- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:汪子翔
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1983
- ISBN:7218·071
- 页数:568 页
1.A PrivateConversation 1
2.Breakfast or Lunch? 7
3.Piease Send Me a Card 12
4.An Exciting Trip 18
5.No Wrong Numbers 24
6.Perey Buttons 29
7.Too Late 33
8 The Best and the Worst 37
9.A Cold Welcome 41
10.Not Foor Jazz 46
11.One Good Turn Deserves Another 48
12.Goodbye and Good Luck 51
13.The Greenwood Boys 55
14.Do You Speak English? 61
15.Good News 66
16.A Polite Reqoest 71
17.Alwa 78
18.He Often Does This! 83
19.Sold Out 87
20.One Man in a Boat 93
21.Mad or Not? 96
22.A Glass Envelope 101
23.A New House 106
24.It Could be Worse 112
25.Do the English Speak English? 117
26.The Best Art Critics 122
27.A Wet Night 127
28.No Parking! 131
29.Taxi! 135
30.Football or Polo? 139
31.Success Story 145
32.Shopping Made Easy 149
33.Out of the Darkness 153
34.Quick Work 158
35.Stop Thief! 163
36.Across the Channel 168
37.The Olympic Games 172
38.Everything Except the Weather 176
39.Am I All Right? 182
40.Food and Talk 188
41.Do You Call That a Hat? 195
42.Not Very Musical 200
43.Over the South Pole 205
44.Through the Forest 211
45.A Clear Conscience 216
46.Expensive and Uncomfortable 221
47.A Thirsty Ghost 226
48.Did You Want to Tell Me Something? 231
49.The End of a Dream 237
50.Taken for a Ride 244
51.Reward for Virtue 251
52.A Pretty Carpet 257
53.Hot Snake 262
54.Sticky Fingers 267
55.Not a Gold Mine 273
56.Faster than Sound! 278
57.Car I Help You Madam? 284
58.A Blessing in Disguise? 289
59.In or Out? 295
60.The Future 300
61.Dangerous Descent 307
62.After the Fire 313
63.She was not Amused 321
64.The Channel Tunnel 327
65.Jumbo versus the Police 333
66.Cycling through the Air 342
67.Volcanoes 349
68.Persistent 356
69.But Not Murder! 362
70.Red for Danger 367
71.A Famous Clock 374
72.A Car called“Bluebird” 382
73.The Record-Holder 389
74.Out of the Lime-Light 394
75.SOS 406
76.April Fool’s Day 415
77.A Successful Operation 422
78.The Last One? 429
79.By Air 437
80.The Crystal Palace 444
81.Escape 452
82.Monster or Fish? 459
83.After the Elections 467
84.On Strike 474
85.Never too Old to Learn 484
86.Out of Control 492
87.A Perfect Alibi 499
88.Trapped in a Mine 506
89.A Slip of the Tongue 512
90.Brasilia 519
91.Three Men in a Basket 526
92.Asking for Trouble 533
93.A Noble Gift 540
94.Future Champions 548
95.A Fantasy 555
96.The Dead Return 563
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