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刘彦佩  半闲数学集锦  第21编
刘彦佩  半闲数学集锦  第21编

刘彦佩 半闲数学集锦 第21编PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:216 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘彦佩编
  • 出 版 社:时代文化出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9881845504
  • 页数:10542 页
《刘彦佩 半闲数学集锦 第21编》目录
标签:集锦 数学

21.01[080] 关于图的Hamilton性 10051

21.02[147] 一个Riugcl猜想的证明&欧阳克毅 10055

21.03[182] 组合最优化&堵丁柱 10056

21.04[197] 组合泛函方程 10099

21.05[236] 哈密尔顿图的一类新的局部化充分条件&毛林繁 10127

21.06[238] 关于图的单圈划分&傅超 10132

21.07[246] 在VLSI布局中的布尔方法 10137

21.08[247] On the eccentricity value sequence of a simple graph&L.Mao 10144

21.09[253] 类路树的标号与带宽&薛春玲 10150

21.10[254] 路状网络的最优连接及最优定位问题&于紫薇 10156

21.11[255] An approach for constructing 3-connected non-Hamiltonian cubic maps on surfaces&L.Mao 10162

21.12[263] 强连通弧对称有向图的超弧连通性&薛春玲 10169

21.13[265] 格子状网络的最优连接及最优定位问题&于紫薇 10173

21.14[267] 图的k-单圈划分中的优化问题&傅超 10177

21.15[273] 一类图的序列性及其序列标号&贺丹 10183

21.16[303] 树积序列性及序列标号&贺丹 10188

21.17[318] A generalization of Steinhaus’chessboard problem&R.Hao 10192

21.18[489] General investigation of loopless maps on surface&L.Y.Pan 10198

21.19[497] On the number of genus embeddings of complete bipartite graphs&Z.L.Shao,Z.G.Li 10204

21.20[499] 利用商运算计数简单四剖分&潘立彦 10215

21.21[217] 乘积图的荫度&魏二玲等 10219

21.22[194] Orthogonal drawings of graphs for the automation of VLSI circuit design 10224

21.23[234] Optimally extending bistandard graphs on the orthogonal grid&T.Calamoneri,R.Petreschi 10237

21.24[251] Minimum bend number for certain planar maps&L.Wan 10247

21.25[264] 一类4-正则图的最小折数纵横扩张&傅超 10254

21.26[302] 纵横扩张的优化&万良霞 10259

21.27[487] 我所认识的拓扑图论(Ⅰ):球面上十部曲 10266

21.28[146] On the chromatic uniqueness of the graph W(n,n-2)十Kk&F.Dong 10271

21.29[149] On the chromatic uniqueness of the graph W(n,n-2,k)&F.Dong 10280

21.30[157] The chromaticity of odd wheels with a missing spoke&F.Dong,K.M.Koh 10290

21.31[173] All wheels with two missing consecutive spokes are chromatically unique&F.M.Dong 10303

21.32[212] On the complete bipartite decomposition of planar graphs&J.Dong 10319

21.33[215] Star chromatic number of some graphs&R.Hao,et al 10329

21.34[223] On the maximum local density of a graph&J.Dong 10333

21.35[274] 组合泛函方程的新进展 10337

21.36[285] Determination of the star valency of a graph&J.Dong,C.Zhang 10341

21.37[304] Four counterfeit coins problem&A.Li 10347

21.38[312] Determination of the densest subgraph&J.Dong 10355

21.38[315] 类树图的亏格多项式问题&赵喜梅 10360

21.40[322] On chromatic polynomials of some kinds of graphs&R.Hao 10365

21.41[323] Generating cycle spaces for graphs on surfaces with small genera&H.Ren,D.Ma,J.Lu 10373

21.42[325] 一类直径为3的2-连通图的最大亏格&王慧艳 10392

21.43[356] 5色图包含子式K5的一个简单证明&陈仪朝,王涛 10396

21.44[358] 一般4-正则图的纵横扩张优化&兰培挺 10399

21.45[362] 两类4-正则图的最小折数纵横扩张&俞勤,杨艳 10403

21.46[365] 几类4-正则平面图的最小折数纵横扩张&姜伟 10408

21.47[390] 一类布线问题求解的判别准则和算法&赵鲁闽 10412

21.48[391] On the decomposition of graphs into complete bipartite graphs&J.Dong 10419

21.49[432] Decycling number of circular graphs&E.L.Wei,Z.X.Li 10427

21.50[476] On the number of genus embeddings of complete tripartite graph Kn,n,l&Z.L.Shao 10434

21.51[479] On the functional equations in rectilinear embedding—Counting rooted near quadrangulations on the sphere&L.Y.Pan,R.X.Hao 10448

21.52[480] Counting two types of quadrangulations:Rooted near quadrangulations on the disc and nonseparable outerplanar quadrangulations&L.Y.Pan,R.X.Hao 10453

21.53[483] Up-embeddability of graphs with new degree-sumof independent vertices&S.X.Lv 10457

21.54[488] 单行地图在曲面上的计数&张永利 10465

21.55[491] Genus polynomial for similar benzene structure graphs&J.C.Zeng 10468

21.56[492] On average crosscap number of a graph&Y.S.Zhang,Y.Chen 10481

21.57[494] Minimum genera of certain types of graphs&Z.L.Shao 10502

21.58[495] Chromatic sums of biloopless nonseparable near-trian-gulations on the projective plane&Z.X.Li 10516

21.59[496] Lower bound on the maximum genus of triangle-free graphs&G.H.Dong 10528

21.60[498] Up-embeddability of graphs with nnew degree-sum of independent vertices&S.X.Lv 10535
