刘彦佩 半闲数学集锦 第16编PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:166 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘彦佩编
- 出 版 社:时代文化出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9881845504
- 页数:8033 页
专著[459] Introductory Map Theory 7533
16.01 Preface 7535
16.02 Contents 7540
16.03 Chapter Ⅰ Abstract embeddings 7547
16.04 Activities Ⅰ 7578
16.05 Chapter Ⅱ Abstract maps 7587
16.06 Activities Ⅱ 7603
16.07 Chapter Ⅲ Duality 7611
16.08 Activities Ⅲ 7644
16.09 Chapter Ⅳ Orientability 7649
16.10 Activities Ⅳ 7665
16.11 Chapter Ⅴ Orientable maps 7670
16.12 Activities Ⅴ 7685
16.13 Chapter Ⅵ Nonorientable maps 7691
16.14 Activities Ⅵ 7705
16.15 Chapter Ⅶ Isomorphisms of maps 7710
16.16 Activities Ⅶ 7731
16.17 Chapter Ⅷ Asymmetrization 7736
16.18 Activities Ⅷ 7752
16.19 Chapter Ⅸ Rooted petal bundles 7758
16.20 Activities Ⅸ 7776
16.21 Chapter Ⅹ Asymmetrized maps 7781
16.22 Activities Ⅹ 7807
16.23 Chapter Ⅺ Maps with symmetry 7814
16.24 Activities Ⅺ 7824
16.25 Chapter Ⅻ Genus polynomials 7828
16.26 Activities Ⅻ 7838
16.27 Chapter ⅩⅢ Census with partition 7843
16.28 Activities ⅩⅢ 7869
16.29 Chapter ⅩⅣ Super maps of a graph 7872
16.30 Activities ⅩⅣ 7887
16.31 Chapter ⅩⅤ Equations with partitions 7891
16.32 Activities ⅩⅤ 7916
16.33 Appendix Ⅰ Concepts of polyhedra,surfaces,embeddings and maps 7920
16.34 Appendix Ⅱ Table of genus polynomials for embedding and maps of small size 7935
16.35 Appendix Ⅲ Atlas of rooted and unrooted maps for small graphs 7955
16.36 Bibliography 8018
16.37 Terminology 8026
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