- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(马来西亚)金龙鱼出版社编
- 出 版 社:深圳:海天出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7806975934
- 页数:216 页
目录 1
1 A Blessing in Disguise(Han Dynasty-Liu An)塞翁失马(中国两汉—刘安) 1
2 Giving the Seedlings a Hand(Pre-Qin Period-Meng Ke)拔苗助长(中国先秦—孟轲) 5
3 The Owl That Intended to Move House(Han Dynasty-Liu Xiang) 猫头鹰搬家(中国两汉—刘向) 8
4 The Drunken Orang-utans(Sui-Tang and The Five Dynasties-Pei Yan)猩猩好酒(中国隋唐五代—裴炎) 11
5 The Frog in the Shallow Well(Pre-Qin Period-Zhuang Zhou)井底之蛙(中国先秦—庄周) 15
6 The Scarecrow(Han Dynasty-Liu An) 稻草人(中国两汉—刘安) 20
7 Monkeys in Rebellion(Ming Dynasty-Liu Ji) 群猴暴动(中国明朝—刘基) 24
8 The Rabbit-hunter and His Wild Duck(Song Dynasty-Su Shi) 野鸭子猎兔(中国宋朝—苏轼) 28
9 The Two Monks(Qing Dynasty-Peng Duanshu) 两个和尚(中国清朝—彭端淑) 32
10 The Plague-stricken Zhao Family(Ming Dynasty-Liu Ji) 赵人患鼠(中国明朝—刘基) 35
11 The Mynah and the Cicada(Ming Dynasty-Zhuang Yuanchen)八哥与蝉(中国明朝—庄元臣) 39
12 The Dilemma of a Snake-catcher(Sui-TangandTheFiveDynasties-LiuZongyuan)捕蛇人的苦衷(中国隋唐五代—柳宗元) 42
13 The Magpie's Nest(Han Dynasty-Liu An) 失算的喜鹊(中国两汉—刘安) 47
14 The Hunter and His Bamboo Pipe(Sui-TangandTheFiveDynasties-LiuZongyuan)吹竹管的猎人(中国隋唐五代—柳宗元) 51
15 The Cat That Feared the Mice (Ming Dynasty-Song Lian)害怕老鼠的猫(中国明朝—宋濂) 56
16 The Bachelor and the Rats(Ming Dynasty-Song Lian) 焚鼠(中国明朝—宋濂) 61
17 The Missing Axe(Pre-QinPeriod-LieZi) 疑邻偷斧(中国先秦—《列子》) 65
18 The Yu Player(Pre-QinPeriod-Han Fei) 滥竽充数(中国先秦—韩非) 68
19 The Old Man and His Donkey(Qing Dynasty-Le Jun) 老汉疼驴(中国清朝—乐钧) 73
20 The Hypocrite(Ming Dynasty-Zhao Nanxing) 和尚放生(中国明朝—赵南星) 77
21 The Fire(Han Dynasty-Ban Gu) 火灾(中国两汉—班固) 80
22 The Cat's Duel with the Rat(Qing Dynasty-Pu Songling) 狮猫斗鼠(中国清朝—蒲松龄) 84
23 Ostrich Logic(Pre-Qin Period-Lu Shi Chunqiu) 掩耳盗钟(中国先秦—《吕氏春秋》) 88
24 Compassion for a Fawn(Han Dynasty-Liu Xiang) 秦西巴释鹿(中国两汉—刘向) 92
25 Buying Shoes(Pre-QinPeriod-Han Fei) 郑人买履(中国先秦—韩非) 96
26 The Mantis and the Cicada(Pre-Qin Period-Zhuang Zhou) 螳螂捕蝉(中国先秦—庄周) 101
27 The Guardian Swan Goose(Song Dynasty-Song Qi) 雁奴(中国宋朝—宋祁) 106
28 The Butcher and the Wolves(Qing Dynasty-Pu Songling) 屠夫和狼(中国清朝—蒲松龄) 110
29 The Man and the Beast(Ming Dynasty-Song Lian) 人不如兽(中国明朝—宋濂) 115
