刘彦佩 半闲数学集锦 第7编PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:76 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘彦佩编
- 出 版 社:时代文化出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9881845504
- 页数:3530 页
7.01[029] On the number of rooted c-nets 3029
7.02[030] Enumeration of rooted separable planar maps 3035
7.03[031] Counting rooted planar maps 3053
7.04[032] Chromatic sum equations for rooted planar maps 3063
7.05[037] Enumerating rooted loopless planar maps 3069
7.06[039] Enumerating rooted simple planar maps 3082
7.07[040] 不可分离平面地图节点剖分计数方程 3093
7.08[041] 一些节点剖分计数问题 3097
7.09[049] A functional equation for enumerating nonseparable planar maps with vertex partition 3101
7.10[050] Some emumerating problems of maps with vertex partition 3106
专著[183] Enumerative Theory of Maps 3111
7.11 Preface 3113
7.12 Contents 3116
7.13 Chapter 1 Preliminaries 3119
7.14 Chapter 2 Outerplanar maps 3165
7.15 Chapter 3 Triangulations 3199
7.16 Chapter 4 Cubic maps 3236
7.17 Clapter 5 Eulerian maps 3261
7.18 Chapter 6 Nonseparable maps 3287
7.19 Chapter 7 Simple maps 3318
7.20 Chapter 8 General maps 3355
7.21 Chapter 9 Chrosum equations 3393
7.22 Chapter 10 Polysum equations 3425
7.23 Chapter 11 Chromatic solutions 3445
7.24 Chapter 12 Stochastic behaviors 3478
7.25 Bibliography 3511
7.26 Index 3526
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