亡羊(中国先秦—《列子》) 203
56 Keeping up Appearances(Pre-Qin Period-Meng Ke) 齐人显阔(中国先秦—孟轲) 207
57 Never Too Late to Mend (Pre-Qin Period-Strategies of the Warring States)亡羊补牢(中国先秦—《战国策》) 211
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