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费恩曼物理学讲义 第3卷
2004 年出版382 页ISBN:9787506272490A great triumph of twentieth-century physics, the theory of quantum mechanics, is now nearly 40 years old, yet we have generally been giving our students their introductory course in physics (fo...
Lectures in abstract algebra I. Basic concepts = 抽象代数讲义 第1卷
Nathan Jacobson2013 年出版218 页ISBN:7510061516 -
Introductory lectures on manifold topology: signposts = 流形拓扑导论讲义
Thomas Farrell ; Sun Yang2014 年出版130 页ISBN:7040390032 -
(美)费恩曼著2009 年出版162 页ISBN:9787506273015本书是费曼物理学讲义的补充题解,几乎收集了费曼的所有深邃的观点,也是他传奇讲义的必要的补充。作者运用个性化的鉴赏力、眼光和幽默的风格,提供了解决问题的技巧、要领,解决了长期困扰学生的问题。...
Selected applications of convex optimization Volume 103 = 凸优化应用讲义
Li Li2015 年出版140 页ISBN:7302390299