30 The Seagull and the Domestic Swallow(Qing Dynasty-Liu Xizai)海鸥与家燕(中国清朝—刘熙载) 121
31 The Monk Wha Ate the Steamed Buns (Sui-Tang and The Five Dynasties-Hou Bai)和尚吃蒸饼(中国隋唐五代—候白) 126
32 The Man and the Turtle(Song Dynasty-Yue Ke) 再渡一次(中国宋朝—岳珂) 130
33 More Threatening Than a Tiger(Han Dynasty-Dai Sheng)苛政猛于虎(中国两汉—戴圣) 133
34 The Magpies and the Mynahs(Ming Dynasty-Liu Ji) 喜鹊与八哥(中国明朝—刘基) 136
35 The Snipe and the Clam(Pre-Qin Period-Strategies of the Warring States)鹬蚌相争(中国先秦—《战国策》) 140
36 The Spear and the Shield(Pre-Qin Period-Han Fei) 自相矛盾(中国先秦—韩非) 143
37 Waiting for a Windfall(Pre-Qin Period-Han Fei) 守株待兔(中国先秦—韩非) 146
38 Zeng Shen,the Murderer(Pre-Qin Period-Strategies of the Warring States)曾参杀人(中国先秦—《战国策》) 149
39 Bu rying the Double-headed Snake(Han Dynasty-Liu Xiang)埋两头蛇(中国两汉—刘向) 152
40 The King Who Loved Birds(Pre-Qin Period-Zhuang Zhou) 鲁王养鸟(中国先秦—庄周) 156
41 The Prime Minister Wha Loved Eating Fish (Pre-QinPeriod-HanFei)爱吃鱼的宰相(中国先秦—韩非) 160
42 The Old Oil-pedlar(Song Dynasty-Ouyang Xiu)卖油翁(中国宋朝—欧阳修) 163
43 Zi Han and the Jade(Pre-Qin Period-Chunqiu Zuo Shi Zhuan) 一块玉两人得宝(中国先秦—《春秋左氏传》) 167
44 It Pays to Wait(Pre-Qin Period-Strategies of the Warring States)坐山观虎斗(中国先秦—《战国策》) 170
45 The Rats of Yona(Sui-Tang and The Five Dynasties-Liu Zongyuan)永州的老鼠(中国隋唐五代—柳宗元) 173
46 Sharing the Carp(Fa Yuan Zhu Lin-Chapters on the Fools)分鲤(中国—《法苑珠林·愚戆篇》) 177
47 The Natural Instincts of the Monkeys(Ming Dynasty-Liu Ji)猴子的本性(中国明朝—刘基) 181
48 The Szechuan Chicken and the Crow(Ming Dynasty-Song Lian)蜀鸡与乌鸦(中国明朝—宋濂) 185
49 The Fastest Dog and the Most Cunning Rabbit(Pre-QinPeriod-StrategiesoftheWarring States)疾犬与狡兔(中国先秦—《战国策》) 188
50 The Death of the Ma le Pigeon(Qing Dynasty-Guan Tong) 雄鸽之死(中国清朝—管同) 191
51 Three at Dawn and Four at Dusk(Pre-Qin Period-LieZi) 朝三暮四(中国先秦—《列子》) 194
52 Learning a Style of Walking(Pre-Qin Period-Zhuang Zhou) 邯郸学步(中国先秦—庄周) 198
53 In Awe of the Fox(Pre-Qin Period-Strategies ofthe Warring States)狐假虎威(中国先秦—《战国策》) 202
54 Ginger Growing on Trees(Ming Dynasty-Jiang Yingke) 树上结姜(中国明朝—江盈科) 207
55 The Cuttlefish's Own Death Sentence(Song Dynasty-Su Shi)乌贼自误(中国宋朝—苏轼) 210
56 A Tiger's Show of Gratitude(Wang Dang-Tang Yu Lin) 老虎报恩(中国王谠—《唐语林》) 213
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