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人体寄生虫  英文
人体寄生虫  英文

人体寄生虫 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:何深一主编
  • 出 版 社:济南:山东大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787560743127
  • 页数:484 页
《人体寄生虫 英文》目录


PartⅠ Introduction to Human Parasitology 3

Chapter 1 Basic Conceptions of Human Parasitology 3

Chapter 2 Host-Parasite Interactions and Immune Responses 8

Chapter 3 Control of Parasitic Diseases and Current Status in China 14

PartⅡ Medical Helminthology 22

Chapter 4 Nematoda 22

Section 1 Introduction to Nematoda 22

Section 2 Ascaris lumbricoides 32

Section 3 Trichuris trichiura 38

Section 4 Enterobius vermicularis 42

Section 5 Hookworms(Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus) 47

Section 6 Filariae 52

Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi 52

Onchocerca volvulus 62

Loa loa 64

Section 7 Strongyides stercoralis 65

Section 8 Trichinella spiralis 70

Section 9 Other Human Nematodes 79

Thelazia callipaeda 79

Trichostrongylus orientalis 81

Gongylonema pulchrum 83

Angiostrongylus cantonensis 86

Gnathostoma spinigerum 90

Rhabditis axei 93

Dracunculus medinensis 94

Anisakis 97

Capillaria hepatica 99

Dioctophyma renale 101

Chapter 5 Trematoda 101

Section 1 Introduction to Trematodes 101

Section 2 The Liver Flukes 105

Clonorchis sinensis 106

Section 3 Fasciolopsis buski 111

Section 4 Paragonimus spp 114

Paragonimus westermani 114

Pagumogonimus skrjabini 119

Section 5 Blood flukes 120

Schistosoma japonicum 121

Other Schistosoma spp 130

Schistosome Cercarial Dermatitis("Swimmer's Itch") 132

Section 6 Other Flukes 133

Fasciola hepatica 133

Echinostoma 138

Heterophyid Trematoda 140

Chapter 6 Cestodes 142

Section 1 Introduction to Tapeworms 142

Section 2 Taenia solium 146

Section 3 Taenia saginata 151

Section 4 Echinococcus granulosus 155

Section 5 Echinococcus multilocularis 159

Section 6 Hymenolepis nana 161

Section 7 Hymenolepis diminuta 165

Section 8 Diphyllobothrium latum 167

Section 9 Other Human Tapeworms 170

Dipylidium caninum 170

Pseudanoplocephala crawfordi 172

Spirometra mansoni 173

Raillietina celebensis 178

Mesocestoides lineatus 179

Bertiella studeri 179

Taenia asiatica 180

Chapter 7 Acanthocephala 183

Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus 183

PartⅢ Medical Protozoology 188

Chapter 8 Introduction to Protozoa 188

Chapter 9 Amoebae 193

Section 1 Entamoeba histolytica 194

Section 2 Nonpathogenic Commensal Intestinal Amoeba 207

Entamoeba coli 207

Entamoeba hartmanni 208

Iodamoeba butschlii 208

Entamoeba gingivalis 208

Entamoeba dispar 209

Section 3 Pathogenic free-living amoebae 210

Naegleria fowleri 211

Acanthamoeba 213

Chapter 10 Flagellates 214

Section 1 Leishmania donovani 214

Section 2 Trypanosomes 221

Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense 221

Trypanosoma cruzi 225

Section 3 Giardia lamblia 230

Section 4 Trichomonas vaginalis 236

Section 5 Other trichomonads 239

Trichomonas hominis 239

Trichomonas tenax 240

Dientamoeba fragilis 241

Chapter 11 Sporozoa 243

Section 1 Plasmodium 243

Section 2 Toxoplasma gondii 253

Section 3 Cryptosporidium 261

Section 4 Pneumocystis 266

Section 5 Other Sporozoa 272

Sarcocystis 272

Isospora belli 275

Microsporidia 278

Blastocystis hominis 283

Chapter 12 Ciliates 286

Balantidium coli 286

PartⅣ Medical Arthropodology 291

Chapter 13 Introduction 291

Section 1 Major Groups of Medical Arthropods 291

Section 2 Medical Arthropods and Diseases 295

Section 3 Ecology and Control of Medical Arthropods 303

Chapter 14 Insecta 306

Section 1 Introduction 306

Section 2 Mosquitoes 307

Section 3 Fly 320

Section 4 Sand Fly 325

Section 5 Flea 327

Section 6 Louse 332

Section 7 Other Insects 336

Chapter 15 Arachnida 344

Section 1 Introduction 344

Section 2 Hard Tick and Soft Tick 347

Section 3 Trombiculid Mite(Chigger) 353

Section 4 Itch Mite(Scabies Mite) 355

Section 5 Gamasid Mite 358

Section 6 Demodicid Mite 361

Section 7 Dust Mite 364

Section 8 Other Mites 366

PartⅤ Experimental Diagnostic Techniques 368

Chapter 16 Etiologic Tests 368

Section 1 Examination of Fecal Specimens 368

Section 2 Examination of Blood 379

Section 3 Examination of Excreta and Secreta 382

Section 4 Biopsy 385

Chapter 17 Immunodiagnostic and Molecular Biological Analysis 388

Section 1 Immunodiagnostic Techniques 389

Section 2 Molecular Biological Analysis 392


Regulations for Parasitological Experiments 397

The Use of Microscope 397

Medical Heiminthology 399

Nematoda 399

Lab.1 Ascaris lumbricoides 399

Lab.2 Hookworms Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus 401

Lab.3 Enterobius vermicularis 404

Lab.4 Trichuris trichiura 405

Lab.5 Wuchereria Bancrofti and Brugia malayi 406

Lab.6 Trichinella spiralis(Trichina Worm) 407

Trematoda 409

Lab.7 Clonorchis sinensis 410

Lab.8 Fasciolopsis buski 411

Lab.9 Paragonimus westermani 412

Lab.10 Schistosoma japonicum 414

Cestoidea(Cestoda) 417

Lab.11 Taenia solium and Taenia saginata 417

Lab.12 Hymenolepis nana 419

Lab.13 Echinococcus granulosus(The hydatid tapeworm) 420

Medical Protozoology 422

Lab.14 Entamoeba histolytica 423

Lab.15 Leishmania donovani 428

Lab.16 Trichomonas vaginalis T.hominis T.buccalis(including other trichomonads) 429

Lab.17 Giardia lamblia 430

Lab.18 Plasmodium 432

Lab.19 Toxoplasma 435

Lab.20 Balantidium coli 436

Medical Arthropodology 437

Lab.21 Mosquitoes 437

Lab.22 Flies 441

Lab.23 Lice 443

Lab.24 Fleas 444

Lab.25 Phlebotomus(Sand Flies) 445

Lab.26 Cimex(Bed Bugs) 447

Lab.27 Ticks 448

Lab.28 Sarcoptes scabiei 449

Vocabulary of Parasitology 451
